Don't you guys realize that Liberals have destroyed Islam?

Don't you guys realize that Liberals have destroyed Islam?

Like every muslim girl I know, I'm Afghan btw, has daddy issues and they have sex with white men in order to prove independence. Premartial sex will soon destroy the Muslim societies in the west. You guys have nothing to worry about. Just as Women are destroying Western Civilization, Islam will also ruined by women.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Musli societies
>In the west

Good, we should get rid of all religion

Of course this happened, the only people that still believe in Islam are larpers from the conservative sides.

God i hope you die

>I'm Afghan btw
right so you're a pasty white, retarded left wing shill pretending to be muslim for your bullshit story, got it

>every muslim girl I know has daddy issues and they have sex with white men
>You guys have nothing to worry about

you don't understand this place at all



Curse me all you want but trust me you prefer immigrants like me who work and study hard than welfare sucking somalis.

how bad your smell is, OP?

He is obviously talking about Sweden.

its great actually compared to welfare sucking Poles and Balkans in here

People are way to concerned about the current events. Nothing new under the sun. As you said it is inevitable that Islam will fall one way or another just as Christianity did in the west.

JUST a friendly reminder Canada will be the next Rhodesia

>immigrants like me who work and study hard
then you are depriving your country of a supposedly valuable citizen and betraying them
and if you were shit you shouldn't be here either

either way you don't belong

Pharah's dad is Mexican or Apache. She's not Muslim. Her mom is probably a Copt.

Just watch out for guys like this because they are definitely watching you

I cant wait until America puts the canucks out of their misery

I am not depriving Afghanistan of anything

Its a country full of pedophiles, polygamists and inbreds. I am not one of the three so I am not contributing to Afghanistan.

There's a HUGE difference, though. Islam tells men it's ok to rape and beat women. So if a woman gets out of line they can just beat and rape the fuck out of her. Islam right now is only a small portion of the west and they are already changing laws. In France they are seriously considering lowering the age of consent because grown Muslim men are spreading so much teenage pussy that the French government wants to lower the age of consent. It's not acceptable in any western nation for a 30-year-old man to fuck the shit out of 13-year-old girls. But it's soon going to be in France.

It's true, I was in Baghdad last year and all the gen z muzzies are like ours where they don't give a shit about their religion and spend all day fucking about on their phones no doubt watching porn.

Thanks God you haven't put Tourtiere, Poutine and maple-stewed ham in there, those are Quebecois foods and are not Canadians
Following World War I Anglos have been stealing our achievements and history.

>we should get rid of all jews and muslims

>I am not depriving Afghanistan of anything
yes if Afghanistan is a horrible country then it would be smart, hard working people like you who would be most able to fix it

so by abandoning your country you are betraying it

without the religions there wouldn't be kikes or goatfucking muzzies that explode on insult

And christians., BUddhism and Hinduism have intellectual value

muslim girls suck dick like it's their job, shit's pretty cash

Western Islam yes.

And I have been saying this on Pol but nobody listens.

American slims are totally "free". They still have some loyalty to family, some, which I'd admirable, but they are just as lost as 90% of other "free" women in the west.

The last Arab slim I knew was about to be married off to her cousin, so she purposely got pregnant by a dindu to ensure that no other Muslim man would ever want to marry her. It worked, they called off the marriage, but her family disowned her, father didn't stick around, and now she's just another single mom who dumps her child on other people.

THe flaw in your reasoning is that you believe loyalty to a nation> loyalty to self. THats bullshit; I dont owe my nation a thing.


> Yawn
Cool vid but there is nothing of value left in christianity. Its dead.

Is it true Muslim girls do anal because it doesn't count as losing virginity?

>they have sex with white men

The muslims will still exist to cause terror, and jews to scheme and connive behind curtains, they just wont be doing under their faith but by some other excuse. You need to get rid of the people who have the propensity to be influenced to do such things.

Literally nobody actually cares. Control over the world is a struggle between Asians, Jews, and Whites. The rest of you are just bio-weapons deployed against the enemy.

THats evangelical christians

>I dont owe my nation a thing
spoken like a true, spoiled rotten entitled leftist

also I don't need to take the "please go back to Afghanistan to help them" angle at all, it's quite simple that an arab from the middle east will never, ever become part of the Anglo-Saxon nation or the broader group of White nations

nation =/= state
blood is thicker than paper

>I talk to muslim girls instead of giving them death stares and nervous glances

what the flying fuck did xe-leaf mean by this?

>Not Inbred

Kill yourself Goat fucker

>using leaf proxy to shill
cmon its not 2016 anymore

Hating Islam and Liberal ideologies don't have to be mutually inclusive. Fuck face.

I actually did not put maple syrup, bacon, smoked meat and poutine because I like the Quebecois and Quebec will separate and be its own country

The rest of Canada can be nuked. Speaking of anglo abominations, I just remembered a fucking LEAF invented Hawaiian pizza. Time for some (((revisions)))

I'd put seeds of liberty in that Huma

>always been attracted to light skinned Persian and Arab girls
>assume they wouldn't want to sex with white christian man so don't even try
>miss out on sex

Well sheeeeeiiit

> WHite nations
Good thing that concept doesnt actually exist. Can you name me a nation that is legally for whites?
> muh brotherhood
LOL I dont owe you a fucking thing because we are the same skin color.

>It was positive for women in the first place
It's called Westernization by the way. It happened in Russia, and Israel does the same thing to Palestine. They open up pornography for them during operations in the occupied territory and the West Bank.

They haven't been able to play nice since the Jews officially betrayed them. I hope the creation of the Saudi allies, out of thin air I should add, was worth it.

go back shitskin