Holy shit, is this a real redpill? Is Iodine essential for hormonal health?

Holy shit, is this a real redpill? Is Iodine essential for hormonal health?

I take a multivitamin that gives 150 mcg. I'm 170lbs. Do I need to take a dedicated supplement?

Other urls found in this thread:

abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/4364.0.55.006Chapter1202011-12

Get a bottle of nascent iodine. Ruben about $30 and should last over a year.

I take it daily

Is this real?

Is there a noticable difference from when you don't take it?

I do feel more energetic when I take my Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement. I'd happily take Iodine if it has a similar effect.


>tfw use locally mined granular rock salt

My salt cravings, ie chip and soda cravings, have all but gone away after taking iodine

I unironically use the infowars iodine x2 and yes I notice. I take it when I wake up every morning and if I don't I feel a little more groggy and have less energy.

Placebo effect no?

"the iodine crisis" is an easier read...co-written by Brownstein. 12.5 mcg per day along w/co-factors b5/6 & selenium or you will not absorb it. may need to salt load first to remove bromine that has been put in drinks thru BVO & breads.
iodine deficiency is linked to all reproductive cancers of both genders. search brownstein & iodine on YT .

More than likely yes

I took it and immediately noticed a a difference. Also it had a detox type effect where I shit my brains out when I first started on it. Doubt it's placebo

iodine has done nothing for me so far. started with 1 drop of the 2%.. tried up to 5 drops and still nothing. still have all my normal cravings and lack of physical and mental energy

maybe this?

No. Supplements like Nascent Iodine (which Alex Jones sells) have 4-5 times the upper limit of what you should take.
Iodine in high doses fucks with your bones, among other things.


I've been under the impression that people have been getting iodine deficiencies, because the food industry doesn't use it for cost reasons and people don't cook their own meals anymore so that they would get the iodine that is added to table salt. Fast food plays with the salt and fat "addictions" that have naturally developed to humans, because they have been so scarcely available. Iodine deficiency causes the thyroid to not work properly resulting in depression-like symptoms. However excess iodine may also cause problems. In any case, if you have depression-like symptoms you should get your thyroid function checked before anything else.

i take selenium, vitamin C, and a multi. Not sure how much vitamin b5/6 the multi has but i cant imagine the lack of vitamin b's would cause me to not feel a thing.. maybe im just not iodine deficient.

Yes. Australia was similarly deficient until 2009, when we reintroduced iodine fortification in flour.

abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/4364.0.55.006Chapter1202011-12

Iodine is essential for the production of the thyroid hormones. Check hypothyroidism. This is why they have to put it in the salt, here in the EU (it's an european law). Eat a bit of fish here and there.

My twin sis just had her thyroid removed. Iodine is the only product I buy regularly from AJ.

Agreed, his iodine is legit. I always have some. Works on a sore throat too

I started taking pic related as soon as I noticed extreme fatigue and excessive hair loss figuring my thyroid was fucked up. It has iodine in it too. It's worth a try for anyone experiencing the symptoms in OPs screenshot especially if they are considering jew pills.

healthcare admin fag here. I read charts as part of my job.

Purely anecdotal but I see A LOT of people with hypothyroidism. Like, easily 40% of people have it in their pmh.

Nursefag here, but this isn't my specialty.
OP pic is accurate. I take 300, more energetic, less tired, less irritable.

yeah I may start using this even though I avoid supplements because I'm cheap and eat pretty healthy anyway. Hows these drops taste? May get my kids on it too.

In Sweden we have it in all table salt, a tradition from the cold war.

Just buy table salt with added iodine and cook your own meals. No need to waste money on some medical grade jewery.

I don't like the anti-Semitism in the post. Besides that Lugol's isn't kosher at least as far as I can tell. I use kosher salt with iodine to dip my bread into at least three or so times a week. It makes a huge difference in how efficient my energy is distributed meaning my thoughts clear up and my body aches subside so yes you need iodine.

>I don't like the anti-Semitism in the post
Are you lost?

I just feel like it's pointless to throw in anti-Semitism when there is clearly a much larger network out there controlling things.

yes. they are called kikes.
go neck yourself newfag

your multivitamins, supplements are nothing more than Chinese industrial waste products.

Centrum for example obtains their raw material from Chinese suppliers. You are poisoning yourself with that shit. Don't believe me, call the 1-800# on the bottle.

>doki doki spoilers
Too soon.

Ever since I started taking a spoonful of coconut oil everyday in the morning, I felt less retarded. When I started taking vitamin d at night, it was so I wouldn’t feel so unmotivated in the morning. The other benefit is that I haven’t gotten sick yet like with the flu.

Take a seaweed based supplement. Your body processes it better than supplement Potassium Iodide