I go to a technical college pol. A fucking trade school! And [pic related] was still assigned by the professor!
How did this happen? And what should our answers be?
I go to a technical college pol. A fucking trade school! And [pic related] was still assigned by the professor!
How did this happen? And what should our answers be?
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Report the fag and submit full sentences
5 and 6 are total bullshit you can destroy him with some sourced research, pull numbers, cite sources, and make him your cuck
If you don't answer #10 by telling him that you wasted your time on cultural marxist indoctrination and you want a refund for being taught this rather than something that actually matters, you're a pussy.
Also, consider calling him a faggot.
5) degenerate influence of like controlled Hollywood
4) citation needed
Tell them the paper offends and you prefer not to elaborate on your own sexual identification.
8) 5th grade shortly after seeing two faggots kiss on the subway. The nausea bubbling up from within set me on the path to straightness.
7) citation needed. Please provide per capita statistics.
Fucking 7 though.
What is per capita?
3) the natural and innate drive to procreate
Soft, professional redpill time.
>the natural state in humans that enables reproduction and the continuation of the species
>can't think of a good one for this one
>natural biological instincts
>yes, and it's a good thing otherwise the species would die out
>bring up economic factors here
>this one is total BS. Refute it
>I didn't, millions of years of evolution did
Anyone with minimal knowledge in biology should be able to answer 1-4 easily, the rest is total BS, you should report this fag.
There s only one correct answer to )10, that being bursting into the classroom and murdering the lecturer and everyone in sight in a maelstrom of gunfire
10) Another day another exposure to social justice faggotry. Subversive Jews.
>why do straights rape more
Doubt it, but anyway, women are weaker than men so it's a crime of opportunity.
Unleash the fullest power of your logic.
Any man of logic should be able to zero this in on itself like a collapsing black hole.
If your answer deviates from:
"I am busy doing math. This is irrelevant." You have FAILED.
Obsessing about group identity is why Sup Forumstards and social justice people are both retarded. Many of the people reading this are equally retarded as the person OP is bitching about.
Pretty sure its the administrative department. I went to a technical school and we always got this sort of stuff from office personnel; they creep in to HR departments and then some boomer thinks its a good idea to have "talks" and "presentations" relating to sexual harassment and lgbtbbq.
Going to post some more details for max keks.
Prof is a strong independent black wamen, immigrated from Africa in the 80's.
None of the students except the social justice warriors can stand her.
This is not the first time something like this has happened, just the first one I bothered to sperg about.
Send this to the news.
1. Sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex. (Oxford Dictionary)
2. Brain scans (ajnr.org
3. Unable to test ethically without human trails. See previous study, likely altered brain development due to nature / nurture.
4. Site the top 10 popular sitcoms in last 5 years, compare main cast who is gay to total cast, is this higher than the general population?
5. Cite gay divorce statistics, site bias of that claim, it is only people who married 18-19, those that married later 22+ had much much lower rates.
6. Adjust for per capita, include pedophiles.
7. Again, adjust for per capita.
8. I didn't.
9. Not possible without drugs or brain surgery.
10. I am annoyed at the selection bias and misrepresentation of statistics by an educator. I am changing colleges, filing complaints against you, and sending this to the news.
Send this in user.
Would you say collective identity is integral to a functioning society?
Even if you aren't in colleges or universities you will have at least one person in administration bringing these things up to make sure you aren't catcalling women or doing anything that might seem to create a "hostile work environment."
7 - While most child molesters are heterosexuals, homosexuals molest children at a much higher rate than heterosexuals (cite per capita statistics, generally I've heard anywhere from 5 to 8 times as likely)
5 - Note that the question assumes all marriages are straight marriages. Call your teacher out for a microaggression
I've seen this before, what it is is an old questionnaire about homosexuality but they replaced the word with heterosexual. Expect it in class.
1. Sexual attraction to persons with the opposite naughty bits, the way God intended.
2. Discounting closeted homosexualists, if when asked if they're straight they say yes.
3. The short answer is that it's how evolution happened to shake out. All species reproduce. Some do it asexually. Some species, humans included, reproduce through sexual reproduction.
4. Sure. So too are homosexualists -- perhaps even more so than straight people. Studies seem to show that gay men are more sexually promiscuous than straight men.
5. That number wasn't always so high. We then have to wonder what changed, no? The shift is pretty strongly correlated with the rise of feminism and no fault divorce.
6. This question is loaded, and factually inaccurate. But supposing it wasn't, one might wonder about reporting practices and whether women are more likely to report rape than men.
7. The majority of people are heterosexuals. It should then be little surprise to anybody with even a cursory understanding of statistics that the majority of a sub category would be the majority group. Yes, I consider it safe.
Here's a real brain buster -- any given homosexual is more likely to be a child molester than a heterosexual is. Why is that?
8. I didn't. I was born normal.
9. Impossible to know.
10. Shock at the willingness of you, a supposed academic, to push an agenda through loaded questions.
my dudes, you all are missing that:
1)there are more straight people in the world than deviants
2) since a majority of sexual crimes is performed by a minority of people, so called repeat offenders
ergo the statistics is way in favor of hetereos doing most of the bad stuff (both rape and divorce, same statistical phenomena), but EVEN still deviants are a disproportional % of all crimes and divorce. If they were more like straights they would stand for a much lower %. Same shit as with blacks or mozzies.
1. See: Sanity
2. See 1
3. Life
4. Why do you bring that up ? four times in a row
5. When are you gonna ask a real question ?
6. Why do you lie Eli ?
7. Watcha doin Rabbi ?
8. Invalid formulation
9. 47
10. Kys. Kys. See 1
Which class were you in? I’d say keep your head down, but don’t give them an inch on this one. The last thing you want is the type of petty professor this one no doubt is to screw you and your grade. They’re not worth it. You think you’re miserable? That’s nothing compared to how miserable and angry these pricks are and they want to take you with them.
Call him racist, sexist, and every -ist you can, take it to the dean, demand he be removed for being so -ist, demand a refund for the class, and/or demand to have the requirement for the class waived
Its a speech class, one of the gen-eds
1. People who are sexually attracted to the opposite gender. There are two genders each produces one of the two gametes.
2. They choose to have sex with the opposite gender.
3. Evolution and biology.
4. All humans are preoccupied with sex. Its how we get more humans. The media portraying this is just more proof. They wouldnt be trying to sell you something you are not interested in,
5. Marriage has been destroyed by the promotion of divorce. also studies shows sexual promiscuity causes divorce even if the behavior was done before the marriage. Society promotes sexual promiscuity and thus the degradation of marriage.
6. Gay ones are not reported. Lesbian are far more aggressive then any other type of relationship. And if you think male gay culture does not contain threads of violence you are retarded.
7. I need proof on this.
8. I choose nothing my biology drives me.
9. Pretty fucking difficult.
10. These questions are leading and the fact that a trade school is doing this means its a pretty shit trade school. Filled mostly with disappointment.
Guess you din't read Engels Origins of The Family.
it's literally omission by lying
fake and really fucking OP-tier gay
Digits for truth, you madman
Learn the origins of Cultural Marxism.
say what? Nobody can just change their sexual orientation by choice
Report her. You pay fr education, she is not delivering
So let's see if I got it right, the guys want to gather these holy sparks to restore god, I assume that these holy sparks are inside us since this talks about transcending good and evil, maybe it's what we call "soul", which to me implies becoming a god, and cultural marxism as we know is about destroying morality, so they want to destroy morality then somehow make the immoral transcend and bring god back? Shit could be plot of some TV show or game.
is that on canvas?
we use the same shit fuck canvas