Fuck off
Good thread
This meme sucks.
what does this meme even mean?
Russian Gov tried to make propagandic memes, but because they were very cringey, it backfired.. horribly
Post all of this meme. I have only seen a few and they are hilarious.
heard it was independent it takes another level if the russian gov did it
the gov commissioned a freelance artist, i believe
This meme is so fucking retaded, yet I burst in laugh every time I see it
i can't get enough
i retract my previous statement, they were "state sponsored" "memes"
You suck.
It is true, the Russian government did indeed create the memes, and like Slovakia said it backfired horrendously.
post original gov made memes?
poland has been reduced to a gay voltorb
I believe this is the original edit
best timeline
those commies in disguise are as clueless as their usefull idiots in the west lel
Russia has tigers, America has 17 dead kids lel
>Sup Forums
Man, the Chinese propaganda meme ones are somehow even worse than the original Russian ones.
El goblino.
>a still of one of the victims being wheeled into the hospital
I am fucking crying right now these are hilarious. Thank you all.
hope he dies
i'll just leave these 2 here
holy shit, russia fucked up big time
did someone said...
Unironically representative of the future of European-Russian relations
lol slovak, at least your women are cheap
actually really sad that mutts get slaughtered like that. fucking dumb toilet gun laws.
if they focused on their failing economy more than they did on their guns, they would stop being 3rd world
>at least your women are cheap
i believe that's our atheist neighbour, don't worry though, some people still think we are one and the same, so it's fine
go to work
Damn Bulgaria, I never thought you would be such an emasculated cuckold.
I bet you're gonna call me unironically Muhammad too.
You guys think that the world cares for your mass kid deaths, but its actually the opposite- everyone waits when your dumbfuck "white'' hillbillies shoot up another school.
>mutt eagles
>not having the nigger as a national symbol
good one jew
>ITT some Bulgarian tries way too hard to appear funny
dios mio..
You wait? For what? What are you trying to say, little guy? What do you do when a spic shoots up a school full of niggers, spics, and jews? If you don't care about mass shooting deaths, why are you in a shill thread implying we should give up our weapons?
So glad I'm not the only retard.
Been literally losing my shit over these for 2 months.
The spinoffs too.
They're great.
You dont have spics and jews.
You have mutts and niggers.
I'm implying that gun laws should not be banned from you animals, but instead promoted, so that you kill more and more of each other.
nice white strip
best. timeline. ever.
I just added the pepe. The other white trim was already there. Guess both me and OP suck at paint.
>You dont have spics and jews.
>Bulgarian education
All emotion and no facts. You might want to get your T levels checked, little guy.
Canada is a country where you can legally suck dog cock.
These are really funny, but I dont understand how does a 3rd world country, filled with prostitutes and hard drugs (trust me, ive been there) manage to fuck Russia? Like, why not NATO or something?
When was there actually a time when Russia really was fucked? Its usually Russia who does the fucking, especially when claiming Polish clay and installing communist government there... I think these are just backlash of polski hate towards Russia... they were maybe the most assblasted by the commies
What did Slovakia do?