Why aren't you a father yet Sup Forums?
Saving the white race
I'm impotent :(
I love how ingrained in us dogs are. We know they're friends almost immediately after we're born. Cat cucks truly are the worst.
I'm single, and not financially capable of being a parent.
My white genes will live on in my two almost-white looking children.
Too busy fucking bitches
As soon as I'm financially stable to do so (assuming I'm not single). Just finished my masters and I'm trying to find a fixed job atm.
>Implying anyone want to have anything to do with white women
Yeah man no thanks I would rather deal with a wild boar than be with a white woman, as for children I guess I will eventually have them.
Waiting for designer babies to become a thing
I am.
Me and my gf are trying for a baby but no luck yet
>pic related, it's my gf
Too Afraid of being financially raped in divorce court.
Kids abducted from me by the state and their brainwashed mother, and than turned into little soy boy faggots who worship black Jesus.
the women had abortions because it's their right
Then don't marry her.
no woman will have sex with me
Like that's going to stop her from taking your kids and ruining their lives? What planet do you live on? Not to mention the child support you will be fleeced out of that is than used against you to turn your own kids into godless lost souls
Because i'm autistic and can't talk to normal women.
No woman wants to make a baby with my manlet genes.
>Want to save White race
>Also don't want to bring more people onto this planet cause human = earth cancer
>This thread
Choosing a reliable girl is obviously not an option, but even then, you have to redo her education.
It will still not be enough, so you have to clearly tell her that she will not get the kids AND money. She won't choose to get only one, so you are then safe. It's a shame we have to fall this low, but this is the time we live in.
i have a wonderfull blonde blue eyed daughter
You could make up for it by exterminating lots of non-whites.
still waiting to meet a woman I can stand for more than three days in a row
my swimmers are retarded
i am.
say it with confidence, like this
***!!!! I AM !!!!!***!!!!