>be american
>get shot
when will you yanks admit you have a gun problem?
Be american
Honestly, we just need to bring back private loony bins and lobotomies.
Too many crazies out there.
Yeah our gun problem is not enough people have them to properly defend against our retard problem.
>be british
>get beheaded
when will you limeys admit you have a knife problem?
bad thread
>be British
>get gang raped
>make tweet about how brown people shouldn't gang rape
>Go to prison
>get beat to death by muslims
Atleast guns are useful
>Be British
>Get acid thrown in face
When will you Brits admit you have an immigrant problem?
You don't get to shoot us deep state and then take our guns that's not how it works sage
(((SSRIs))) are the problem, not guns
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, if the kids had guns there would have been far fewer casualties.
>Be British
>Greatest hero pulled sword from stone
>Second greatest hero shot arrows at the government
>Not be allowed to have a knife
>Lose capital city to invaders
>Say something about it go to jail
and anti-Semitic
>of inasnity
I love reading why lefties shouldnt have a gun.
Keep it coming guys.
It's the problem of the Muslim culture and the artificial tolerance, it's not the gun problem.
when everybody is dead
>so you are thinking of bumping a duplicate thread
>stoneman high
I swear I was just a little bit angry.
this but unironically
They have a mutt problem. Their murder rate is much lower than South America.