Now that it's confirmed the tax cuts de-funded mental health programs which led to this shooting Trump has blood on his hands and should be removed.
Republicans killed those kids
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares
All in a space of 2 years. Amazing.
it was a registered Democrat nutcase
longnose tribe say lots of words, always same suggestion in end: take whiteskin tribes' caves and berries. why you hide behind memecavepainting, longnose?
Ban democrats from owning guns.
Problem solved.
nice try russia
What's more easily changed for political purposes?
You're a disinfo shill. There's two instant gram accounts.
He's a on-record democrat you fucking mong.
Jesus. Do you dress yourself every morning or does your mom button your shirt for you?
you stupid chink, when will you get it right? It's N ***L*** Matter.
You don't pronounce words that start with an "L" with the "R" sound.
Obama leaf go away
and i thought american education was bad..
Link to a scanned PDF of the bill in question, pleae.
>Muh he let mentally ill people have guns
If you actually read the bill you'd see that he only made them prove that you were mentally ill before they take your guns, like oh Idk, due process or something. gtfo shill
open border democrats killd and raped all victims of immigrant and muslim attacks
The shooter was 17 and therefore not legally able to buy a gun under any circumstance whatsoever.
>this damage control
hes a MAGA cap right wing gun nut
he was 19 you fucking nigger
lol u didnt read the bill
youre just spouting shill talking points
trumps bill said that people who are so mentally incomptent that they cant handle their own affairs, could buy guns
>de-funded mental health programs
Didn't liberals argue that these programs are ineffective in order to argue for gun control?
reminder to sage shill threads
Dude he’s antifa, just give it up they already have photos of him in communist gear
>imagine being this retarded
> de-funded mental health programs which led to this shooting
> which led to this shooting
Sure, giving "more moneh to them healh programz" would have prevented the shooting. Except it would not.
Are you surprised? Face blindness is a symptom of autism. I was hoping it was some lib, but it seems no such luck.
>in high school
He was seventeen years old.
he was expelled u retarded russian
How do you know?
Cuckolding (also known as troilism) is a sexual interest
in whichone obtains sexual arousal from the experience of a
withcuckolding inalargeanddiverse sample ofpredominately
focusing on heterosexual men’s c
uckolding fantasies, our results
mon elements; however, they differ in some important ways.
Most notably, interracial and BDSM themes do not appear to
be as common in gay men’s cuc
kolding fantasies as they are
among heterosexual men. Our findings also indicate that fre-
quentfantasiesabout cuckoldingare linkedtoseveral overlap-
content of these fantasies is associated with a number of individ-
ual differences (e.g.,agreeablen
their cuckolding fantasies tend to report positive experiences;
however, the likelihoodof reportingpositive outcomesappears
to depend upon one’s personality and attachment style.
Sexual fantasy
Gay men
Consensual non-monogamy
Troilism is a little studied paraphilia described as the‘‘sharing of a
1976 ,
p. 586).‘‘Cuckolding’’is the colloquial term for one contem-
porary form of troilism in which a man obtains sexual arousal
in sexualactivity with another man. Whereas the term
historically referred to a man unknowingly married to an adul-
terous woman, the modern cuckold is aware that his wife is
agement. This behavior is not a form of cheating; rather, it is a
variant of consensual non-monogamy (Rubin, Moors, Matsick,
ofcuckoldingare distinctfromother forms ofconsensualnon-
monogamy (e.g., swinging, open relationships), as well as the
disempowered, and largely voyeuristic role in both the experi-
ence and fantasy. Those other practices tend to involve more
by all parties, even if one partner is the center of attention.
explores cuckoldingfantasies. Ley (
2009 ) interviewed dozens
of different-sex married couples that were practicing cuckold-
Ley’s work revealed several dis
tinct characteristics and themes
Ley interviewed commonly described the desired third party
in these scenarios—colloquially referred to as the‘‘bull’’—as
be emphasized, too: the cuckold may be aroused by having
elementsofBDSM (bondage,discipline,dominance,submis-
sion, sadism, and masochism) are commonin these scenarios,
oldedman(e.g., beingridiculed
receive from sex with her husband alone—is a critical element.
olding are reflected in the vast world of cuckolding pornog-
raphy. According to some estimates,‘‘cuckold’’has become one
of the most searchedtermsonthe world’smost popular porn
sites (Ogas & Gaddam,
). Author Dan Savage, a sexual
advice columnist since 1991, has witnessed the rise of interest
in cuckolding through correspondence with his readers. Over
thelastquarter century,hehasreceivedletters from‘‘growing
his column more than a decade ago (Savage,
Savage suggested that cuckoldi
ng fantasies are popular because
they allow heterosexual men to transform fear of their wives’
infidelity into a sexually arousing fantasy. In light of this rea-
olding arousing (Savage,
). Because same-sex activity
lacks reproductive potential, he argued, gay men are not nec-
essarily threatened by their partners having sex with other men.
numerous gay men began writing to Savage to express their
interest in cuckolding, which s
uggests that if eroticized fear
isattheroot ofthisfantasy,itisnotspecifictofear ofapartner
becoming pregnant by another man.
is not a uniquely heterosexual phenomenon. Seeking corrob-
oration, we requested data from Pornhub regarding the fre-
quency of cuckolding searches on pages featuring gay male
material. They reported that, from August 2014 to August 2016,
monthly searches for cuckold porn increased linearly (B. Hall,
of searches per month was indexed against the 2-year search
to 46% above average by August 2016, suggesting that cuck-
olding is an increasingly popular porn genre among gay men.
posed to explain why heterosexual men find the prospect of a
). The idea is that men evolved to experi-
ence biological and behavioral changes that give them a com-
petitive reproductive edge whenever multiple men compete
over the same mate, such as by releasing more motile sperm
(Baker & Bellis,
) and engaging in more vigorous thrust-
ing during intercourse to displace rival males’ semen (Gallup
et al.,
). Though sperm competition principles have not
been tested among sexual minority men, this theory provides
a plausible mechanism that cou
ld explain why men, regardless
of sexual orientation, might find cuckolding scenarios arousing.
little is known about the qualitative nature of their cuckolding
olding fantasies, or do their fantasies emphasize other elements?
fantasy vary according to individual differences or personality
traits? Furthermore,whiletheactual practiceof cuckoldingis
linked to relationship enhancement in different-sex couples
true for sexual minorities.
The goal of the present study was to explore the nature of
cuckolding fantasies among sexual minority men. We sought
toexaminenot just whether the predominantthemesin hetero-
sexual cuckolding fantasies emerge among gay men, but also
(e.g., How are they linked to o
ther sexual desires? To what
degree do individual differences, demographic factors, and
relationship variables predict
who has cuckolding fantasies
and the elements of those fantasies that are most arousing?).
Inaddition,we considerhowgaymensaythe practiceofcuck-
olding has affected their romantic relationships and whether
certain personality traits predict better or worse cuckolding
browns will soon be eating cheese from a cardboard box
Research Questions and Hypotheses
RQ 1: What are the major elements of gay men’s cuckolding
Weasked participantstodescribetheircuckolding
fantasies in their own words, which we content-coded for the
men’s cuckolding fantasies (including interracial, large penis,
creampie, BDSM, and partner satisfaction). In addition to this
qualitative data, participants quantitatively rated the impor-
tance of several elements of their own cuckolding fantasies
in order to provide further insight into what gay men find most
arousing about these scenarios.
RQ 2: How many gay men with cuckolding fantasies have
shared and/or acted on their fantasies, and what were their
experiences like?
have ever shared their cuckolding fantasies with a partner and
how their partner reacted. In addition, we asked whether they
had acted on their cuckolding fantasies and, if so, whether the
experience met expectations and how it affected their rela-
tionship. We sought to examine whether, like different-sex cou-
ples, the practice of cuckolding
is also linked to relationship
enhancement for men in same-sex relationships.
Figures dumb ass nazi trump supporters can't stay on topic
H1: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with
having more frequent fantasies about voyeurism, group sex
(threesomes, gangbangs, and orgies), and several aspects of
BDSM (particularly bondage, masochism, humiliation, and
According to the DSM-5, a paraphilia is ‘‘any
intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest
in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotyp-
ically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners’’
(American Psychiatric Association,
, p. 685). Though not
to meet criteria for a paraphilia. Paraphilias tend to co-occur, a
phenomenon sometimes referred to as
paraphilic diathesis
). Persons who have one paraphilia therefore
to align in related‘‘clusters’’(Krueger & Kaplan,
). We
involve obtaining arousal from watching others have sex, or
positive correlation with group sex fantasies, given that cuck-
olding has elements in common with threesomes (both acts
often involve three partners) and gangbangs (both acts usually
involve one person having sex with multiple male partners in
succession). Lastly, we expecte
d positive associations with sev-
eral types of BDSM fantasies, giv
en that watching one’s partner
having sex with another person could be perceived as painful or
humiliating in a culture that promotes monogamy as the norm.
Given the general submissive role that cuckolds tend to take, we
expected that cuckolding would be closely related to bondage,
submission, masochism, a
nd humiliation fantasies.
H2: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with
higher levels of sexual sensation seeking, openness to experi-
ence, self
esteem, relationship investments, relationship sat-
isfaction, and relationship commitment, as well as an unre-
stricted sociosexual orienta
tion. Cuckolding fantasies will
also be associated with higher l
evels of attachment avoid-
ance, but lower levels of attachment anxiety.
Though eroti-
cization of fear was initially proposed as an explanation for
cuckolding fantasies, there is reason to suspect it may not be
true. Research by Birnbaum, Simpson, Weisberg, Barnea, and
) suggeststhatwetendtoconstructsex-
ual fantasies so as to avoid content that could potentially be
threatening to the self: when primed with attachment anxiety,
for example, people are more likely to fantasize about being
irresistibly desired, which may serve as a coping mechanism
by buffering against feelings of rejection. In light of this, we
believe that cuckolding is likely more appealing to those who
are confidentinthemselves andtheirpartners’ love,as wellas
those who are comfortable with casual sex. Such individuals
are probablylessthreatenedb
ytheir partner havingsexwith
others. Thus, we predicted tha
t cuckolding fantasies would
separating sex from emotion (i.e., they have an unrestricte
sociosexual orientation and an avoidant attachment style), (2)
do not have abandonment issues (i.e., they have lower attach-
more invested, satis
fied, and committed), and (4) feel more self-
confident (i.e., they have higher self-esteem). We also expected
things in general and have a preference for thrilling and risky
of openness to experience and sexual sensation seeking).
H3: Gay men’s personalities will predict which elements
of cuckolding fantasies are most arousing to them such that (1)
higher agreeableness will be associated with placing more
importance on partner pleasure, (2) greater sensation seeking
tendencies will be associated with placing less importance on
safe sex and more importance on the bull having a large penis,
and (3) lower attachment anxiety, greater attachment avoid-
ance, and a more unrestricted sociosexual orientation will be
associated with placing less importance on whether the bull is
known to them.
ness should be more concerned with whether their partners
are enjoying themselves in a cuckolding scenario, given that
being (Graziano & Tobin,
). In addition, those who prefer
more thrilling sexual activities (i.e., sexual sensation seekers)
excitement and risk, such as those that feature supranormal sex-
ualstimuli(e.g.,very largepenises) and condomlesssex.
You can't take their guns but you can ask them to come in nicely and tell you why they can't get dates?
There blood is on your hands.
AmeriKKKa (You) are doing great sweetie
damn bro, ur trying way too hard 4 me
What a rich history Poland has. Shame it’s such a shithole now. What happened? Communism?
irony is over-whelming idk what even is
russian bot spotted
updated version
Business optimism is up wages are up the economy is up and job prospects are good which of course to leftists has no correlation to general happiness and purpose
i enjoy keeping my secrets/being-loyal & being with my real senpai, tbqh senpai
feds and cia niggers killed those kids and you tacitly approve of it because you believe it will let you take away the people's guns.
>how many more have to be killed before you surrender
You're a hypocritical retard.
>hundreds of blacks shooting and killing each other every day--> nobody cares
>17 kids die in a school shooting (which are relatively very rare)--> everyone freaks out, and starts screeching about “muh gun control”
Stay consistent with the “more people die in bathtubs than in terrorist attacks” logic, as shown here:
See this Vsauce vid about human miscalculation of risk:
It’s literally a case of feelz vs realz...