Why do Spics think this belongs to them?
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Because amerindian people was living there by the time europeans first arrived?
Cause its close to them
Which Falkland Islands we talkin' about here?
Except they weren't
Could spear chuckers even construct rafts?
there's strong evidence they reached the americas with them, so yes
I would prefer for you to continue being racist but please be accurate whilst you do so
Deflection from the shit the argie government was going thru
English people only think it's theirs because at the time they were a depreatiating empire and they needed a pick me up militarily. Also because there's oil in the Malvinas.
Why do we, humans, think we can own something?
The government (junta) was a CIA puppet, all the operation was a joke even the "peace treaty"
Lmao this coming from a country full of spics and niggers, some parts of your country are not even "American" anymore
I'm sorry what's so funny?
>Awarding the word "American" to the yanks
i know, but that's how (they) like to be called
Perhaps it was theirs first, but the modern situation is different. The majority of inhabitants today are British who want to stay with the Brits. So it's a British territory.
They are born in america, why can't we call them americans?
>theirs first
They didn't even exist when it was British
Because Whitey couldn't beat them in a fight for it?
>Everything in the world must be solved by violence.
Go shoot a school then.
To be honest, it's because there is no direct word for "estadounidense" in English. Speaks volumes of how conceited they are that they name themselves after the continent. Britain should rename itself "Europe" and call themselves "Europeans" just to piss everybody off.
You were born in America too, you idiot. As was the Argentine and I.
And we call each other americans too, nothing wrong with that.
>They are only got 3 votes
Spear chuckers from SA are who made rafts drifted in the currents and settled the islands all across the pacific.
Speak for yourself, Chespirito. The Cono Sur is overseas Evropean territory
I do realize this is in the atlantic, the point being made is they were capable of crossing the ocean in much greater distances than the falklands. A norwegian figured this out.
Ohhh... You're even a bigger cuck than I imagined.
>never owned it
>never settled it
>never built anything on it
no they weren't
Are you talking about the british in northern ireland?
Stay on your side of the border and pay up
Yes they were.
Are Argentinians too dense to realize this?This ideology seems to be more prevalent in the older generations..... right?
Lmao I never thought about it like that. MERICA!
When you repeal the harmful neo-liberal policies like NAFTA which put all the landless peasants and other economically marginalized people without any source to feed their families.
When you stop your stupid "War on Drugs", etc. The US has always seen Latin America as the region on which to impose its political and economic will. Remember Operation Condor? What's ironic though, is that now the US itself is internalizing the very same policies it would export, which is one of the reasons conditions are worsening.
He's right, you know.
>never owned it
>never settled it
>never built anything on it
how does that apply to northern ireland
Whoops, I misread. Sorry.
Reminder that England is Anglo