What the FUCK, Trump? Get off your lazy ass and DO SOMETHING.
What the FUCK, Trump? Get off your lazy ass and DO SOMETHING
He's right you know. Look at this and last year in Sweden.
if you want to be in mexico, move to mexico, you coward faggot.
I'm a coward for having the audacity to think that kids should be able to go to school without fear of being shot up? Damn bro you got me. I'm a straight up commie
Technology changes
Principle of power to the people stays the same
Kys ot vey cia nigger
Do what? Change your diaper? You little pussy. You little pussy bitch, go cry some where else you faggot fuck.
You are right, we need armed teachers and gun saftely to be taught in schools.
Gun free zones don't seem to be working.
You guys are so tough! Wow! I wish I was so blind to the world's problems that I could scoff at 17 dead teenagers!
Hurd durr there’s a connection if you pass this law there won’t be any more school shootings
What a retard
Ever heard of Ulf Anders whatever his name is. The Norwegian that killed a fuckton of people in A school in Norway
you're a coward for allowing yourself to be manipulated by a system that tries to do everything possible to keep you enslaved. stupidity and ignorance isnt an excuse, you're just a coward
so gtfo out of this country and go to mexican paradise, dirtbag
I checked, and your first amendment license is due to expire at the end of March. I heard they're no longer accepting "internet arguments" as a reason for obtaining or renewing your license. You're also legally required to obtain additional homeowner's insurance to cover the expenses of getting swatted while Twitch streaming.
Holy christ you liberals are such infantile fucks.
Armed teachers is retarded. Simply have a trained police officer in/near a school
Thas it
And not wide out in the open, so he won’t be targeted
>it's all the fault of brown people
>but guns are the only thing that prevents us from being México
Sorry bigot, we don't ban things that frighten us. That's nazism.
I would rather a thousand teenagers be shot than give up one of my guns. Anyone not being homeschooled is a drone anyways these days.
These people are honestly retarded. They have no clue this is the dying breath of their fascist Republican Party. Dems will rule unopposed for the next century
But if we have trained teachers there would be an armed response in every room. You also wouldn't need to hire anyone new.
Seems like all positives from my perspective
No one says it’s all the fault of brown people. And if you look at crime in America/Brazil/anywhere else you would see that is mostly correct
>>but guns are the only thing that prevents us from being México
no, the utter fire power we have to fend of the cartels so we're not controlled by drug addicted, murdering rapists is what seperates us from mexico. That, and most of us know the right of way laws and can drive a car on the road without crashing into a pedestrian. I wouldnt give a shit about you paco, if you could drive worth a shit. But our biker population makes it impossible for me to want you here. you people kill yo many just by not looking where you are going
Guns are the only thing that prevents us from anarchy, invasion and denotes out bottom-line, which the jews are always sweating about
Lol the only party dying here is your retarded fuckwad of a party
...I used to be a member of until I opened my eyes lol...
Good luck getting votes when we deport your illegals
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No too much effort and teachers can be untrustworthy/ get madd at a Student/ have mental issues
It’s much safer to have one person, completely trained and dedicated to protecting the school
>Good luck getting votes when we deport your illegals
You did watch trump propose citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented aliens during the SOTU, yes? And you are aware that Puerto Rican's have been flooding into Florida since August?
Pls don't compare fascists to Republicans, it's wrong
America is such a retarded country.
>pledges to ease pain
>makes opioids over the counter
If thoughts and prayers were currency poverty would be eliminated.
liek a true boss.
This is America after all, we're supposed to get the opiate end of warfare
Nahh if that one person gets mad no one can stop him.
The cast of freedom
is that supposed to be profound?
gtfo idiot
This, why don't we talk about psychiatry and antidepressants instead of gun control? Oh wait, I know ((why))
>If thoughts and prayers were currency poverty would be eliminated.
Remember how the war on drugs worked out?
Remember how drug addiction disappeared and no one ever ODed ever again.
All thanks to drug control and laws.
>the founders had no idea that guns would improve in the future
i hate this meme
I'm sure anybody would rather bet on the odds of the trained professional following through with his duty. It's called an investment, clown
>be american
>say its not the guns its the person
Seriously grow a brain. Im sure some piss dweeb wouldnt be able to stab 30 people before he gets his head caved in. If you really rely on a gun for protection you're a bunch of pussys. Buy a fuckin cricket bat and cave their head in.
Clowns are terrible at investments.
That's why we pay our politicians
>theyre dead broke and outgunned
youre in for a hell of a reality check kiddo.
The Constitution says nothing about keeping up to date with technology, if people wanted it to be that way they should get the Constitution amended as the founders put it place for that reason.
Wouldn't have a problem with this, it would block out so much pointless internet drama and SJW virtue signaling. I also wouldn't have a problem with the licensing cause white privilege. It will be like the internet pre-2015.
>But if we have trained teachers there would be an armed response in every room. You also wouldn't need to hire anyone new.
>Seems like all positives from my perspective
>Armed teachers is retarded. Simply have a trained police officer in/near a school
this is why america has turned into such a shithole
you lucifarian cuck socking sock puppet faggots
>huurrr duur arm and train the teachers for combat! put police everywhere!
goddamn, im getting emotional
you train the STUDENTS you insufferable drone puppet robots with broken coding and insecure, memory leaking software, FAGGOTS
school shootings are a drop in the bucket
bring back mental hospitals first
just drive a truck into a crowd and kill 80 people in Nice France, as long as they dont use a gun its fine
Take a look at the "how millennials voted in 2016" map for me, would you buddy? :)
>That's why we pay our politicians
Just so you guys realize this is what your fellow countrymen think:
there's no reason to give a single shit about these people who love their guns this much. they are not a part of your nation, they would sooner let you die than not.
Most young people don't vote dummy, it's hardly representative of anything.
that other thing republicans shut down? boy they just can't stop fucking up!
How about the fifth then, rabbi?
>not part of your country
>kills a bunch of race traitors, see
He culled the herd.
How many more of those do you have? I have an endless supply of (you) in exchange for filling up my image reply folder.
yeah in blue california where the shooter lives
isn't it insanely autistic how everyone left of the aisle DEMANDS specifics? as if Obama was the most specific person of all time?
training and CCW for teachers. Also train them to recognize mental cases. FBI dept specialized into this. Monitor & stop these guys before the shooting.
Most of them signal moths before doing it.
Result: no more "mass" shootings
Also most corrupt police force. And weakest central government.
You're a retarded hypocrite.
>hundreds of niggers killing each other every day--> nobody cares
>17 kids die in a school shooting (which are relatively very rare)--> everyone freaks out
Stay consistent with the "deaths by bathtub" logic, as shown here:
See this VSauce vid: youtu.be
Its a good thing Trump won't ban guns. Gives antifa and stray British heroes more chances to blow his head off.
probably because noone could stand up to the cartels when they went to send a message through mass execute, torture rape and murder of villagers. The cops just joined them or risked having their families raped and cut to little pieces and slowly murdered in front of them
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed."
we're not just allowed breakfast.
"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers."
- George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined..."
- George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison,January 30, 1787
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison,December 20, 1787
bonus points for people who can show me just a FEW of the rapid fire quick loaf guns available at the time of the writing of these documents
(hint: Lewis & Clark's party was famously equipped with one of these models)
Sadly I can't tell if LARPING or actual leftard
the state of the left
Every mass shooting from Columbine onward has been a false flag perpetrated by the FBI and CIA on behalf of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in an effort to ban guns to retain their power and to quash constitutional rights without fear of an armed uprising. Its already happened in Europe and Australia and look at what happened to them. Importing shitskins by the millions, mass surveillance and absurd laws meant to punish decent upstanding citizens for daring to either be critical of mommy government, but of their imported voters
>quick loaf
fuck me
Are you scared that he might go full Reagan? His history isn't exactly NRA A+++
This kremlin bot is trying to make americans give up their rights.
Obama had school shooters every other month as well. Why the fuck do they think Trump would implement gun control when Obama didn't under the same circumstances?
Obama couldnt even do it when he controlled both the house and senate, it's a losing proposition and a one way ticket to armed insurrection leftists love living in their ivory bubbles but they often forget almost everyone in this country is packing. Of the 310 million, 200 million own guns
don't worry friend i was merely larping, here, you can have this prized meme of mine as repayment for the trouble i've caused
News at 11.
Fgt can't deal with our Republic.
first, dont have kids, seccond, if you do, make sure they are the same color and culture than everyone else, also, if you have a fat kid, a non combatant kid, a mild kid, a leftwing kid, a retarded kid, a pacifist kid, a no-tech kid, please kill that kid yourself.
Hes going full Irma again and throw toilet paper on the plebs so they can clean their tears.
They forget that their guy and his friends were kicked out of office for doing what they want Ttump to do now. More importantly, they just forget their guy isn't in office anymore or they're feigning shock. CNN is becoming clickbait trash.
>The Bakers Dozen
He will post a trained professional at each school that has tactical training to deal with school shooters.
we need more warriors in the world, and more workers, the rest could do us a favor and please die screaming.
*moral aggrandizing
that's the main problem with "selling dreams". people come to believe they are entitled to those dreams. HAHAHAHAHAH
the only way to "individualize yourself" truly is running away from society, if you want to be "an complex individual" in the middle of ny and want to brag about shit your kid should be shot.
The universe doesn’t give a fuck what you think “should” happen. Things happen. Getting rid of guns doesn’t change that moron.