Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz
ADL Source is Sup Forums, Cruz Ties to White nationalism"
>Nicolas de Jesus Cruz, White Nationalist
The memes write themselves
>sorry about the hat
>every picture of "him" with the group he has his face completely covered
>using Sup Forums as a source
Holy shit they are desperate.
Whatcha doin' rabbi?
>Southern Poverty Law Center's Hate Watch
>Hate Watch
>be ADL
>chance to provoke
>make a Sup Forums thread associating that mutt with "white nationalism"
>blame the massacre on white nationalists
This guy seeks like an attention whore, or an FBI plant.
Fuck you kikes!
>another mutt Sup Forumsack
The absolute state of this board.
>Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Sho
Nobody in that article admitted or confirmed anything. They said they called the group because they saw a post here and that’s it. Did you even read this shit faggot?
Kikes will lie and make up stories and point to our direction.
They really do hate us. The feelings are mutual Schlomos.
Why didn't he just wait for Black Panther to come out bros?
You’re probably the same adl nigger who wrote the original post you wrote an article on. Fuck off, rabbi. Die in a fire
yo soy blanco, mi amigo
That's fucking Sam Hyde with a swamp hat.
>be white nationalist
>let beaner in your group
>train beaner to kill
>beaner goes on killing spree and kills bunxh of kids including cracker
>oh hey thats the kid i trained
>call the jews at the ADL up
>hey, you guys should know that kid was affiliated with my group and i have no problem voluntarily destroying my own militia!
White nationalists are so noble and honest, to run to the jews like that. I cry everytime
The ADL should be shut down as a terrorist group.
Yep, same with the SPLC, everything is a hate group to them.
Wait wait didn't we have a thread predicting this happening and it wasn't q
AIPAC, ADL, SPLC are all un-american kikeworx projects and are most definitely snakes that support sedition and destroying the constitution from within
To Americans: Keep the 1st and 2nd alive because the kikes use "Human Rights Courts" to usurp those rights like they do here
Soo it was that Sup Forums guy alll along...
Cruz is a Jewish surname. Jacob, his middle name, is definitely Jew. Conclusion, Nick Yacob Cruz, the Florida shooter, is a JEW.
ADL doens't want U 2 know Cruz is a JEW
Oh shit I remember that whole Q shit..Is those 2 related?
Hey smartie, Cruz means cross.
He is Mestizo. He can't be a white nationalist.
And of course the Sup Forums members can't be confirmed so that means there is a confirmed ROF admission
Now its not the cabal and Antifa/BLM/Snowflake/UnicornRiot/ETC ETC ETC
We get to deal with the ADL picking random commentary here for assertion of the "Homeland" being in danger
Now we get to watch the snowballing that makes them try to advocate for Gun Control and Body Scanners in Schools and Malls......
Bet the investors have been anxious lately....
no but we had britain user predicting they gonna blame it on Sup Forums and try to shut it down
I feel like they do that a lot but it just brings in more normies to the site. The ammount of posters here sure as shit doesnt decline after these shootings get blamed on us.
Oh, bleh they been trying to do that for a long time. Even try to petition the WH to shut it down. Won't happen. Sup Forums has been tied up to far worst shit than this b4.
could've been desu, that'd have been good.
Britain user Predicting A Sup Forums Attack.....lol
Its constantly going on.... A never ending story....
Yea...after today there gonna be a lot of troll threads disguised as news reporters and shit like usual. Pretty much like clock work
Never miss an opportunity to use a tragedy for political gain
I predict the sun will come up tomorrow
So is there any evidence that such a discussion exists on Sup Forums?
You're right. There was a thread last night stating this news would be released today and they wanted to spread the word here before news outlets could.