Welcome to Sup Forums's Christianity, and more specifically Catholic, resource for understanding the faith and common questions and answers.
Psalm 8 8:2 O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy name in the whole earth! For thy magnificence is elevated above the heavens. 8:3 Out of the mouth of infants and of sucklings thou hast perfected praise, because of thy enemies, that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the avenger. 8:4 For I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy fingers: the moon and the stars which thou hast founded. 8:5 What is man that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man that thou visitest hi? 8:6 Thou hast made him a little less than the angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honour: 8:7 and hast set him over the works of thy hands. 8:8 Thou hast subjected all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen: moreover the beasts also of the fields. 8:9 The birds of the air, and the fishes of the sea, that pass through the paths of the sea. 8:10 O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy name in all the earth!
I gave up worshiping a fish-god created by expelled jews from hyksos
Joseph Johnson
Peterson did this
Robert Miller
Ultra-Conservative Christian here. OP, if you would, could you please explain why Catholicism is relevant and is not responsible for most of the breakage from original doctrine set in place by the church founded by the disciples. I don't dislike Catholics, for the most part, but I just don't understand the need for observance of Mary or any of the other duplicitous things the church has previously advocated. Also, what are your views on Protestantism?
Jace Collins
I am an ex Protestant that has become Catholic due to the fact that Jesus Christ started the Church and the Bible says the Church shall not perish. I feel a lot closer to God since starting to become Catholic. I’m not one of those edgy atheists that ever fell out of my relations with God but Protestantism doesn’t seem complete to me.
Jaxon Lee
Modern Protestantism is the breeding ground for subversion of Christianity, but why would you choose to be under this pope? I guess I'm asking for some resources on understanding why the schism was at all necessary. Wasn't the Orthodox church the church that was founded?
Brandon Morris
Catholics who actually care about doctrine and what the church fathers have said are sedevacantists.
In my hometown, the catholic priest fucks trannies. The one before was a kiddie diddler.
Jordan Cox
The biggest problem I have with Catholicism is the fate of the ignorant. How can a dying Hindu child be sentenced to hell for not being baptised despite never getting to opportunity to be?
Jace Peterson
This is a good point. The changes in beliefs are essentially just arm-twisting.
Nolan Lewis
Some beautiful Latin chants for my brothers. Pray the rosary tonight for the west.
1. The changing of the lords prayer. 2. accepting fags 3. taking part in other religions rituals. 4. going into other religions place of worship 5. letting islamic prayers be said in the vatican etc etc and the list goes on the pope CAN'T be a heretic, if he is he can't be a pope. It's simple since vatican II every pope has been a heretic, vatican II in itself was heretical.
Dominic Collins
Well, both technically and theoretically the Orthodox people split from the Roman Catholic church. >a dying Hindu child be sentenced to hell for not being baptised despite never getting to opportunity to be Because the habits of his or her parents. Don't you think that everything they do with him in his initial years influence his subsequent life? So I understand you were the kiddie and grew up to be a tranny - and now you transmuted the anger directed towards your homosexual father towards a servant of the heavenly father? Interesting
Dominic Hall
It’s understood within Catholicism that God’s mercy would cover that child
Easton Long
>So I understand you were the kiddie and grew up to be a tranny - and now you transmuted the anger directed towards your homosexual father towards a servant of the heavenly father? Interesting *tips alt-fedora
Levi Gray
>1. The changing of the lords prayer. >2. accepting fags >3. taking part in other religions rituals. >4. going into other religions place of worship >5. letting islamic prayers be said in the vatican None of those are inherently heretic. >the pope CAN'T be a heretic, if he is he can't be a pope. True, but you are nobody to determine of the Pope has committed heresy or not. Only the College of Cardinals has such authority. You are protestant, my friend, not Catholic.
Isaiah Evans
>1. The changing of the lords prayer. >Not of those are inherently heretic
Josiah Brooks
>>the pope CAN'T be a heretic, if he is he can't be a pope. >True, but you are nobody to determine of the Pope has committed heresy or not. Only the College of Cardinals has such authority. This is why you need to avoid Catholocism. It's not up to man, and that's pretty apparent within the religion.
Andrew Bennett
>literally changing what the bible has given to us >Accepting gays when its FORBIDDEN in the bible >Taking part in other religions prayers >going against what the other church fathers have said >I-It isn't heretical! Y-You're a protestant! MUH CARDINALS Yes, user it is heretical. The cardinals are also heretics. And no user i'm not a protestant the seat is just empty calm down.
Mason Jenkins
He's being intellectually dishonest to avoid accepting the truth. It's not reflective of the catholic doctrine.
Ian Watson
Are you talking about the "lead us not into temptation" thing? That's just changing the English translation, not the prayer itself or any Catholic dogma. The spanish translation for example has always said "do not let us fall into temptation" instead.
Angel Campbell
>5. letting islamic prayers be said in the vatican
Did you literally forget about the Crusades and the Reconquista?
Liam Williams
What does that have to do with the prayers being said at the vatican?
Jacob Hill
Gavin Baker
>Accepting gays when its FORBIDDEN in the bible Please tell me where in the Bible it says that gays are excluded from salvation just for being gay.
Cameron Morales
Elijah Morris
How's that related to heresy? I'm not saying I support it, but it's still not heresy.
Just accept the pope is a heretic, hes going directly against what the bible has said. He makes a mockery out of god.
Aaron Martin
Where your heart is there you treasure be also.
Hudson Barnes
That says gay sex is a sin. A gay person can theoretically remain chaste his entire life.
Christian James
Wrong the Church Fathers defined an immoral sex life in commentary on Romans 1. What was unnatural sex to them? A sexual relationship not within the bounds of a natural marriage, meaing adultery, whoredom, but also this term applies to marriages that do not result in children when they are able to have kids.
Hudson Reyes
Good luck on your Lenten journey fellow anons. May we all become stronger through Christ's salvation
Andrew Bell
Is this the return of that Catholic priest that routinely made these back then?
I can't remember the year, I believe it was 2012 or 2013.
Oliver Wood
You too, Turns out I already fast. Just have to give up meat on fridays. I'm surprised but then again I'm skinny
Parker Ward
Please tell me where I or the Pope have stated anything contrary to that.
Grayson Davis
>Being gay is not a sin "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet" (Romans 1:27).
Cooper Campbell
Literally all of the early church fathers. Especailly especially the Eastern Fathers because the Greeks were massive faggots or Intellectuals who did not have kids. Romans were always into having lots of kids, just look at the laws Julius Caesar and Augustus put into place. I recomend John of Chrysostom as a good place to start. But yes a marriage that does not result in children is labeled as unatural and sinning against God
Josiah Thomas
Being gay and having gay sex are not the same.
Ayden Brooks
t. gay Stop playing semantics. When he said GAY he meant GAY not muh specific gays. Just accept it user, he let muslims pray in a holy place making a mockery out of god, he took part in other religions rituals and he accepted sodomites. I can't see how he'd be a true pope.
Nicholas Howard
Just historical examples of Catholicism being against Islam.
Islam isn't even considered an Abrahamic faith like Judaism but just paganism
Pope Callixtus III: “I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”
Validating other religions (i.e. letting them do prayers in your churches )is heresy. It violated Catholic dogma that no outside the Catholic Church will be saved. The Vatican II Church preaches the opposite of that daily. How can you say they're Catholic, when they don't even follow that fundamental dogma?
Brandon Hall
Christianity is a Jew psyop.
Blake Martinez
Currently watching this video. Thanks for the link.
Kayden Miller
I really want to be catholic, but I am very wary of the jewish influence via the jesuits which has essentially given rise to both of the vatican councils and destroyed the church. Im not sure if it is even worth joining anymore.
Wyatt Jackson
How's lent going for you lads
Aiden Sullivan
I've noticed a lot of Mexican restaurants will have fish/shrimp taco specials on Lenten Fridays. Makes giving up meat easy
Wyatt Cox
>Some Sheepfucker from New Goatland and el goblino from 56% talking non sense about one true Orthodox Church
Buy a bible (my personal choice is Ignatius RSV) buy a rosary and pray for the seat to be filled once again. It's always worth coming back to the true faith.
John Martin
Cool, but still >Please tell me where I or the Pope have stated anything contrary to that. Wow man you seem to know what the Pope meant better than himself. And semantics are extremely important on these issues because that's what can separate heresy from a just ambiguous statement oriented towards the media but not inherently heretic. This Pope loves that kind of statements, but as of now he has been very careful to no actually cross the line towards heresy.
Jackson Walker
Daily reminder to everyone here to begome ordodox
Ryder Morales
Are you familiar with the 4th century Church Crisis? Constantine the Great and his successor forcibly replaced a ton of bishops with Arians after the Nicene Council condemned Arianism. Anyways they wrote a bunch of decrees saying "arianism is true now goys". The bishops who got fired got pissed off so they stared a great Autist war with the new bishops, like St Athanasious and St Nickolas (Who punched a heretic). They and normies stuck to their doctrines and fought back. Anyways they won and reaffirmed the Nicene Creed with the Nicene Constantinople Creed.
Logan Miller
>c'mon man you know he meant muh specific gays No I don't, and there's plenty evidence to say that him and his comrades are heretics.
Jacob Scott
No it's not. Why do they hate Yeshua?
Jack Stewart
The official position of the church is still that Islam, just like any other heathen religion, cannot lead to salvation. Letting muslims pray in churches , as distasteful as it can be (and I agree it is) does not go directly against that dogma.
so it is worth it still? I was getting kind of discouraged and I know this sounds dumb but i swear to you i feel the church calling me. Also my lineages are traditionally catholic (Italian/Spanish)
Colton Perry
(Red Text) John 15:18-25 "18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.
23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause."
Noah Thomas
I don't know who youare quoting but at this poitn neither me nor anyone else gives a crap
Every bishop but the Bishop of Rome/the Pope and a handful of other men were replaced.
Jaxon Baker
It's definitely worth it, and same here my family is all Irish.
Adrian Flores
That's just because you want the Pope to be an heretic. I understand that you don't like him, but not being a good pope is not the same as being an hererical pope. Gay means gay, that is, being attracted to other man. Of course most gays are sodomites and fornicators, and as such are in state of mortal sin, but just being attracted to other men is not per se a sin and it has never been.
Xavier Jenkins
I was quoting myself you dumb fuck, that's the post you were responding to and refused to answer to post instead some random nonsense.
Andrew Stewart
Just realized something cool. Some Roman Emperors had LONG HAIR. See this hairband on this man's head? This is Theodosius the Great, lots of coins like this and others show this weird hair poof at the nape of his neck and his hair at the forehead is pulled or combed back into a bun. What a faggot. I imagine this was more of a Catholic thing and a late roman empire thing since catholics in the middle ages had long hair.
Ryan Morgan
I could use some help lads. I grew out of my edgy atheist phase about a year and a half ago and became an agnostic, and I have come to realize that religion is actually imperative to a healthy society and I'm convinced that I want my future children to be raised as Christians. But I feel kinda lost as to what denomination to start to follow and which one is better, and I don't really feel any sort of divine connection. Maybe you can enlighten and help me?
Daniel Lee
Maybe not this coin is the best but yeah it sure looks like thats what some of them did. Maybe thats where the midieval kings got it from, trying to emulate some of these Roman Catholic Western Emprors. Vulgate by the way says >It is a shame to nourish your hair Not >It is a shame to have long hair
Adrian Martinez
>Bible says to not have an image of him >Puts his fucking face all over the place When will you denounce the Catholic Church and repent?
Austin Gutierrez
No that's just because YOU don't want him to be a heretic, like I've said, there's plenty of other things that would traditionally make him a heretic. You have a heavy conformation bias and I think you need to look through all the information we've presented and reassess your stance on this. I'll pray for you to find your path, I never like to see a brother stray from the light.
Luke Campbell
>when you want to find and join the one true church but every church is seemingly heretical Can't these theologans get their asses in grear and settle all these disputes. The fact that christianity is this divided today is just embarrassing
Jaxon Morgan
Begome catholic. I heard theyre pretty based there in swedistan too.
Brandon Young
Are there any Catholic anons that can lay out for me why exactly Catholicism, or Sedevacantism, is the true Christian faith?
Josiah Johnson
it just is. Ill convert to catholicism from episcopaliaism once this homo is gone.
Jose Bailey
sedevacantism = Catholicism nerd. And because Jesus states that he will build his church (the catholic church) on him, making him the first pop and so thereby making it the true church founded by Christ himself or "the true faith". I hope this answers your question.
Brayden Cruz
>(the catholic church) on peter, making him the first pope*
Gabriel Bell
Protestant is the most red pilled
Isaiah Rogers
Christianity is dead here in Europe, it's "celebrated" in the vaacum of the day.
Nolan Williams
He opposed the state of the church in that time. Why should we permanently be separated from the first church?
Robert Young
DESU I agree. I am episcopalian and demographics wise we are generally well off here in the US. We arent like the other protestants that are fucking their cousins and playing with snakes. My only issue is how liberal the episcopalian church is getting. They are letting fags and women talk to much. bad move imo. I might unironically go greek orthodox for more traditional views. The oldest Greek Orthod. church in the New World is in my city anyways.
Nicholas Scott
Yeah they're more based than the Swedish Church is, although that's not saying much since it has become cucked beyond belief (but even the Catholics have to appease the cultural marxism here from time to time). But I won't convert just because, I want to be sure of my decision before I take it, as it is not a small step to take. There's also a nationalist dilemma I have, since how can I honour Gustavus Adolphus and Carolus if I betray the faith they fought and died for? I'm so conflicted.
Landon Cooper
The current church is still cucked that's why
Aaron Lopez
Don't go with Sedevacantism. Martin Luther taught the same doctrine, his 99 thesis affirm the Papacy but argued his pope wasn't a true Pope because he was a heretic. As far as I am aware of Catholic law says having a heretic that is a Pope is distinguished from a heretic that is a Pope that acts as a Heretic Pope. Basically the private beliefs of a Pope are not the same as a Pope teaching them or acting upon them. This is why we have letters from Popes that may say something that was not true doctrinally, but they don't know any better, but its not like they made it doctrine or something in the Church, adn to make something that is actually infallible on a dogmatic level has to be really precise and clear with terminology and has to agree with at least most, what a long and specific list of Church saints taught, the Church Fathers, ect Thomas Aquinas, ect ect
Daniel Rivera
Episcopal is good and you should fight within to keep it conservative
Chase Scott
Does this in any way pervert the original church?
Blake Russell
I go to a state school in the south. Congregation of on campus Episcopalian church is very small. Worst part is... its both Anglican and Episcopalian due to very small population of protestants in Louisiana. Its a huge turn off for me, because I am not an Anglican and do not want to associate with Imperial Bootlickers.
Angel Gutierrez
"Burning in their lust". Stop being a fag apologist.
Nicholas Long
I got the same dilemma, altougth i question wether gustavus or carolus would want anything to do with the state of the protestant curch in sweden, and yes even the free curches as we call them here are quite bad even tougth they are better then the state curch. From what iv seen the catholics are the ones that given ground to the marxist the least in sweden
Julian Richardson
Bli en bibeltroende baptist. Katolska kyrkan är världens största falska religion och deras traditioner och läror har ingenting med Bibeln att göra. Det finns gott om evangeliska frikyrkor i Sverige som tror på Bibeln som Guds ord, me (även om de är långt ifrån perfekta).
Det viktigaste är att du inte låter dig luras av de katolska och ortodoxas statyer och idoler. De är Babylons hora.
Lucas Sullivan
You should nto be copying these images then. And then sharing them publically. How would you like it if I made a copy of some Babylonian diety and plastered it on the notice board of a synagogue. VERY UN KOSHER. Follow your rules faggot or fuck off
Ryan Diaz
Dominic Thomas
Henry Hill
Peter wasn't a "pope" and he had no authority over anyone else. He was the least faithful of the apostles and literally lost faith in Christ, so much so that Jesus had to comfort him. Later, Paul has to rebuke him for refusing to dine with gentiles.
You have no grounds to stand on. We have the rock of God's word, Christ being the chief cornerstone.