Ok gunfags. Enough is enough

Ok gunfags. Enough is enough.

From 2001 - 2014 there was 440,095 deaths from Gun Violence while Terrorist attacks had 3,412 deaths. Out of the 3,412; 2,996 people were killed on the 9/11 attacks.

Without banning guns, how do we stop this?
>Inb4 muh mental health. Muh moral issue not gun issue
Republican tax cuts just took millions away from mental health services. Most of you don't trust governments to provide these services effectively anyways.
Mass Shootings of this nature doesn't even happen in fucking 3rd world countries unless it's terrorism, yet alone 1st world countries. We have a uniquely American problem that must be solved.

Other urls found in this thread:



But why?



>"Gun Violence"
Gimme the breakdown on that: Does that include suicide? How much of that is ghetto niggers?

It can’t be stopped. The United States is full of crazy people. The typical American lifestyle is mentally and physically toxic.

City people are fucking retarded and should be allowed to own guns. Rural people are alright.

potential negative outcomes which can be defended against are preferable to potential negative outcomes which cannot be defended against.

I like to buy another gun and encourage someone new to buy one every time we have a mass-shooting. Thanks for reminding me.

>Muslims keep bombing and trucking innocents
>it's a Muslim problem

>Americans keep shooting each other
>it's a gun problem

It's definitely a mental health issue. It just so happens that both Muslims and Americans are generally mentally ill.

Muh guns doe.

Oh wow, around 450,000 out of over 300 million people
I still don't give a single fuck

this is how stupid you look whether or not you're paid to shovel this shit you're a fucking idiot, garbage and don't deserve to live because you'll never learn

Ok. Come and get them. It's going to be you going door to door for confiscation right?


>Mass Shootings of this nature doesn't even happen in fucking 3rd world countries unless it's terrorism
You sir are a special kind of retarded

Shooter was also democrat.

Why not prevent the negative outcomes all together? Also, i never said we should ban guns.

come take them you fucking pussy

When did i mention gun grabbing?

dont forget his bullshit number is over a decade AND includes suicide and nigger gang shootings.
Complete bullshit.

Okay, then try to take away mine libfag, we'll see what happens

We ban niggers

>From 2001 - 2014 there was 440,095 deaths from Gun Violence
65% of those were suicides and of the remaining 154k most were gang related.

I agree. We need to build a wall to protect the world from the US and remove all non-citizens back to their homelands for safety reasons.

Fuck off shill.

he is NOT white!!! looks Moroccan

in other words, the problem is mental illness and niggers, not guns.

Why don’t you come and take them?

It is impossible to prevent all negative outcomes unless you want to go 'minority report' and have an office of pre-crime. There is always risk of death in anything you do.

Pretty much. Of that 154k and the fact that most are gang related incidents, more than 25% of that total number derives from just Chicago and Detroit.

Heavily implied in your opening post. Don't fucking backtrack now fag.

He isn’t white you dumb cunt.

So how do we solve mental illness?

Kill yourself.

That’s a lot of dead niggers

You are not even able to uphold your immigration laws, in what fucking world you want to enact and uphold gun control?

Since 1966, when the first famous mass shooter climbed up the bell tower and started a new meme way to be evil, there have been 150 mass shootings with just over 1000 victims.

In that same times span, EVERY SINGLE YEAR saw over 30,000 traffic fatalities, many years had over 50,000.

If you are interested in preventing needless deaths, your focus is in the wrong place.

Hit "post" too fast, here are the sources:



440 000 people died from gun violence in 15 years
Source pls

And before you cite gun deaths, look up what percentage of tgose gun deaths are suicide deaths. Suicides account for about 60 - 70% of gun deaths

Oh, getting guns out of the hands of law abiding cucked whites is will have to do for now.

What is this dishonest shit

>what can you do



Does this shit just go in one ear and out the other?

About as many kids accidentally drown as are killed by guns. Why aren't liberals shilling getting those nigglets in the pool for some state mandating swimming lessons?

Oh look another white female liberal from San Fran acting like her opinion matters. She is so smart!

Are you really this retarded? How will you resist the police without a weapon? Are you seriously suggesting that there should be no firearms whatsoever on ANY land under US jurisdiction? No soldiers have any firearms? No cops have any firearms? What the fuck are you even trying to suggest?

>The typical American lifestyle is mentally and physically toxic

Fucking spot on. I do believe that there are many great americans, but the majority is beyond saving.

why was no one talking this extreme about gun control when comped stephen had his room full of guns

Why compare guns deaths with terrorist deaths? Why not compare with car deaths or something else Americans have rights to own?

As a Germfag who actually hated the idea of weapons in civillians hands must now say: keep em. Protect yourselves. Like a politician here in germanistan said after a few people wanted border controls for the peoples safety: The people dont have a right for safety by Germanys law. If the country youre living in doesnt want to give its people safety, then protect yourselves. Dont give in.

>So how do we solve mental illness?
It's not mental illness, suicides are mostly economic in nature. Suicide attempts are mental illness.

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, Ahmed/Hans.

why are the democratic bastions along the coast so fucking violent and predisposed to shooting up children?

Americans have the attention span of a goldfish, go figure.

I'm not talking about the suicides. I'm taking about mass shooters.

Just because subhumans suck at massacres, doesn't mean that they as a population don't kill more people than whites.

conservative country festivals are not that important to SJW's. But don't you dare to hurt their precious children!

It's about right. 33,000 people die from firearm injuries every year. Include suicides, justified uses, accidents and murders.
The healthcare system kills 450,000 a year from malpractice, improper medication, avoidable accidents, preventable infections.


>It's not mental illness, suicides are mostly economic in nature.

Though some would argue that killing yourself over economic problems is not exactly a mentally healthy response.


>I'm not talking about the suicides. I'm taking about mass shooters.
They are not mentally ill.

oh look a leaf doesn't agree with me, what a shame you really broke my heart buddy

If I was the dictator, I would give all Americans 12 months to get in physical shape. If they don't meet the requirements by the end of the period, they get a bullet through the skull. That would solve a lot of problems by itself.

Then what can we do to prevent them from getting access to guns? We can't stop them all, but surely we could make it harder.

Shall not be fucking infringed cliptip

>Though some would argue that killing yourself over economic problems is not exactly a mentally healthy response.
Just think if you were playing a game and you could never win no matter how hard you tried or what you did.
Is it mentally unhealthy to stop playing?

But why? We're actively trying to find ways to make cars safer. We're not doing that with guns.

Like 95% of that is gang violence. End the retarded war of drugs and remove the massive economic incentive for using violence to control the drug trafficking and dealing black market and that'll vanish within a few years. There will be some marginally higher proportion of violence in cities so long as nothing else changes because of inequality (theft) and population density and such, but again, marginal.

What's left is suicide, accidents, and mass shootings basically. Suicide is primarily a mental health issue, and I support better screening and healthcare practices and coverage to address that, and I wouldn't have an issue with regulations requiring proper gun safes in households with someone with a diagnosed mental health issue. Otherwise, suicide is a personal choice. Don't condone it but I get it, if they aren't suffering from depression, then it should be their choice if they want to live or die. As far as accidents go, I want state provided basic gun training for all citizens anyway (we need to strengthen the spirit and practice of citizen militia as it is).

Then you have mass shooting. It's like somewhere between 50-100 casualties a year. I don't thinks it's ever once hit three digits in a year.

Mass shootings are a tiny percentage of gun deaths, a few hundred people per year. I know your goal is to ban guns not prevent X types of deaths but at least pretend to know the numbers.

>gun control always means that I take your guns and keep mine

>Then what can we do to prevent them from getting access to guns? We can't stop them all, but surely we could make it harder.
Why do you think the solution is to try and make the world safe rather than trying not make people want to murder most of the people they know?
It's impossible to make the world safe from a motivated person. Be thankful they use firearms rather than explosives or fire. The firearm is a quick go to solution, but if the goal is mass harm it's a sub optimal tool.

Why don't you just ban selling guns to mentally ill people?

Nothing wrong with having to prove you understand the responsiblity of owning a gun before buying it.

>We're actively trying to find ways to make cars safer. We're not doing that with guns

Guns aren't supposed to be 'safe', they're supposed to cause injury and death.

Or why don't you just do what you are already doing!
I don't know let me try harder, that might work.

Fuck your kids. They all must die before I'd give up my guns. Gotta protect property against niggers somehow.


but that would mean less people could buy guns. And the powers that be in America only care about selling guns. That's it. It was never about muh constitution, muh founding fathers, muh self defense It's all about the sale of weaponry for profit. That's why they won't impose common sense regulations.

ban gun-free zones

Why the selective outrage? Abortions kills way more in a single year, 700,000. That’s 1,917 premeditated murders a day. I doubt you protest that. KYS OP.

if it was never about self defense why the f gun sales skyrocket after these events

Your president is responsible for every mass shooting since signing this.


Encourage people to report behavior that is suspicious. I bet a lot of thses mass shootings that these kids or young adults have parents that don't seem to care about what there kids do in there free time. These kids probably feel rejected by society in some way whether it be justified or not.

remove non-whites and you can have a perfect society.

most of them were abused terribly.

And this is why I have come to hate white women they always do this when it comes to white men I hope when our societies will fall that their black,brown and yellow friends will save them from what will happen and white men will not be dumb enough to come to their rescue.


Not in the sense of schizophrenia or delusions, but they are suicidal. In the past, someone with depression or rage would kill just themselves or take it out on one other. Now the culture has produced a situation where people in this state want to fuck up a whole lot over it. It's a multifaceted issue and I garauntee the demonization of traditional male roles while "empowering" women in our education systems is a part.

Pretty sure a brown guy killed 80 with a truck in Nice
But we can downplay it to 8 because we don't wanna be islamophobic

You don't need to van guns to stop school shootings. The only problem you seem to have is with schools.

The numbers 8 and 59 pale in comparason to the numbers that might be killed in the not so distant future if people didn't have guns as a deterrent.

Fuck you.

This needs to be the real goal. Attack why people are doing this, not the tools they're choosing.

Really activates my macadamia nuts.

>White guy

Lel Vegas shooter was a jew

Finnland has lots of guns, and they are mostly used to kill themselves.
Switzerland has lots of guns and they use them to guard the mountain jew gold.

Maybe you are just dumb when it comes to gun safety

He's not your buddy, guy.

No fucks given I don't care

Reduce the population to increase the perceived relative value of human beings, which will also make already socialized resource more effective where they are actually needed, and would make a proper democracy easier to implement.

Who decides who is mentally ill or not. If someone actually has a mental illness that causes them to be violent or they are unable to understand things then yes I would agree. This last shooter was not diagnosed with a mental illness so thats why he was able to buy a gun.