Would it even be physically possible to take everyone's gun away
Would it even be physically possible to take everyone's gun away
Lol no, especially criminals with unregistered firearms which gun control nuts can't seem to comprehend, it's why it's a retarded fucking idea
1)usage of gun registry
2)mandatory searches of private residences,lands and property.
Not a chance, we are too far gone and only retards think taking guns away will work.
America is too big to control them like SMALL countries TRY and fail too.
The only solution to guns is more guns.
Fuck noo. I go to the University of Alabama and am from southern Illinois. People in off the map towns here have so many gun stashes. Hell, my 19 year old brother has 5 guns already that he's purchased, and said if anyone every tried to take his guns they'd have to kill him. I think that sentiment is strong with a lot of the NRA and even military guys who carry.
People always tell me this
So I'll do the same to you
REDDIT spacing
Honestly I wish they would try. It would be a blood bath that would end the debate once and for all.
That’s what distractions are for, until the distractions themselves encourage the gun
you need more guns and violence to make the guns and violence go away temporarily... a paradox of self-perpetuating disaster that even a child could understand, but apparently is a mystery to "educated" liberals
You would need to send armed men to go from house to house to confiscate the guns. But that really means you aren't banning guns, you just making it that only government agents can have them.
Civil war 2.0
There are going to be a lot of dead cops, very quickly. Followed by cops refusing to put themselves at risk.
If you want millions dead to save thousands murdered by guns
>muh terror tactics
It does not work like that, you should know how even militaries respond to guerrilla tactics.
They don't, their soldiers die.
Your trips are lies
What is the 4th amendment, Alex.
Worked in Australia.
Why do you want us disarmed?
How is it terror tactics to defend your property?
You're realty dumb
Are you fucking retarded or something?
>reddit spacing
dumbest meme in Sup Forums history and im an oldfag. "indenting paragraphs means youre from a website i dont like hurrrrr"
>let's make duplicate threads the post!
You can't just uninvent guns brah.....
we still have 200k+ unlicensed firearms in circulation, you retard
State is the sovereign and you`re the subject you absolute mutt brainlet.
Yes. If the elite want to, they can get away with anything.
Restarting the roman empire.
Killing off people based on race, class, etc.
Accepting factory farming, smoking, drinking, etc. and even having people fight for it.
The american elite profit from selling guns, and having people kill each other - 10 of thousands each year - because it keeps people fighting among themselves. A united population is the death nail for the elite.
>the truth hurts me
yes we know that, you queer
you can try.
I do not think you understand how many guns America has, it is very under reported. They are also military grade firearms, and most people with a decent collection can turn a semi auto into an auto very quickly with stuff around their house. I have only bought 1 gun, and I have 5, gifts from family. If ever asked about guns, which none are registered, I would say I do not have guns. If they said they had records showing I did, I would simply say I lost it years ago. This is the general attitude of most gun owning Americans.
Now if police did start raiding for guns, a vaste majority of people would hide them. But a small percent (of a population at least 10x the size of Finland) would fire back. People would rally in the streets with their rifles and body armor, police stations and government buildings would be swarmed and taken over by mobs. Also, most police are very much 2nd amendment, so try to convince them to fight a mob of people they agree with.
No, the moment the USA does “gun reform” is the moment the supporters of this law realize how precious “democracy” was.
In America the civilian is the sovereign and the state is our subject. We dont expect euro peasants to get it.
Nope. Also, it would cause a civil war. That's like making hamburgers illegal here in the USA.
No, niggers here are the most heavily armed now.
The tyrants all did it!
>Hitler took the guns
>Stalin took the guns
>Mao took the guns
>Fidel Castro took the guns
>Hugo Chavez took the guns
And I'm here to tell you:
First you use the carrot. Get people to turn in weapons and report people with weapons. They get tax breaks, etc.
Then you crank out anti weapon news and films, etc. Make any pro weapon media illegal or slap heavy fines. Give any anti weapon media tax breaks, full theater releases, etc.
Then you kick in with the stick.
You stop cross border movements of weapons.
You shut down domestic weapon manufacturers.
You jail anyone selling weapons, anyone owning weapons.
And from then on you just go door to door slowly cleaning the country of all stockpiles. The psychos are going to be easily spotted. The rest of the people would have long complied.
eurotrash btfo
think of all the boating accidents
>knock knock it's the ATF you registered a firearm and we're here to retrieve it
I mean, if you're not ok with a 65% odds of getting shot right there and then you shouldn't be applying to ATF. Dog killing comes with responsibilities and risks
i dunno they make it pretty clear in OUR constitution, I don't think anyone has bothered to read up on your's, or if you even have one... but if there is I'm pretty sure you've got an amendment pertaining to the rules and procedures of chewing off a reindeer's ball-sack
>Well regulated militia.
First three words. Your ignoring the crucial part, and jumping to the end.
You're not a well regulated militia. You don't get military weapons.
>cops shoot unarmed black
Blue Lives Matter too! Respect the police!
>cops follow recently signed lawful order to disarm populace
I don't know if it's possible to do, but watching the cognitive whiplash would be hilarious.
Exactly. Go to a shooting range some time. Full of police, military, etc.
You'd be deluded to think those people would put their life on the line to take away principles they believe in.
Nope. The cops and weekend soldiers stupid enough to follow such orders would litter the lawns of every gun owner. It doesn't help that our military in particular is becoming increasingly cucked.
Just a few days ago, the Army declared that they'll no longer teach soldiers how to throw a grenade or follow a map, because women. Of course, the physical requirements for all branches are constantly lowered, too.
I doubt mass confiscation could even be attempted, anyway. Most white men wouldn't go through with it, leaving only diversity hire cops and pogues. It'd be a total disaster, which is why leftists are playing the long con with false flags.
This is the thing eurocucks don't understand, the fundamental difference between eurpoean legal philosophy and american.. In europe the state has a mandate to rule "in order to protect and provide for its citizens". In the US, the state has a mandate to rule because on a day to day basis we all decide that it's better to have laws, and by tradition and founding doctrine we can retract that decision at any time. Recent changes have made the US government more able to enforce it's will without consent, but we find this state of affairs disgusting and wrong, we don't pretend it's our natural place to bend the knee
>cop kills nigger
>self not involved, not nigger, not cop, cheer for justice done
>cop tries to take away legal guns from self
>self involved, not nigger, not cop, shoot cop and cheer for justice done
>cop tries to take away legal guns from nigger
>self indirectly involved, not nigger, not cop, cop getting killed is justice done
Nope, I'll go bury my guns and claim they were lost on a boating trip. What are they going to do? Only recourse they have is increasing restrictions and punishment for being caught with a gun after the ban. Make shooting ranges illegal except for licensed holders, euro-tier hoops to jump through for hunters etc etc...
No especially not now when you can 3d print guns.
Every American citizen over 18 is part of the militia. I can start my own private militia. Also, a couple thousand dollars gets me a special license to get military grade weapons. Hell I can buy tanks if I want.
What if they make it illegal to sell ammo
Australia did gun buybacks and their people turned over 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides both dropped significantly.
I can make that in my shed. Saves me cash too.
Pretty sure I can go and 3d print bullets in my schools 3D printer tomorrow if I wanted.
>well regulated
you're twisting the terminology used during the writing of constitution, "well regulated" when referring to a militia was more akin to "heavily armed"....
...nice to see you posting again obama-leaf, we all thought you hung yourself after that whole sperm face debacle...
I think there is already a ruling deciding that's the same as a ban
I would give my life savings to see gunfags try to out-weapon a police department and the military. I love how you faggots talk so tough; you cant shoot a tank with your pistol you stupid faggot.
With your logic freedom of speech only applies to word of mouth & freedom of religion applies only to Christianity.
>same as a ban
*on guns
>Would it even be physically possible to take everyone's gun away
No, unfortunately governments are attracted to retarded ideas like flies to shit though.
>Creates b8 thread
>Gets real legitiment answer
>Copies reddit copypasta.
Not really. I have numerous unregistered fire arms and the materials to manufacture more should the need arise. If the cops come asking I just say I sold those ages ago after sandy hook or whatever shooting that caused another moral panic and bury them under the floor boards.
Then I'll sue the state for tearing up my house and not finding anything.
Guns are a primitive and obsolete weapon but if they make rednecks feel comfortable I wouldn't try to take them away from them.
I'm willing to bet most people don't know how to do that. It would cut down significantly on casual/frivolous gun ownership which is probably where the majority of murders and mass shootings come from.
gun buybacks are for illegally obtained weapons and usually result in gangsters giving up their weapons. I agree that getting all guns that have their serial numbers scratched off out of the hands of drug dealers would be a good thing, but gun control legislation won't do that. It will make it harder to defend against those people, however
Good job leaf, you're a retard.
I'd like to see the government try. Fucking end it all right here
casualties would be massive.
No, you just need to control ammo.
A couple thousand dollars for a license and I can have all the same shit they do. This includes anti tank rockets.
>gun control legislation won't do that.
What? A buyback bill is a form of gun control you stupid fuck. They can write the bill however they want to.
Also if they made guns illegal a buyback program would target all guns.
They would get shot or sliced by my gurkha
the government can't search a house with a tank. What even is insurgency and asymmetrical warfare?
well yeah, but it's not gonna be cheap
also heavily scrutinized
Will you control all the brass, lead and all the household items that can make gunpowder as well?
we lost to rice farmers, anything is possible
>Not using capital letters ever
Go back to IRC, nerd.
Listen you fantastically retarded mother fucker.
You cannot control an entire country, and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones.
A fighter jet,tank,drone or whatever cannot stand on street corners, and enforce "no assembly" edits. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3am to search your house.
None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating,flattening and glassing large areas and many people at once. The government DOES NOT want to kill all of its people and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical douchebags in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of D.D into glowing green glass they would be rulers of a big worthless piece of shit.
Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. No matter how many police you have they will ALWAYS be vastly outnumbers by civilians, which in a police state, is why it is crucial that your police have automatic weapons while citizens have nothing but their limp dicks.
But when every rando fag citizen has a glock in their waistband, and every homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because the police are outnumbered and have the reality of bullets coming back at them.
If you want examples look at vietnam and iraq
Good luck cleetus. I'm sure your gunz will be effective against drones and biogenic weapons.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed."
so you only think we're allowed to eat breakfast then, leaf?
"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers."
- George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined..."
- George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison,January 30, 1787
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison,December 20, 1787
next time you want to bullshit about what OUR founding fathers meant, learn to read first.
You'd have to ban these.
>being this retarded
Most buyback programs are carried out without changing the legality of the firearms in question. I won't sell my guns to a buyback, neither will you, but the mom of a gangbanging teenager will certainly sell her son's gun
Nerd is unironically the best insult. Hard avow
>knock on gunfag's door
>he doesnt answer
>kick in the door
>he's cowering in the corner surrounded by assault rifles and incest porn
>says if you take his guns he'll shoot you
>return with a tank
>point the tank gun at his face
>he still doesnt put down the weapons
>shoot him in the face with a tank
>search his house on foot, destroy his guns
Pretty simple
>Meme flag fpbp
They would have to ban lathes/mills/cnc equipment, foundries, metal working, blacksmiths, high school level basic chemistry educations, engineers as a whole, tens of thousands of books on subjects with metal/chemistry/physics/basic science/engineering, most common chemicals, and ideas/knowledge via mass executions/removal of internet.
Not fucking possible. You cannot “undo” guns.
Yes it is expensive. Just be buddies with the local sheriff and your set on who keeps an eye on what you own.
Its not even hard to make a home made gun with tools these days. But at least it'll be harder for a kid to make one.
unironically not even feasible to confiscate 1/3rd of them.
I fucking want to die. If you die fighting the government, you go straight to libertarian 1776 heaven
Wait. Are the anti-gun people coming to take away incest porn? Well that changes everything.
>get sued by his family
>start protests
>spark the Second Civil War
Pretty simple
So what? Make ours different. There's no requirement that a buyback program be done your way.
>I won't sell my guns to a buyback, neither will you, but the mom of a gangbanging teenager will certainly sell her son's gun
And that is bad how exactly?
Yes, now try it again on the entire neighborhood equipped with weapons who start firing on the cops. Do you blow the whole fucking block up? No.
stop making ammo amermutts would be to lazy to make the ammo them self.
>local police department shows up in A FUCKING TANK
Possible yes, easy no.
nofunz faggots like you are in for a surprise
>Just be buddies with the local sheriff
that sounds awfully difficult, depending on where you are and what the state law are
But hey, if you can manage that, sure
Easy to make, really easy.