Would you a Neito?

Would you a Neito?

Would you not?

My Horizonfu.

Yes, mostly anal.

Nah, too much ass

why anal when her pussy feels better?

Because dat ass.

I'm an Asamafag.

>deliberately conflating butt with asshole
Anons pls.

Hello, Ireland.


> Horizonfu
Fuck off, cancer.

I'd deito a Neito.

The art is ridiculous but still would sniff.

I wanna brush her hair.


Good taste, user
>third season when

Fuck off Padraig

And my season 3?


I hope Kawakami can get another anime in the future though. Maybe whatever he makes after Horizon ends.

Owari no Chronicle would be fun. It's even already finished as far as a LN goes.

Kimi is my favorite but I would be happy with almost any of the Horizon girls, they're pretty much all great.

Only if she cuts her stupid hair.

Listen mother fucker, don't you dare insult my waifu like that. Sick fucks like you need to be castrated so your horrendous opinions never have the chance to escalate.

There isn't such a thing as too much hair.
Keep posting this drill goddess


eat shit and die faggot she needs to cut that ridiculous hair, have fun sweeping up all those loose strands.
heh complete pussy.

I want to hug that glorious mass of hair


All horizons are best, but I like Futayo.

Give me fox moms or give me death.

Say no more

Can't wait until we get to the ping pong match between neitomama and Mogami.



How can she have such a perfect figure?



Till I flood her sore clenching cock abused womb with an ocean of burning hot love.


You're a poet, user.


Because flat chest is superior in combat

When is S3.

I hate Love Live with a burning passion.

Would violently ram her anus until she gets pregnant.




The best example of great character stuck in shit show.



Yes I would

LL isn't the thing keeping Hurrizon S3 from being made, it's the autistic amount of effort necessary to produce even a single season of Horizon compared to producing a single season of LL. Shit just ain't cost effective.

Needs more doujins for this perfection

i want to make her wear vibrators in her skintight bodysuit


I'm not sure which of those 3 balls are most inflated.

Where are the official nips



>>third season when
>>And my season 3?

And the thing is that so far, in reading volume three, it doesn't even sound that difficult to animate aside from the huge number of new characters they would need voice actors for.
A lot of it takes places in contained environments. They spend half of one book talking inside and outside a cafe, while the rest of the cast are at a restaurant basically no different from when they were having a party on the beach in S2.

Except while they do that there are scenes of other characters in other locations that lead to them doing their own things aside from the Musashi cast that are important to the plot. The story will ramp up in the next 2 books and those "easy" scenes you're mentioning would get used up in the course of 2 episodes, 3 at most.

I'm in the third book of volume three already. The battles that have been shown so far would be no more difficult than S1/S2, and for many of the Musashi characters most of the ground work for their animation has already been done.

It really doesn't look that bad.

Which volumes were these from?

The problem is that it would be just as hard as what they did already, not easier.


Couldn't find scans anywhere. Checked justbelieve.in and BT

There aren't any released scans yet. The user that does it is working on the other volumes right now. I only have those because they posted the illustrations a while ago.

Ah,, I understand now. Was the Kawakami thread on /jp/ that is usually up where things like that get posted?

Yeah. There are some Girls Talk 3 scans that are getting worked on posted right now over there.

My man

useless whore only good for anal

Recently rewatched and this show has the babest babes and inconprtent pacing and storytelling also nate a cute

Great taste, Assamabros.

Nothing better than girl who tries to be pure, only to find out she is closet pervert.


Absolutely. Neito is perfection.


Big breasts give a defense buff

Lowers evasion though


no, but I'd a Kimi

Nobody I would than Nate.


Yes, but not harder than I would a Yoshy.

you nigs are good people


I just wish her tits weren't so small



>How can she have such a perfect figure?
Because she is from a forbidden union between a gigantic milf and a tiny shota. Further proof that /ss/ is superior.

Not to mention her perfection was crafted over 18 days.

What is her husband?

Me. Im her husband.


I feel like i am the only one that has Suzu as his favourite horizon girl.

Not really a problem having her all for myself but it does get a bit lonely having no one to talk to about her splendor

>no kimifans

This picture may seem impossible, but if you consider the fact that she put her breasts forward with the intention of cushioning her head it makes it all better

Who has bigger tits Asama or Kimi

I love Kimi

Definitely Asama

All girls are best girls, you should know that by now user.