Internet Blood Sports
>Halsey Vs. Mike Enoch

>Richard Spencer vs. Mike Tokes

>JF analyzes the Sargon vs. Anglin debate

>David Shitrat talks about how blacks are dumb and violent, because they eat paint chips from the wall.

>Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

>JF video on how Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ

>Sargon nigger spergout

Old Links pastebin.com/H1cExJ1a

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Aqua!

second for gyppo

>any of these ecelebs

2nd for the LF question

*blocks your beard*




I know why he wears the mask

Why is Sargon so powerful lads?

He shreds all of /ourguys/ with ease .. can he be defeated?


Only Jordan Peterson and Jared Taylor.

he's just a smug asshole who strawmans everyone else.

How the fuck does somebody get off to vore.

What part of your life can you indulge your desire to be swallowed by a gigantic snake creature.

How do we defeat him? the alt-right is his D&D board

We need to drive a wedge between him and Destiny, make them fight each other.
Pls tell us

We won't be able to beat the liberalists in the meme realm, we'll have to figure out another way

It does not have to be a snake you specicist.
t. anglin, aka a victim of the sargonator


Hmmmm.... Interesting, the plot thickens.

O shit

I fucing hate this fat boomer fuck.

shoo spidier


:( >8

spiders are not that bad, they capture flies after all

Is that parody or serious?

Reminder today 5:30 PM EST
Cedarwood vs Vee + some non-name autist

I have no clue desu, I think l found it in a kekistan cringe thread a while back

The newest shill strategy seem to be trying pull us from reasonable demands like "white identity" and "freedom of association" (which would kill jewish influence); to retarded larping like "lets gas the niggers and don't mind the jews, kek".

When in doubt: ask them what they think of the JQ.

Fuck off skele hapa

Why do you have to do it so late? I don’t to stay up that late.

This is why I think that there are so many attacks on JBP.
I like JBP for his lectures on psychology and views on traditional lifestyle, I can understand why he avoids JQ.
EVEN IF he defended the Jews, that still wouldn't take away from his views on lifestyle and psychology.

You can still learn from a man while being aware of that.

So...did Halsey win the debate against Peinovich?

>Why do you have to do it so late? I don’t to stay up that late.
Do it? Who do you think am I? Andy?
>Oh fuck

>To me, it's a cuckout

I'm no that's Jew I'm Justin it's not imort

Damn he's been working out!

>standard shill response about peterson being a secret jew and not daring to say gas the niggers
Also, look at this hot chick
Remember, e-celebs are the enemies of the alt right

Basically. I watched the whole thing and Mike got wrecked desu. I like Mike, but this was disappointing.
On the other hand Haley got btfo by 19 yr Fuentes in the debate they had.

>What did she expect?
I'm guessing she thinks Sup Forums is the center of alt-right. And that we are some sort of hivemind that constantly radicalise each other. Whether that's true or not, I don't know.

Either way, I can understand why she would feel rejected, but it can't be helped. The past is the past, can't change what happened.

If by winning you mean did he win slinging the most shit, constantly attacking Mike on a personal level, using circular opinions and contradicting himself, yes he won. If you mean by the standards of debates, no, the jew lost

>The newest shill strategy

This is old hat. The entire gas the kikes race war now thing is a joke about not trusting people who say that because they are probably fbi agents.

The jews are going all out lately.
They are starting to undestand the gravity of their situation.

We cannot let them do their subversive shit.

Typical case of the jew screams in paon when hitting.
Fuck off with your deradicalization attempts civ nat

>This is why I think that there are so many attacks on JBP.
>I like JBP for his lectures on psychology and views on traditional lifestyle, I can understand why he avoids JQ.
>EVEN IF he defended the Jews, that still wouldn't take away from his views on lifestyle and psychology.
>You can still learn from a man while being aware of that.

Yeah they hate pro-male and pro-white identity advocates like JBP and Jared Taylor because they can surgically dissect their arguments without revealing their power levels.


Also, I'm pretty sure that at least 95% of Peterson fans are white.
Even if he wants to cater to all people regardless of race, whites are the ones who benefit mostly form JBP's lessons.

could we get sargon to start niggerzionism? with a popular movement about movement of blacks it would be much easier to persuade people this is the way to go. just where to? madagascar is too obvious, they do seem to like pyramids though. should we sacrifice egypt for that?

He lied about his father when Enoch brought up his last name. Halsey said his father wasn't jewish to dispel Enoch's point but in the previous stream with Fuentes he said his father was jewish.

Halsey living up to the lying jew stereotype.

>Typical case of the jew screams in paon when hitting.
>Fuck off with your deradicalization attempts civ nat

Do you think a strong white identity with white enclaves and white power would stop jewish influence?

And do you think jewish influence is a problem? If so, what should we do about it?

If we're to believe the chick from the infamous channel four interview, it's overwhelmingly white males.
And that's not ok.

>"what is the religious background of your family?"
>"that's not important"

Right there...I knew there was gonna be trouble.

I mean, look at Israel, people flocked to a shitty piece of desert based on an old fairy tale, if kek wills it we could move the blacks based on a new one, blaxit+WE+sargon as malcolm XXX

liberalist commune/paradise in egypt

Hahaha, I totally called it. Not only are they not white, theyre all JEWS!


Enoch is on another level lately. He is by far the best debater we've got.

For those who want to witness Tokes' reluctance to admit his Jew heritage, skip to 38:00 (the dodging actually starts a few minutes earlier than that)

>Also, I'm pretty sure that at least 95% of Peterson fans are white.
>Even if he wants to cater to all people regardless of race, whites are the ones who benefit mostly form JBP's lessons.

In my view his mission is to break the conditioning through soft redpilling that can't be refuted. The bitch tried to attack him on the lobster thing ffs which only goes to show how weak their defenses are against someone like him.

I'm pretty sure he's well aware of the JQ but hides his power level.

>Cedarwood vs Vee + some non-name autist
oh for fuck sake why do they keep debating vee , this guy dosent argue in good faith

wtf is going on on kumite?

Because Sargon is too pussy to show up, at least Vee has some semblance of testicles I'll give him that.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

No goyim it was empty land and the Jews purchased it, according to boomerjew

im not surprised at all

A woman being a woman

I found lots of dirt on the boomerjew but I can't post it until I get home

>No goyim it was empty land and the Jews purchased it, according to boomerjew
That's funny, last night Mike Tokes says they stole it

>Enoch is on another level lately. He is by far the best debater we've got.

It's Jared Taylor and it's not even close. I'd put JF (for his behind the scenes manipulative work) and JBP (for his reach) on a shared second spot. Spencer could be third but he's way too intelligent to act like a larping tard and should sharpen his message if he wants a bigger reach. As a redpill merchant he is great though.

Enoch is somewhere in the trenches ranting about "the tribe" while he's fucking his kike wife. I can't even figure out what fucking race he is.

both vee and saragon are bad faith debater , conversations with them are useless , but vee voice is just annoying


> JUDEN!!!
Fucking moment!


7 minutes in for proof.

Isnt Spencer a racial Jew, same with Baked they dont look 100% to me.

Egypt was black to begin with, so they will just reacquire it back, it's not stealing, same with palestine, can't steal what's rightfully yours

>conversations with them are useless
Yeah you're not going to convert them
You use them to expose their shit, also because it's funny to watch them

s-stop bullying vee

Spencer look like he did really good against this (((Mike Tokes))).

Taylor and JF are good but aren't relatable for most.

Enoch's ex wife isn't an issue for me, maybe I'm sympathetic because I had a jewish girlfriend as I was being redpilled.

^Richard's ancestry.

Baked says he is Greek and is a practising Christian; likely Greek Orthodox if I were to guess.

why you post the CIA cat?

Theyre all jewish, I wouldnt be surprised if theyre CIA/whatever operatives put in place to make this an endless circle jerk distraction for awake whites.

>Lenin — 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.'

Now Im not saying this is definitely the case, I do support a lot of what Spencer and Enoch say, so their hearts may be in the right place, same with Baked hes not too bright but he wears on heart on his sleeve/is very honest which I can respect, all Im saying is Im highly suspect overall, and they dont look 100% to me, and I have a health skepticism of anyone especially not of 100% the same DNA as I am.

>How to deal with non whites
Removing wealth redistribution mechanisms, physically removing those which our ancestors gave power, reducing immigration of non whites to 0, remigrate non whites or remove their means of cultural and sexual reproduction in white lands

Holy shit, this jews really go full warmongers when they fell a little pressured.

Basically they are savages like muslims but they play the "muuhhh civilized" charade for gibs.

Look at this pice of shit and his cover threads "come and get it".


Typical kike lying to secure a momentary victory in the eyes of unaware onlookers in the heat of the moment. This is why they fail, they don't account for the people observant enough to pick up on this shit, they just want to appeal to people who will take what they say at face value.

This conversation was super interesting


Spencer is 101% legit.

You can don't agree with him but he is not a plant.
The whole "muuhhhh CIA plants" it's just a psyop.

This debates are proof of that.

White cannot be defined. A, it's politically correct to call brown 'black', and B, a Caucasian is white because it's really not a color


Fuck all trots.

t. icepick

>Baked hes not too bright but he wears on heart on his sleeve/is very honest
You don't know him very well. If you did, you wouldn't say that.


Cedarwood is actually somewhat competent.

Isaac Cohen just agreed with everything Mike said because he's trying to grease his way into the alt right's goodbooks.

I dont because Im not a follower, but mind filling me in? Im just kind of psychoanalyzing these people/this whole situation as I go along.

any reason we should care?

When I listened to this I found myself liking this kike, good discussion. It's rare to find an honest one.

Didn't think of this, maybe he is playing the long-game.

>>How to deal with non whites
>Removing wealth redistribution mechanisms, physically removing those which our ancestors gave power, reducing immigration of non whites to 0, remigrate non whites or remove their means of cultural and sexual reproduction in white lands

No I asked:

>Do you think a strong white identity with white enclaves and white power would stop jewish influence?

>And do you think jewish influence is a problem? If so, what should we do about it?

I didn't ask you about niggers. Not latinos. Not "non whites". Not immigrants or "mechanisms". I asked you about THE JEW. What specifically should we do about THE JEWS and their disruptive control over white identity and white power?
