Wait for it....
Wait for it
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longnose tribe want take away whiteskin tribes' clubs
I can see why she cropped her profile photo just so
the (((left)))
>Valentine's Day Massacre
It's about guns not sexually frustrated young men!
She has a point
What point is that?
(((Her))) nose
I'm starting to understand why the shooter shot up the school.
His classmates are a bunch of cunts.
>fucking kike calling for whites to be disarmed
Yea it's funny how they still blame the thing that responds most to their personal political preferences but not the real cause.
I mean why would anyone do that? Guns are clearly the culprit not the person who uses them or his/her own failures in life that may or may not be because of those around him/her.
>it’s about guns
>cowers in closet waiting for people with guns to save her
Her parents failed her. 4th trimester abortion when?
I use grenades, short distance
>lol based on my extreme rare and statistically insignificant incident with a shooter, i have emotionally decided that all guns need to be banned because that would surely prevent mentally ill people from kill other people. just look at anders breivik for instance, gun control works really well
A bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat.
Why do you want to ban guns so badly? Youre a good person arent you? Why are you so scared someone is going to shoot you? Are you not a good person? Do you treat people like shit? How conveniant it must be to blame the gun. And to write a man off as disturbed. What makes a man disturbed.
So long as the disturbance exists so too will the violence.
Can you murder a persons soul? I think so. Let me show you.
Can you make someone want to kill themselves? I think so. Let me show you.
Theres more than one way to murder someone.
Improvised claymore works pretty good.
We're supposed to believe this is a coincidence every single time
his classmates were mostly jews.
typical kikes
>I'm a white goyim just like you!
>ban the guns!
then when you expose them
>oy vey I'm not some dirty white racist, I'm one of God's chosen. Watch your tongue goy!
Remember that there was a Holocaust class there. Colorberg High School.
As a gun owner I give up. I would be willing to hand my guns over for a ban of 5 years. If murders don't fall more than the rate they are falling already I want them back and everything unbanned and an agreement we never talk about this shit again. Fuck it. Let's try it.
>”Get a photo of my daughter from her best angle, mr camera man. Yes, yes, that’s it... Right in the ol’ sour dough hole for the sake of YHWH and such.
That's where you are wrong kiddo
How about deporting all the Jews to Israel, and I mean ALL OF THEM. Then send all the niggers to Liberia and the spics back to Mexico. Finally we ethnically cleanse all the mystery meat. Problem solved.
Who's paying these kids to promote anti-gun stances?
really makes you think....
>c-can the left gives me time!!!
Why do they always fucking tweet this garbage?
lol says the person that was rescued by people with guns.
>As a
Kill yourself
the funniest part?
I should’ve never expected anything else. Not only Jewish but a Jewish Atheist kek
how come pol is never mistaken
>Writes like a jello-for-brains, mouth-breathing, retarded thot.
>Product of US public schools
checks out.
to be fair that was after she was pulled out of a school shooting.
Kek. Dumb cunt gets out of school shooting, what's the first thing she does? Social media.
You fags should all be gassed.