This is what progress looks like
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longnose tribe at it again
>be American
>can't even do the national anthem in your own fucking country
Race war when?
it's california dude, it might as well be the mexican anthem
>makes no mention of race
>racially insensitive
how are they rationalizing this?
aaaaaand their federal funding is gone.
Never, it is over we gave it up without a fight.
Isn't the star spangled banner an anti-union song?
>Minorities are also racially insensitive.
no make fun of long nose tribe
long nose tribe greatest ally
The anthem doesn't mention niggers
Globalism wins in the end (2018) cucks, best you hope America remains the ruler.
The Soviets won the long game.
no source
>there are people who think california will be part of america in 50 years
so fucking what?
it doesn't mention anyone specifically
>>there are people who think california will be part of america in 20 years
Is Cali still US anyways? I went there to visit to see the city everyone is singing praises of, and it was like going to the fucking south of Mexico.
Can they just secede and die out already?
> There are people who think the just won’t get the same treatment Catalonia got in Spain
Ousted retard government, state rule inforced. That simple
it doesn't include the line: "And all blacks are kangz, so suck it, whitey"
Yes your shit puke maggot subhuman people have fucking ruined it.
But it doesn't mention niggers so it's excluding blacks so that's racist
Lol stfu
Prove me wrong?
Insensitive? Against whom? The British?
we live in a globalized world, there's no need for a "national anthem".
Don't blame the Mexican that's staying in Mexico. At least he's living in his own country and sustaining himself instead of fleeing to leech off the white man like a fucking parasite.
There's nothing wrong with Mexicans living in Mexico.
you americans really are lazy fucking pussies.
You let these people take from you everything and yet you give them everything your taxes they lead you.
Your all pussies.
communism =/= racism
Why can't liberals separate things?
We could infect the entire HS with HIV and only pay a small fine.
The difference is that Catalonia is filled with Spaniards. California has hardly any Americans anymore or what used to be an American.
You're not wrong. We've essentially sat back and allowed the soy people to dig their claws into the nation and seize power. We allowed a bunch of weak faggots to take from us without ever questioning whether or not we should let them.
But it looks like people are finally starting to get angry. I hope it gets worse.
California's a neo-Fascist state so I'm not surprised.
It's hard, man. Our greatest generation was infected with small traces of semitism, and they were convinced to fight for Isreal. Then their boomer kids went full retard with drugs and sex and helicopter parenting, now kids today are emotionally crippled and retarded. Social engineering goes a long way apparently. US was the most powerful nation in the world 50 years ago, a real white ethnostate. Today it's Brazil.
>There's nothing wrong with Mexicans living in Mexico.
Yeah I used to think that but when we are clearly at war with them there is a problem.
It's about the war of 1812.
U will prove yourself wrong soon enough
Kek, you americans should separate from them, making California it's own country, then tax the fuck out of them.
i’m dowm
Fun fact: the tune of the anthem is some limey drinking song no one cares about, but it is in fact a ton of fun to sing the anthem with the lads when you're drunk.
Good our national anthem is shit as should be replaced by the Battle Hymn of the Republic
The best part is if liberals object we can cry about
>muh slavery
You chimp out, blow stuff up, die, and ultimately accomplish nothing. The mind must be willing before the body can move.
>song that features jesus
oy vey don't you know that is offensive to the jews? What would our greatest ally think?
but I thought race didn't exist
>Every bandie is at least a SGT
Jesus H Christ himself, you guys must hand out ranks like candy
California is basically a Mexican satellite state at this point.
No you are just not fully informed about the demographics etc..
Honesly, you didn't put up much of a fight, slaver.