Arrest that fucking gun
wew that pic
Let's ban math so nobody gets to make guns anymore.
If we ban guns then young men who have been alienated from society will stop wanting to do bad things. It's so simple. Why didn't anyone DO SOMETHING about this before!?
take a gun. Point at your face. Then shoot it.
gun deserves it
It’s harder to get a car than a gun and the kid sold knives at school. He chose a gun instead of a knife for a specific reason
ban everything because we all know that if you ban something, it always goes away forever.
Cruz dindu nuffin, it was duh guns fault!
El Goblina las Americas.
>A gun did this
A shotgun, actually?
he missed one for sure
This, the gun deserves hanging.
The gun was an AR-15, a semiautomatic rifle. not a shotgun.
Mere statistics
That gun was probably bullied for having a small barrel.
Too bad A GUN didn't blow her brains out too.
someone should write " to bad you werent on the kill list, i wouldnt have to see this mentally inferior drivel "
Good, dead commie Jews.
Californian gun owner here. I love living in the Bay Area and I support every law limiting gun ownership.
I hate you manlet faggots with your disgusting plastic AR and your garbage Lego gun accessories. Not only are you an embarrassment to real gun owners you are the worst bunch of whiny faggots on this board with your AR general spam shitting up discussions that don't praise your little black dildo.
Not only do you embarrass yourself but you also embarrass America's military by taking a weapon of war and turning into a toy for civilian use. There should be a separation from the military and civilian use. You don't go through the training or take part in the community that the rifle is actually intended and used for. Further degrading military service with your morbid obesity and sub par intelligence that you show off on a daily basis.
The people I know here in the Bay Area that are gun nuts are failures as human beings. Almost all are divorced men with children that drank the Republican koolaid and can no longer make decisions without spouting some kind of political meme whenever you talk to them. It gets very tiresome to even hold a basic conversation with them since it will devolve into political retardation.
Not to dwell on the negative aspect to much I do own 3 shotguns and 2 actual hunting rifles that actually see use. The shotguns were handed down to me from my late father and the rifles are from my great uncle that landed on Utah beach in ww2 and lived the remainder of his life on a small piece of land in a flea spec of a town in New Mexico raising horses.
The best laugh I ever had on this board is pictures posted by AR owners in California with the stock turned into some kind of foam dildo. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.
I hope in this upcoming 4 years there's extreme levels of violence because I would love nothing more than to recreate a modern day "Sherman's March to the Sea."
It's trumps fault too.
Knives and cars are not protected by the constitution
School shootings are a net benefit at this point, hopefully someone comes along and gets the rest.
Haven't seen this pasta before.
Was it Obama's fault when school shootings happened under him too?
Try harder kike, Shareblue not sending their best today
I was going to tweet her "he missed one" but im too scared user
Great pasta, you could really have been a faggot if your post wasn't so long.
The left needs to watch a certain educational video
Dont start with that bullshit again. Any retard can download the anarchists cookbook and done way more damage. The guy had a fucking gas mask. He could have just gone into the bathroom and ghetto gassed the entire school.
Guns are the niggers of weapons
stealing a car is piss easy
Is it just me or does she look like a 40 year old woman?
A truck has killed my fellow Englishmen. A truck has traumatized my friends. My entire country, traumatized from this tragedy. This could have been prevented.
guys, are sentient guns the end of humanity as we know it?
Yes, it was me user kun. I WILL AVENGE MY FAMILY!
The hormones these kids take in have them looking 20 at 13yo and burnt out by their 18th.
Of what? This isn't Europe where you get arrested for hurting feelings
lol look at that slut profile pic
It’s still not as practical
Because knives are basic tools that have existed since the dawn of humanity and cars weren’t a thing 300 years ago
Look lads, at the end of the day a gun is nothing but a metallic contraption when the safety is on and it is being carried by someone sound of mind. We need to ween society off of the soy and the rage-inducing media noise.
people in america get fired and sued in court of law for billions of dollars for mean words instead
I wonder if this would get to a point where, after banning guns, knives and other weapons, doing any kind of strength training or martial arts could get banned as well.
she's right. Put this gun in prison, and free La Cruz.
It was the gun.
Yet that never happens.
>HS student
>pic where you can clearly see her tits and nipples
Well sounds like Cruz shouldn't be in jail since it was the guns fault. He should be released immediately.
it literally take less time than buying a gun, and is much cheaper, you can do far more damage with an f-250 than any glock
shes ugly
Good grief, That school system has worked wonders. These kids are very respectful of others. The real world will embrace these kids.
every country except israel must give up guns
No they don't Mohammed. Now go rape a little white girl and laugh as her parents defend you in court
Israel isn't even a country.
one time a car ran over my dog. fucking cars. I swore never to use a car since.
jidf btfo
That literally never happens retard.
so if america is so great in freedoms then why aren't you being a islamophobic on facebook instead on Sup Forums
durkas aren't people tho
>Having a fagbook
Cause I don't have a Fagbook Muhammad
That's why they want to take over the US and claim it as a new Israel.
The more I see from the survivors, the more I side with the shooter. These people must've been hell to be with
Why not? Wouldn't your profound thoughts reach way greater audience there? Why don't you give it a try?
guns are bad ass.
A spoon made a fatty fat! Spoon control now!
I'm pretty sure that was a joke, dood
This /thread OP and bitch in pic BTFO OMG ROFFLEMAYO RIP OP. :^)
Because I didn't need the face jew selling my info for money you retard
I wish she was shoot, fucking retard.
kill all the guns now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My car decided to start and then back out of my garage and run over the neighbor. Fucking car.
You joke about such things, but they might actually try it.
The modern left is out of their fucking minds.
Even better, deport that gun and put a visa ban till we figure out what the hell is going on
Never trust a gun.
Whats a private multi national corporation got to do with the US consitution
If you think her statement is stupid, you should check out some of her "art." Looks like it was painted by a comatose ape.
I've met plenty of these chicks before. Tons of money growing up, then they squander it all on some liberal arts degree from some state university. Kind of pitiful when you think about it. They'll always weasle their way into a comfy salaried job somewhere, though. Even if they have limited experience and don't know how to operate an office copier.
No fucking chance some 16 year old kid is playing up this political angle of her own volition
My crazy neighbour was going to run a bunch of people down with a truck, but he wasn't able to get a truck because he couldn't pass the background check.
>They'll always weasle their way into a comfy salaried job somewhere, though.
My gf. She studied american history and film, and now works as a financial advisor. Its utterly straggering the power, the sheer power, being pretty and blonde carries in the western world
They're already doing it in the USA.
It could have been prevented
With what? A gun?
The gun that shot up her school would be been there regardless of law.
Let’s be honest she is clearly pro gun
1. WTF is a teenager doing with a site like that??
2. she doesn't look like a teen, so maybe not her?
Why should I mourn these kids deaths? I’m sure almost all of them were useless retards anyways, who thought like this dumb cunt
. . . w o w
Thanks to Elon Musk that may soon become a thing.
shoot that gun
There is no end to brutal, awful poor white folks willing to kill for money.
How can we use them to save those South African farmers?
the gunman failed. he obviously should've killed a few more. How much do you think these kids are getting paid?
Why do American teenagers look like adults