The stars shine white for us
Can Sup Forums make the milky way a symbol of hate?
Can Sup Forums make clean teeth a symbol of hate? Clean teeth shine white for us.
I want 2 believe, did you know their is approx 10 trillion planets in our galexy, but humans r the master race, and God doesn't exist... then count how many galaxies are just visible I use this exercise for meditation purposes
Milky way
Milk is white
White way
You messed it up, slav. Shut up and watch.
>Milky Way
>Milk has lactose
>Subhumans are lactose intolerant
>Whitey Way
when i was 10 years old i used to sit outside with my telescope peering up at the stars, when i was living out west. Id often stay out there admiring the night sky through all the seasons, no matter how cold it got. Id study the starmap and try to find each individual star and nebulae; It was the best thing ever for me at the time. And even at the age of 10, OP I was smart enough to know that Stars shine white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and combinations of all different colors. So my question to you is, Why are you dumber than a 10 year old? I genuinely want to know.
No, is this way:
>Milk is white
>Only White people can drink milk
>Milk is hate
>Milky Way is white
>Only white people can conquer it
>Milky Way is the White Way
Can Sup Forums make clean teeth a symbol of hate? Clean teeth shine white for us.
>implying niggers are smart enough to not ignore that
The sun's light, that looks white except at specific moments of the day is supposed to be orange in the scale. Most space photos are colored fucking retard, the naked eye can't perceive the spectral diversity of stars
but we all know OP is white. Niggers i understand, but OP hes just dumb. Makes me wonder how much of a master he real is.
It seems all your knowledge is gained from watching television and documentaries. If ever you get the chance, step outside on a clear night, grab a pair of binoculars and look at the stars. You'll see a shit ton of colors, other than white. If you dont, then i strongly advise staring at the sun all day to see how many colors are really there.
Imagine being so retarded. Virtually all space images have artificial or exaggerated colors in order to obtain a image that the human eye can fully appreciate.
again, i understand we're on an imageboard, but the love of astronomy goes way beyond looking at photographs and pictures of celestial objects. This thread is so far down my scale of standards, i cant believe im even entertaining it. But i feel its important to share factual knowledge with people that genuinely dont know, but i feel like im teaching an inner city class of 3rd graders. But im happy to do it. so please, ask me anything.
White light is fucking racist, white light-bulbs are fucking racist, i dont want to come in to no more building with white lightbulbs i wanna see some lightbulbs of colour up in there, this is fucking racism clear and plain and fucking simple. sheeeit/.
true, but remember it was a nigger king that decided to follow the Paris accord to ban incandescent lightbulbs eliminating that orange glow from society, and making everything white. what was his name again..? barrack obama? Yeah. Would you prefer brown light? Grab a flashlight and stick your head in a toilet then say literally anything.
No that's how diversity looks like
I think it's too broad a scope even for Sup Forums
>milky way
It already is.
bruh, OP couldnt see a single star no matter how broad his scope was. The only stars he'd see are in the eyes of Hitler smiling and caressing the heads of white babies.
You're just a nigger who believes that is intelligent because you had a telescope when you was a nigger boy. I've been many nights in high mountains, I've never seen a blue or orange star. It's called the milky white because most light is white. And white light is racist.
what about what it's comprised of? pic related
this. Betelgeuse (in Orion) is orange.
i am a nigger high school drop out. And ive been stargazing all my life, in every climate and altitude. To say that you have seen the night sky and never seen an orange or blue star is absurd. Are you afraid of the dark? Do you only look at the stars through a window pane?
you obviously never looked.
>my face when this thread is legitimately Sup Forumsitically valid
>my face when this is what real average people contemplate in society these days
>my face when everything is able to be considered a symbol of hate
>my face when that makes literally anything politically relevant
>not even the stars are sacred
Take me home Pleiades.
>meme flag shill
Galaxy-Chan anyone?
Someone get Shadman on the phone
Stars are white niggers only shit is brown. The Milky Way is a hate symbol
>It's called the milky white because most light is white
Yes but niggers are jealous
petition to change it's name to the poopy way?
White Stars are so beautiful
Poo in the loo
designated shitting galaxy?
White diversity, see a non-colored one
Please everyone knows that the official dumpster of the universe are black holes. They're designated for this specific purpose
Shine your White Light Milky Way
>The stars shine White for us