I would rather have niggers behaving like whites than having whites behaving like niggers in my State
Why is race so important?
go away, longnose tribe
Because niggers don't behave like whites. Niggers behave like niggers.
wanting to be overrun by foreigners is a mental disease
get help
Niggers behave like niggers, because they are niggers and whites behave like whites, because they are whites.
The average sheebona has more T than the average soy boy. Niggers are a different human sub species, they don't belong to a white country. Rather an IQ 95 White, than an IQ 105 Nigger
So if we post examples of the contrary will the cognitive dissonance will kick in, or are you just lying to us cause the goyim it's cattle and who cares?
I would have neither.
>I would rather have niggers behaving like whites
we all would, user, but alas...
because anyone with a modicum of biological awareness will realize that in just a few generations, blacks will behave like blacks and whites will behave like whites.
>I would rather have niggers behaving like whites than having whites behaving like niggers in my State
Yes, but you see, that is an oxymoron.
Regression towards the mean.
And also this.
Saged faggot
yeah but for every nigger behaving like a white, you get 50 niggers behaving like niggers.
and for every white behaving like a nigger you get 50 whites behaving like whites.
Decent niggers and shit whites exist
But Sup Forums seems to accept whatever white regardless of his behavior
Don't stupid people breed other stupid people?
Niggers behave like niggers because they're niggers.
How stupid can you be to not grasp this concept?
>I would rather have niggers behaving like whites than having whites behaving like niggers in my State
I'll take statistics 101 for 400 Alex
>Because niggers don't behave like whites. Niggers behave like niggers.
Fuck off with ur gay golden one adoration u closet fag
no, because niggers that don't behave like niggers are a minority. There's a reason niggers still live in mud huts in Africa
stop bumping this bait and get in here
>I would rather have a dog behaving as a cat than a cat behaving as a dog
I don't even
because it will keep you safe.
Why can't we import that minority to our State?
Biologists have been discrediting racial (((science))) for decades.
because their child will behave like niggers
(((Biologists))) have been """discrediting""" racial science for decades.
>Decent niggers and shit whites exist
OK as a man who is greatly concerned with the quality of citizen in his community, I ask you:
What is the best way to ensure you get the good and none of the bad regardless of race?
>by determining who's good and bad on a case by case basis according to some agreed upon criteria
I'm all for that, but "das racist"
>by letting people in or not based on the data we have regarding their culture/race/ethnicity
I'm all for that too but "das racist discrimination"
Each way leads to the same results, more whites, less everyone else
So, as a man who's concerned with the quality of citien, how would you make sure your community achieves that end?
>because their child will behave like niggers
Why? they have good genes
I would go case by case, just don't get why Sup Forums hates an entire race
Some people do hate entire races, but I'm not one of them. My ethnic nationalism is fueled by reason and not emotion. As for this question...
>Why? they have good genes
Allow me to explain in a way you might be able to understand. Sure, the children will be like the parents. But for how many generations can you guarantee this? Two? Three? Four?
Let me put it in another way. Think of how many great great great great grandparents you have. If you go back far enough, then the number of them would exceed the entire global population. Obviously this isn't what's happening. DNA of ethnic races mostly swirls around a population, which is why you can expect any individual within a certain race to have that races characteristics within a given margin. That being said, when you import "good blacks" into your gene pool, you are still hurting society overall in the long run. Sure, those individual blacks may be good, but they carry cretinous and destructive DNA inside of them. Their progeny are proven civilization destroyers and they cannot be trusted to build or even maintain society.
Hence this post
>I would go case by case, just don't get why Sup Forums hates an entire race
If we were allowed to go case by case, I really doubt the "fuck em all" attitude would be so prevalent, but we can't, so fuck em all man, everyone of em, even the good ones (who would slit your throat in order to get a black serial killer off of death row, never forget that)
So, since your option is not realistic (bluepiled) fuck em all is a logical psychological response
Looking at animal breeding, as example, that is not the case, you just select what characteristics you want and then their genes are passed on, there is no turn back after X generations
This only true when you can control which of the offspring are allowed to breed. You can't do that for humans. If you can't control the breeding for several generations then the offspring will simply tend towards the mean.
It's a simple truth, but it's rather inconvenient for the liberals and impactful nonetheless.
Now I get it
So it is either control human breeding or ban certain groups
I hope gene editing for kids becomes a thing also
>I would rather have niggers behaving like whites than having whites behaving like niggers in my State
I wouldn't.
That said, this is not the dichotomy. The reality is that whites act like whites and niggers act like niggers, not vice versa. That's the reality you live in, and that's why race matters
why is this hard for you?
Whites behaving like niggers can be rehabilitated back into their natural state of behaving like Whites, but niggers behaving like Whites will always revert back to nigger behaviour once there are enough of them.
i also guess i'd rather eat unicornmeat than beef but hey let's just play pretend?
Blacks are almost universally niggers. Sure, everyone has that one friend, or maybe a couple friends who are black but aren't total chimps, but saying 99% of blacks are niggers is an understatement. This is how they are naturally. This is their race.
White, otoh, have to be dragged down to the level of nigger, even good upstanding and intelligent white people.
You can't have a conversation with a border collie about the child abuse and single mother allegories in the movie The Lost Boys, you can only play fetch, rub their bellies, and feed them. By their very nature, they can never truly connect intellectually with a human.
Thus is also the situation with blacks and any other race, minus all the chimp outs and rapes and murders.
People who only care about how great their race is do so because they aren't worth shit as an individual. Their race is the only thing they have to cling to.
Behavour is largely genetic, outliers do not make a counterpoint to this at all. Once whites go - white culture goes with them.
>why does race matter
>I don't want people acting like niggers
Well that was quick op
i'd rather have kfc than popeyes
Race isn’t real but culture is, and, for whatever it’s worth, “race” plays a huge part in determining culture, be it niggers reinforcing niggerdom or whites being cocksuckers to “good” blacks. I don’t know the solution but I know niggers of all races suck.
>Race isn’t real
If race isn't real then how do you know who to give affirmative action preference towards??
IQ + culture is what matters user. Herp derp gas the kikes and hang the niggers. Ask me how I know you have zero life experience.
>Race isn’t real
Bullshit, but I agree that culture is absolutely important too.
IQ and ideology play an important part in culture, and race affects these two things immensely.
And how would you select those few people out of the millions of Africans? And why would you want them instead of Europeans?
Both IQ and culture is affected by genes. The only thing you will accomplish with your "race isn't real" is making the US another Brazil.
I see you conveniently ignored