valentine was an alright villain
An alright villain to a mostly mediocre part.
stop this memery
When is the next JoJo event?
Can't argue with those numbers.
So there is another world where the corpse parts are Ignition One, Duwang, Piss Yellow, Russian Brokeback Mountain SBR and Girls by Night?
Post actually good Jojo fan stuff
Gay priest is here now.
DIO hates you
thanks for reminding me ACDC vored people
Wrong. Dio Brando > Pucci > Valentine > Kira > Diavolo > Kars > DIO
King Crimson vs. The World
The World vs. MIH
MIH vs. King Crimson
What happens when the strongest stands that fuck with time fight each other?
On what day exactly?
Dio is basically unkillable by them. I think King Crimson is a close second.
Assume Dio isn't a vampire though, otherwise it's not fair.
King Crimson then because King Crimson erases time as opposed to manipulating it. The other two stand users wouldn't know what to think.
If KC erases time before The World stops it, does it just skip over the time The World would've otherwise stopped though? Or would it simply skip over ten seconds of "real" time, since stopped time wouldn't count as a length of time?
As for MIH, I'm not sure how KC is supposed to deal with it.
What are your thoughts about EP1 of the SC dub?
I didn't watch it/10
it was shit, my dude
>this man once defeated a living god
What went wrong?
Post Valentine pls
Star Platinum sounds kinda eh in english.
Reminds me of the OVA Dub where SP actually has a voice crack
it was ok
He got lucky.
Avdol sounded alright
rest were kinda meh
I'll need to see how some of the later stuff is done though
He wasn't the protagonist anymore.
>literally juts threw the hand at him
Alright, it's time to make things easier. We have only 10 panels left and now you can take them from pic related. There's no need for long lists of numbers, this is what's left and this is what we should finish today. Remember that it doesn't matter if you already did three or more panels, if you have good ideas, feel free to edit any of these panels.
Also, 2.0, 3.4 and 7.6 are still claimed but not done. If none of the anons at charge says anything in... let's say 10 hours from now, I'll do them myself. Anyway, I think the user from 7.6 is working on it, but I have no idea about 2.0 or 3.4 since days ago.
Thanks for your magnificent work!
Johnny deserved better than this.
He grew old.
King Crimson is my favorite for breakfast
Remember when Diavolo had Killer Queen? Good times.
shut the fuck up retard
ok mom
Pastebin updated as the misc link section was missing a few things.
why must johnny suffer through his short life while memesters like joseph live to be 90+
Did mosaic-kun already finish? I wasnt in the last thread
JoJolion Johnny is shit.
hey guys, I come from the distant past of the year 2016
just wanted to ask, how are you guys enjoying the part 5 anime? I'm sure it's definitely airing at your current year. anything unexpected? did David fuck it up somehow? is the intro back to being animated by Kamikaze Douga?
Claiming 3.0 and 3.11
Your next line is
"I am a sissyslut and I want Bruno to penetrate me with his 18-inch meatstick"
3.10 claiming.
I am a sissyslut and I want Bruno to penetrate me with his 17.5-inch meatstick
3.0 is here.
Claiming 2.2
I had to google translate for a word
I don't think it means what I think it means.
>5 or so sequels drawn by one guy for decades
>almost 100 volumes
>early series were shounen, new are seinen
>wacky bizarre art
Is Tsubasa the JoJo of sports manga?
>Movie 4 will never happen
If that hack of Anno is finally doing Eva 4.0 maybe there's a chance
And now, 3.11
here is 2.2
Thanks for your work!
I'm not entirely sure what did you mean by "dicking", but it's okay. Good job, user.
Claimed: 2.2
Six panels left.
Make a hole in Kak and, maybe, change Jotaro's colour to white or purple.
Aren't you British? Don't your give your bird a good dicking 'ere and then?
Has anyone tried the reader app? I know Iggy isn't too cute but christ he looks freaky in it.
And now, six panels left, none of them claimed.
shit villain to a shit part*
part 7 is overrated to death
Not really, he only won through and utter asspull.
What genres does each part fall under?
There were a lot of asspulls in Part 2, but how was the ending an asspull?
Every part is basically an action, adventure comedy
doing 3.6
Narancia is so cute.
Somehow the volcano explosion was strong enough to just blast Kars into space.
And the arm thing.
He's kinda ugly
The arm thing was relatively gay, but the idea that the ultimate being's hamon is, when concentrated so tightly, could create an explosion that could launch him into space isn't nearly as farfetched as "LUCKILY I HAPPEN TO HAVE GRENADES ON ME"
It wasn't. We saw how Lisa Lisa's hamon managed to make a beam blast thanks to the Aja Stone, and with Kars saying that his is 100 times stronger I'm actually surprised the area didn't completely explode. Joseph putting the stone as a reflex to save his life wasn't bad since he witnessed it, too.
I guess the only stupid thing about that fight is the plane thing, but I'm willing to believe it since both the SPW and Nazis were around.
>""grown"" man who looks like a toned baby
>""""grown man""""
Looks like a gremlin with an oversized head and no neck
>almost ""grown"" man who looks like a toned baby
What are the coolest enemies?
Ringo Roadagain seems designed as a foil to Diavolo, can experience future events and manipulate time but only wants to meet adversity head-on to grow as a person. Has a pretty cool life outlook that influenced Gyro after their fight.
Doesn't have a punch ghost +++
ringo best boy
Hahahahahaha do more
Part 1: Horror/Action
Part 2: Adventure/Action
Part 3: Adventure/Action
Part 4: Thriller
Part 5: Crime
Part 6: ????
Part 7: Adventure/Western
Part 6: Educational
Vore Vortinum
Vorgician's Vore
Vormit Vorple
Vorophant Vore
Vorver Voriot
The Vore
Vorer of Vore
Vork Vore Vorn
Vorbony Vorvil
Vorow Vorperance
Vored Vore
Vore of Vortune
Vore Vorteen
Vore Vorstess
Vornore Vore
The Vorld
Educational pure faggotry
Claimed: 3.6
Five panels left
Where do I watch the rohan ova? it looks ugly AF but I still want to see it
I need more
What is the coolest looking stand and why is it hierophant green?
I don't like it
>Melon power ranger