>56% "white"
>Includes North Africans, Octoroons, and other delusional mutts
>Ground Zero for ZOG
>Origin of Civil Rights, Feminism, and Homosexuality
>National pastime is destroying white countries on behalf of their jewish overlords
>Proud of globalist military campaigns to enforce one world government
>Illegal to boycott Israel
>Delusional hero complex where they think they are Rambo: The Country
>Culture/Media is worshipping jews and niggers
>History class is feeling bad for poor nigger
>Literature is books written by niggers about getting some white wimmin
>Social justice retardation campaigns
>Main slush fund for Soros left-wing campaigns
>Elected an actual jewish nigger twice as their president
>Honestly believes they are the last bastion of freedom and whiteness in the world
Boycott america!
/busg/ Boycott United States General
of course she gets the BBC
lucky gurl
What is this shit
British broadcast company?
Even if the US declares itself a communist country tomorrow, it will still be better than you eurocucks.
Please send help
The extra millions America is giving to Israel is already paying off. Who cares the borrowing rate is now 2.9%? Only anti-Semites that's who.
This is now a /beug/ Boycott Europe General
>Becomes 1% less white everyday
>Has caused the deaths of over 100,000,000 white people due to starting World Wars
>Killed another 200,000,000 white people by being diseased animals
>Has a smaller GDP than the U.S. despite having 200 million more people
>Archaic and outdated cultures
>All the best Europeans move to the U.S.
>Let's weak, pathetic Antifa run rampant instead of beating on them like the U.S. does
>Drives on the wrong side of the road
>Home to the Frankfurt School, origin of Marxism
>Birthplace of Communism
>Constantly trying to suck America's dick and beg for aid while contributing nothing in return
>Needs to get drunk to forget how pitiful they are
>>Origin of Civil Rights, Feminism, and Homosexuality
If it were possible we would.
America SUCK!
I'd never have love for a country which unironically wants guns in each individual's hands.
17 kids have died. This really cracks me up. Sad!
Boycott the United States? That sounds fucking easy. Turn off the TV, it's all we produce anymore
Better than what's in each individual's hands in your country, eh Panjeet?
Anime, rugby and much more isn't American. Stop trying to bad mouth TV with your rapist Wienstein version of the moving pictures.
1/10, this is an exceptionally lazy post that OP probably spent a bit too long on.
Did Taylor get molested by Weinstein or other "jewish" producers" in her industry? Hard to believe it didn't happen.
>>All the best Europeans move to the U.S.
>We sent you our insane, our criminals, faggots, drunks, etc.
>So did Norway.
>My sides.
>We sent you our insane, our criminals, faggots, drunks, etc.
Pretty sure you sent them to Australia
The same thing the Anglos have been doing to discovered lands for centuries, adding those made homeless by the state. Bunch of cunts.
They did the same shit to the colonies once there was established ocean travel.
Like you even know where Australia is you fucking dumb burger mutt. Pretty sure we sent no one to Australia you soda guzzling flesh planet.