Why are there no black school shooters?
they don't go to school
They're too preoccupied with shooting up their own neighborhoods.
So Obama wasn't black?
You have to plan a school shooting.
He was mixed and did a terrible job.
They can't afford rifles, only shitty 9mm handguns and a few bullets that they promptly discharge into their neighbors for wearing the wrong clothing color
Can't buy guns with food stamps
If you want to really activate your almonds, look up the FBI stats on "school shootings".. Most of them ARE black.
because the gangbangers carry guns in class.
You shoot up a black school, half the niggers are gonna shoot back.
>White Mother
>Obama is black
You are racist for judging people by how they look.
Niggers are to busy killing each other
did you steal my joke or is that punchline obvious?
also, checked
Blacks do their shootings outside of class.
why would a nigger shoot up his only place for breakfast and lunch.
Duh... blacks don’t go to school
because blacks don't go to school
I don't like this idea
He's an Obamutt.
They prefer drive bys
Niggers murder people everyday
What are you talking about
King Nigger's mom wasn't White though. She was Jewish.
here in Chicago they do it on the streets
They drop out by high school and become drive-by gangbangers.
/culture wars
The ones that go to school don't want to mess with their free food, also if they have to shoot someone they will just stalk that person with their gang until they are far enough from people they know and/or cameras.
Not an argument. Try again, whiteboi.
Because Blacks aren't capable of pre meditated murder or mass murder. They pretty much always commit random single person killings. Going on a suicidal rampage requires a range of emotions they lack. They focus on base needs first and foremost, their chimpouts are really just excuses to loot or engage in sadism.
Also you can't shoot up a school if you don't know what school is.
You sure? First I ever heard of it.
there are plenty, you're just a faggot
she was muslim, he's a dipshit
Black schools have armed police and metal detectors at the entrances.
They join gangs and shoot other blacks
No motivation to achieve.
Olay but how about a real answer
Because they get laid.
Cause the people doing the bullying are black. Why would a bully shoot up a school?
Usually gang violence at a ghetto school compared to deranged white kid killing random ppl for no reason
Because they have to go through metal detectors that are guarded by police. It’s assumed white schools don’t have to do that because there’s less crime in predominantly white areas. They don’t account for the kids hopped up on the pharmaceuticals though. Which are the ones that wind up doing these shootings.
>No Dads to steal a gun from.
Also same reason that there is so little black suicide. These attacks are very similar to suicides phycologically.
Blacks shoot people over animalistic reasons. Power, territory/property and, sex. These shootings fulfill none of these basic impulses. That being said black shootings are oughten just not publicized because muh racists.
Only weak crakkas shoot up schools.
the majority of school shooters are black but the media doesnt call it a "school shooting" when niggers do it - they call it "inner city youth violence" and hardly report it anymore because its so common
Dumb people has less chanse to get mentally ill
Better question: Why are there no chick school shooterettes?
I went to a primarily black school for one and a half years when I was younger. The short answer is that I have been in jails less secure than my junior high school was.
To start, there were only two entrances. One was the front door through which students came and went, and the other was in a secure area beyond the teacher's lounge that only faculty could access. There was also a side door that went to the track, but that was surrounded by high chain link fence.
The student entrance had a row of metal detectors and armed guards posted. They went through your shit every morning.
We were also only allowed to use a certain type of backpack. It was relatively small, and made of clear plastic so that the security guards could see in it. They would require you to hand over your backpack every morning and would look inside to make sure you didn't have anything that was against the long list of rules inside of it.
Windows were barred with heavy iron. Every single one of them.
When a student even showed the first signs of acting up, they were sent to detention. Detention was a locked room with a hard ass male teacher inside - at that point the student's family was told to come pick them up, but their families would often just leave them in there for the rest of the school day.
Go back to being a sodomite you faggot. #GodHatesFags
Completely true, but that's the point.. When the media says things like, "we've had 1488 school shootings this year", it means a bunch of niggers shot up other niggers.
The media (and society) just ignore all the antisocial tendencies of niggers when the topic of gun violence comes up.
that white kid looks enraged, judging by his skin going red like that
But, unlike the nigger, he displays two traits:
1) composure
2) the ability to conceptualize future consequences
I love how he tells the nigger to go sit down and the nigger complies like a good slave
>Sup Forums is upset and scrambling for reasons why blacks don't shoot up schools like how the whites are
It's simple, blacks rather shoot up their own people who're affiliated with gangbangers, than to walk into a school and shoot up innocent bystanders because a couple of kids hurt their feelings
The vast majority of shootings at school in the US are done by blacks. It just doesn't make the news because it is normalized and they have terrible aim.
>that's wacist!
>there's a school shooting every single day
blacks don't have the ability to plan things ahead of time.
There's dozens of black school shooters. You just don't hear about them because it's not convenient to the narrative that white people need to turn in their guns to the Jews.
there was literally like 5 black kids in my high school. I live in arizona.
Blacks kill each other one at a time. White autists freak out and kill everybody.
>you cant chimp out and live in de ghetto school where they stay strapped
high time preference
Lol and the scared white boy just sits there. Same old story, crackers aint about shit. They got that fear. Fucking cum skin cowards are forever betas to alpha kangz.
No wonder faggots are so vocal and aggressive. I've had this flag for an hour and was abused a lot.
>Blacks shoot people over animalistic reasons. Power, territory/property and, sex. These shootings fulfill none of these basic impulses. That being said black shootings are oughten just not publicized because muh racists.
Or... There's a huge difference between a gang war with innocent bystanders that gets between the crossfire unintentionally and an autistic white kid who randomly decides one day that it's a perfect idea to shoot up a school with the intentions to even kill those who haven't done shit. So you tell me who's a lot more "animalistic."
Because every other race on the planet needs a tangible reason to attack. What's in it for me, what will I gain, etc.
Whites don't. Whites kill just for the shear joy of killing. Normally the target is brown people that can't fight back. But anyone will really do in a pinch.
They usually drop out their first year of high school
checked fpbp
Lol, look at this white trying to justify acting like a bitch and not standing up for yourself. Lmao, he'll probably call somebody a nigger a dozen times and think he's getting revenge. Fucking pathetic pussy ass race.
>Bill Clinton applauding
why are there no private school shootings?
I had a friend in school who took a lot of abuse from bullies like that and with a straight face too. i was more afraid of his tolerance to that shit than i was of the bullies themselves. The ability to keep your composure even when literally being slapped in the face is freaky as fuck.
>gang violence has a reason and can be excused
>white kid killing random ppl has no reason and cannot be excused
Canadian logic
Whites shoot up schools because of Constant Pressure to Succeed/Conform/Be Successful/Get Revenge.
Blacks shoot up The Country because they don't have a shot at any of that, and they're genetically predisposed to chimp out. Niggers don't shoot up schools because they're expected to fail. They don't have to deal with the Pressure of Success or Popularity, or the approval of their peers.
I wonder if there’s ever been a women mass school shooter....men are scary. Violent tendencies for sure....
>nigger moment
>passing on an opportunity to throw away your life
I know you're larping but how is it niggers always seem to choose the the avenue most destructive to their long-term success. Are they afraid of being called a coon if they don't fuck themselves and their families over?
That’s fucking classic.
The real answer is that most public shootings are due to sexual frustration or emotional disconnect from a lack of human interaction, something niggers don't experience because they have no standards about what they'll fuck and are very social creatures.
Lower IQ - ignorance is bliss - less likely to use (((psychiatric drugs))) which sometimes fuck you up more - no school shootings.
You forgot the part in that video where the kid then calls him a nigger, and then literally runs away crying for help.
School shootings on a massive scale are usually planned and strategized ahead of time. Usually the most egregious are done by white guys.
Meanwhile blacks shoot up their schools/neighbourhood all the time, buttt according to the police that’s part and parcel of living with black people so they call it “homocide”.
The shoot up their hood, and the inner city because they don't go to school.
Also "mass shooting" is an innuendo for non black violence, just like "drive by" is for inner city people.
He wasn't being bullied. They were doing him a favor by trying to slap the faggot out of him. Should have slapped you around a bit too you wretched cock-in-mouth sodomite.
Because their friends would call them white.
Fun fact: noggers across the country kill more people daily than any school shooting
They're too busy shooting each other
Blacks are more impulsive and often immediately retaliate while whites keep their anger build up and take revenge later on.
You'd have to go to school for that.
Because blacks can only think 0.7 seconds into the future.
Times a changin. When i was a kid, that belt and tight ass pants would get you called a faggot instead
They are used to be bottom of the barrel. Its the "why iz the amerturd dream not workzing for me" brainlet that is the problem.
Are you sure you don't hate gays because you too hunger for the meat-tube deep down?
This. Same as the gypsies here. If you see one past the 5th grade, then you might as well consider that a miracle
It's a simple matter of loneliness. Blacks are allowed a group identity, so in a sense, they are never truly alone. The can embrace their group identity. (Go somewhere with a black dude, they're always head nodding and greeting other black strangers.)
White people no longer are allowed a group identity. So, depression sets in. The boomers are killing themselves, and the Millennials and now Gen Z, shoot up skills out of pure meaninglessness in life, a culture that forgot about them and Nihilism.
Pretty easy to see.