Do y'all seriously not care about these people that got shot? Look at these kids, this girl was a semifinalist for a national merit scholarship.
Do y'all seriously not care about these people that got shot? Look at these kids...
Adam Sandler here was a Social Studies teacher that got shot ushering kids into his room for protection.
My dick cries tears for her.
This is just some girl, I don't know, but look at what a good time she was having before some asshole with a gun killed her at school.
Honestly... No.
I can adequately and effectively protect myself from niggers with a gun. I cannot adequately and effectively protect myself from niggers without a gun. That is the only relevant inquiry.
Dude just fucking home school your children. Why send them to fag daycare school to get shot?
Actually a lot of girls here, Elliot Rodgers really was a total fuck up. This one was 14, in the winter guard team.
why does it matter if a bunch of anons on the internets care about deaths?
>dumb fucking thread
Nah I'm a piece of shit that doesn't value human life.
Fuck off, retard.
You do realize no one here makes laws, right? Instead of making another thread about this, how about you take five minutes out of your NEET life and email your elected representatives?
Don’t bother replying, I’m just hiding all these spam posts.
democrats just like killing people, don't they?
Translation: I'm a small dick racist who's afraid of people with a different skin colour.
This mouseketeer got killed while holding the door open for kids to escape. He was 15.
Most more OP, they're hot!
>Jew names
That's an obvious kike parasite. No loss.
Wow using a recently murdered girls sexual appeal to promote your agenda that's pretty sick chubbs
My dude had a swimming scholarship. Why'd he get merc'd? What was the point?
yeah nah
No. I don't care. She looks like a kike
Another Jew. This entire school was nothing but Jews and spics.
The entire school almost was filled with rich jews nobody is talking about this
In the 50's, prior to racial integration, we had a lot of social cohesion. In history we haven't had issues until integration. This is true for every point in history to include the Roman empire
if you're not first you're last, roastie, burn in hell.
Someone come get yo girl a chin
>no one here makes laws
Senate user does
Jaw line why am I so retarded.
Her name was Meadow Sup Forumslack. She could have been one of you, or maybe she was. I guess if she was it didn't serve her that well, just another American teen dead from gun violence.
Translation: I am a racist because I am aware of the massively disproportionate likelihood of being attacked by a nigger as compared to anyone else. There is a difference between fear and anger, Mohammed.
this now comfy and kawaii thread
ITT: Edgelords
>blue balloon
>white balloon
>one of /us/
Is this kawaii desu~~?
Why'd you rather see her face filled with flies?
Two more Jews. Hell, I feel bad for the shooter now, having to go to school with so many heebs.
Shall not be infringed.
M-maybe he really was....d-dare I say it.......
Some low res football coach skinhead. He looks kind of depressed, but he should've have been given the choice to take his own life if that was what he wanted. Instead some punk kid did it.
Seriously though, he apparently died shielding a kid. If only the bullets would have bounced off of that heroic chrome-dome of his.
>all these edgy virgins
Keep killing yourselves mutts.
This guy deserved it
Post your own photo along with your family, because you are next.
staged 'event'
what do you want? youre not expressing yourself correctly
This is how much I care for communist Jews.
>pic related
I live in South Texas, not so far from the church shooting.
I live in a small hub city that has connections all over this area.
How come I know absolutely no one that was affected by that shooting?
Nor my family.
This is crazy. Its fake.
we like students who survive the shootings, they're the real heroes.
Fuck off hipster. Anne Frank wasn't real Jeff!!!!
She seems wealthy. She had life on easy mode.
14 year old freshman. Imagine walking into your first year of highschool, all stars in your eyes, spending all day in the well furnished library reading academic tracts and expanding your mind, only to have all that knowledge and hope extinguished by an American Made™ bullet
>You are next
Very annoying to read
nah bro I've got so many damn responsibilities I dont have time.
Fuck you piece of shit.
dude i have so many problems in my life. I know this sounds cold but i could care less about these kids. I dont know anyone in florida and i dont care about anyone in florida. people die every day, what makes these people so special?
Thread theme
looks like he killed a bunch of jews, good on him
I don’t care how many kids get killed, I will never give up my guns. Fags like you want to see armed men confront other armed men in order to confiscate their weaponry. Sounds to me like you just want a lot of dead men.
translation: i'm a nigger therefore I don't have empathy
you are nigger in your soul, even if you're 56%
Not white.
Only about white life's. Stop posting Jews.
>Being this attached to a gun
Do you stick the barrel up your anus, too?
Oh youre some god damned liberal. This is why we don't take these posts seriously. Yall try every trick in the book to brainwash us into your spectrum of thinking, If you have logical points that coincide with cultural arguments then we're open to it. This is an absolute shit way to operate. It's 2 decade old thinking and it doesn't work on anyone except weak minds. Yall have used it too much. And by yall I mean msm. Try something else bud
This is John Madden he was the football quarterback he was killed by Cruz while heroically charging to tackle the gunman to save his classmates. He was the next Tom Brady with his whole life ahead of him. I hope you are happy guntards MUH GUN
Running out of kids here guys, this was the athletic director. Two coaches gunned down. Did this NEET have resentment for sports?
The school was over half kikes and spics. Frankly this edgy wetback did us a favor. you know where you are right op?
Because most social circles are fewer than 100 people. There would likely be less than 350 total between your family due to overlap. Even in a town of 2500 that's a very small fraction.
Ah another white death, so sad.
Did I post this guy already? I don't know. His family said he was found on the 3rd floor. Imagine that being your son or siblings obituary. "found on the third floor". Even hearing that that was what the parents had to say about him creates some nihilistic void, just defined by what floor you died on in a school shooting.
Holy edge lmao
Great meme. Hahaha.
We don't have to deal with niggers here. It's a genuine concern in the US where they make a habit out of violent robberies and burglaries. Or just wanton rape and murder.
>a Latino massacres a bunch of Jews
Alright then.
You're a bunch of hypocrites.
>hundreds of niggers shooting each other every day--> nobody cares
>17 kids die in a school shooting (which are relatively very rare)--> everyone freaks out, and starts screeching about “muh gun control”
Stay consistent with the “more people die in bathtubs than in terrorist attacks” logic, as shown here:
See this Vsauce vid about human miscalculation of risk:
It’s literally a case of feelz vs realz...
The bull needs prepping, Sven
When you realize it's a mental health problem not a gun problem
Pussification will destroy us all
No, I honestly don't. This is the future their parents chose for them. And I don't mean muh guns.
Come and take it faggot. You wouldn’t cause you’re a pussy. Instead you’d have some mercenary do it for you, pathetic. You want to gun grab, you do it. Make sure you wear something nice so you look good in the box you’re shipped home in.
stop race mixing and allow racial sovereignty
Well that's just patently false.
Translation: im a sheltered leaf who doesnt give two flying fucks about the HUNDREDS of shootings that occur DAILY in black communities. Now watch me blow my dog whistle and virtue signal because a few jews got shot.
To quote a Japanese user: shit in toilet, nobody care. Shit in sink, everybody care.
>t. antifag
Are you saying that I must give up my rights because some other people got shot by another person?