There is literally zero reasons to keep watching anime past 500 shows

There is literally zero reasons to keep watching anime past 500 shows.

Everything is a repeat of something else, most probably of lower quality and imagination.

If you just want new "waifus" (!) just go to sadpanda?

There's no reason to watch anime in the first place seeing how almost all of them are shit.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is better than your Top 10 movies.


>There is literally zero reasons to keep watching anime past 500 shows.

Except it's an insatiable craving if you have no opportunity for real social interaction.

There is literally zero reasons to keep eating fast food past 500 chains.

Everything is a repeat of something else, most probably of lower quality and imagination.

If you just want new "burgers" (!) Just go to McDonalds?
This is how retarded you sound.

You can say the same about any media, after centuries of pioneerism, everything eventually deluded to a mix of existing things.

The fun of keeping watching is seeing new types of combinations with different outcomes.

this. If I stop watching anime, how will I fuel my escapism? Life objectively sucks. Even if you're rich/successful everything is mundane. After your first coke and whores party all the next ones will be the same and it will be a comparable experience to grinding away your life in an office. Same story if you ever find "the woman of your dreams". Give it a few years and you'll be tired of her.

There is no escape.

If I cared about quality or originality I wouldn't have started watching anime in the first place

>After your first coke and whores party all the next ones will be the same and it will be a comparable experience to grinding away your life in an office
You're fucking retarded holy shit

Her ass is way too big in that image.

There is literally zero effort in this shitpost.

Almost at 800 and I'm still not sick of it. Anime is humanity's greatest accomplishment.

Post more megubutt

Naw, there is like, 10-20 series worth watching / reading.

I fill my cravings of social interaction by shitposting here.
I spent more time here than watching animes, and honestly enjoy it more this way.

But you are 100% correct, except that switch Mcdonalds with "home made burgers"

Ask and you shall receive.

Even better than Happy Gilmore? I think not.

I wish I had a gf who'd ask me if her butt looked too big in certain outfits.

>There is literally zero reasons to keep eating fast food past 500 chains.
>Everything is a repeat of something else, most probably of lower quality and imagination.

This is correct.

That feeling of boredom is a result of your own indolence, OP. Just watch more anime and you will find something that grabs you again. Maybe try something you wouldn't normally go for.

McDonalds does try hard to make new stuff with regularity.

I think that was kind of an assumed point already. "Don't bother watching for 500 episodes. Try other things."

In that case, please leave Sup Forums forever. There's no reason for you to still be here.


I wish I could

>please leave nu-Sup Forums
don't have to tell me twice


feel sorry for what a miserable life

you can stay that to any media out there

t. Fattie

Lol, no.


You could read 500 great books and be nowhere close to reading all great books. This isn't true of anime.

Not really a fair analogy

this is retarded

Yeah let's compare the number on works in a medum that's been around for fifty years to one that's been around for four thousand

If you read 500 fiction books, they'd all start repeating themselves as well.

what will anime be like in 3000 years?

Holodeck simulations

Why was Barclay the only one with good Holodeck programs?

He's a f/a/ggot that travelled into the future hundreds of years just so he could make waifu programs

How's hedonism treating ya?

>There is literally zero reasons to keep eating ice cream past 500 flavors.

>Every flavor is a repeat of something else, most probably of lower quality and nutrition.

>If you just want a new "flavors" you should just go to a cake shop


>just watched Guin Saga
>love the shit out of it, can't get me enough of that smooth Leopard wisdom
>gonna go read the novel
>5 translated out of 130
>author died
All i feel is the endless void of emotions, how can i find anything else that compares?