Sports reporter Matt Musil of KHOU rushes to the scene and interviews student who was with Cruz...when shooting happened....
As per
After this little tidbit of info, I need not say more. Florida was done by Soros/CIA/whoever, to put a shooting on Valentines day, to embed it in the public concience like 911.
Supposedly Cruz did this with an assault rifle. Howd he hide that from her when she was walking beside him"
too bad the Lügenpresse will bury this
in the world of conspiracy theorists, every school shooting/mass tragedy in human history wasn't just one guy with a gun. Every single one was a conspiracy for one reason or another, despite all reason, logic and evidence.
Wats dat glowing nigger throwing out the drivers window
The reporter is a friggin news Hero. The interview provides evidence of a 2nd shooter.
Looks like fuckin lunch
inb4 she commits suicide
Yes it is a conspiracy where without a witness nor any evidence people think there are multiple shooters.....
However in this case there is a witness!
FYI... there is a Freshman student, also named Nicolas Cruz... dontcha think it's possible, and make way more sense, that she was simply talking to THAT Nicolas Cruz?
That's fine.
He was no longer a student at the school. He was 19 as well. Why is she acting like, "Oh hey bro nice seeing you at high school".
He needs to be fined for littering
Is this her, but younger?
Listen to the interview. She knows Cruz and she is surprised he is not the shooter.
The reporter is a hero. Musil rushed to the scene and interviewed someone who knew who Cruz was and the witness saw Cruz and spoke with Cruz while the shooting was occurring. She even said to Cruz, knowing Cruz is violent, was surprised it wasn't Cruz doing the shooting.
The reporter is a Hero he uncovered the 2nd shooter.
exactly... this girl was talking to the 9th grader, also named Nicolas Cruz.... she is just beyond stupid and somehow thought that the Nic Cruz she was talking to was the shooter and the guy in jail was the obvious 2nd shooter ... I bet she's not thinking that anymore... what a moron.
Service dog? K-9 unit?
Did you even listen to the interview?
She said she was speaking with the suspect Nicholas Cruz.
DING DING DING DING! 100% False Flag and at the very least, multiple shooters.
I wonder why Sup Forums is a literal propaganda shithole today.
Too bad for the deep state America is awake and we're not going back to sleep.
Somebody should go get that for evidence
At the time of the interview, they had only said the suspect's name. She probably got the two mixed up.
There's no way you can come to that conclusion after hearing her story explaining exactly who she was referencing. The video is a little over a minute long and completely destroys your bullshit narrative.
>pic related
there is a 2nd kid who testifies to a second shooter. I have the vid. Maybe asian talking to a black guy. says 2nd shooter
also idaho university shooter
bump. This does not appear to be a larp unlike half the other shit that has been theorized.
Pic related to 2nd witness saying 2 shooters.
Pic is still shot from vid i recorded last night. can't find source. will be uploading to jewtube later
>because when shots were fired, I saw him after the fact. So there definitely had to be two shooters.
This girl clearly isn’t the brightest. He ditched the gun and was exiting with students. There wasn’t shots fired during or after she was exiting the school with him. Sorry Sup Forums
Are you being serious? Look at this bitch, she's fucking laughing, the story she tells is fucking ridiculous. Why the hell would you believe this attention seeking whore?
They're afraid. This interview completely blows the narrative out of the water.
2nd student eyewitness 2 shooters
so why didnt he get caught right then? how did anyone know he did it? see whats happening?
3 witnesses now.
She is describing multiple shooters defending the two exits. Narrative destroyed.
She cute, but fucking hell she sucks at speaking. She sounds like your typical dumb blond. Why can't we have best of both worlds?!
Bump for truth
The sheriff’s name is Scott Israel.
Ok so either the two shooter theory is legit, and this is proof of that.
Or it's proof of the narrative not being set with the actors and she's basically doing a shitty job of playing her part. Probably because she's not in the know and has only been given basic guidelines of what to say because the admin will do the rest. This interview was probably not meant to happen or get out, it probably somehow got through the cracks because of the complexity of the psy-op.
he's kinda good looking. it really must have been autism. or his mom dying. that will fuck with your head.
She's not shook up whatsoever, none of them are. What the fuck is going on? They've just witnessed teachers and classmates being gunned down and they're not bothered whatsoever. They seem pretty entertained by the whole thing desu.
Also, that sudden police siren going off behind her. That would've given her a fright considering she's still in the local area of where the threat was and she'll still have a lot of adrenaline in her system and be partially in fight or flight mode.
Why aren't the roads blocked off too? Surely in case there were more than one shooter, maybe even more than two but multiple shooters, it'd make sense to cordon off the block and not allow traffic through just in case there was another shooter in hiding, biding his time for maximum death count.
So basically everytime there's a shooting in some school, it's always part of some stormweenie-concocted conspiracy about taking away muh guns, even when every single branch of the US government has never supported gun rights as much as it does now
And apparently 56% negroid women and dumb teen blondes are reliable witnesses in a situation of stress according to the stormniggers who talk shit about mixed people and dumb blondes everyday
In such a confined space, it's impossible for hundreds of students not to notice if there were more than one shooter, Sup Forums is full of boomer retard niggers and mentally ill stormweenie white trash
The shooter was arrested away from the school. He probably ditched his shit and walked out. No idea about possible other shooter. She says she heard shots coming from the other side of the building. I’m freaking out wtf is going on
Some people are just bitches and can't handle a bit of teasing.
Everything you just said is a half-truth. Try harder next time shill.
In the world of generalizations, every generalization is generalized for one reason or another despite reason (because that sentence makes total fucking sense)
Everything I said is true, the proof is in your buttmad shitpost that 'attacks' my argument with baseless assertions about me being a shill or saying lies.
Those who immediately attack a witness without providing counter arguments to the statements should kill yourselves
So how do you explain that hundreds of people in a confined space did not hear or see any extra shooters, with the exception of two women who can barely articulate themselves?
You deep fried your brain in memes and fringe right wing identity politics too much buddy, it's time to stop.
For that theory to work, there would have to be 2 Nicolas Cruz's at that school who were both dysfuntional losers everyone thought would shoot up the school. Fuck off shill.
3 witnesses so far say multiple shooters.
Poor Stacy is so vain that she simply can't contain the smirk when she thinks about the comment that she's made."I'm surprised you weren't the one who did it". "That was super witty, wasn't it?" she thinks to herself as she feeds on her own narcissism. Always looking at everyone with a sense of superiority, always ready to bark back, the most mean bitch in the herd. Never cared about anyone who wasn't popular or belonged to her caste, why would she care about some kids being shot now? Surely Brandon and Christina will see the clip and by the Friday everyone will talk about her and her facebook profile will get a lot of views.
Only two have been posted in this thread, and three retarded people out of hundreds isn't anything out of the ordinary, at least for people who don't have a hard on brainlet gun grabbing stormfag conspiracies.
Confined space? It’s a multi level school with several large buildings
every shooting ever.
Ah but I'm not mad, and I didn't say you were telling lies. I said you were telling half-truths. Big difference.
What you said was true to a degree but you heavily exagarrated it all by way of misrepresentation.
Firstly, it's not "always" a conspiracy, but Sup Forums does keep an open mind about happenings generally speaking, considering the possibility of happenings being conspiraicies, investigating them to the fullest just in case. As should be the way in general because you can't trust public narratives in this day and age.
Secondly, the whole "if they were going to take your guns they would've done it anyway" arguement is BS. If the US government was to suddenly instigate a nationwide ban on firearms there would be an uprising that they would lose, and they know it. So they have to constantly bombard the populace with psychological attacks, specifically in the area of fearmongering around firearms ownership. They have to push and push and push until the people WANT their guns to be taken away. So it doesn't matter how much governmental agreement or support there is on gun control, it'll never happen until the majority of the population actually wants it and makes it clear they do. And this is the purpose of on-soil false-flags relating to school shootings and what not.
Thirdly, Sup Forums talks shit about everyone. Including ourselves. Nobody is safe from Sup Forums ridicule. But when push comes to shove if someone we ridicule provides sound information on something we consider important, we put that ridicule aside and invest our energy elsewhere. That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing. It shows that despite our cosmic-level autism we know when to reel it in, roll our socks up and take things seriously. We're not called weaponised autism for no reason homes.
his online thumbprint was preselected. Everyone knows he did it because it is believable by some of his peers (all likely jewish)
where outside was he when this happened? was he trying to escape and not go out in a blaze of glory? How many cops did he take out with him/wtf was he doing when they apprehended him?
>Implying witness accounts are viable at all
Google recorded it too early ?
If the space is so confined why were several witnesses unsure if the first shots were a gun?
He was arrested at his house an hour later
Go ahead and post an instance of Sup Forums's "open mind" unconvering evidence of a real conspiracy or event that was kept under wraps by some shadow organization
And it is always a conspiracy, hell, I've seen threads about nazis getting punched where stormweenies claim that a leftist was false flagging as a nazi and allowed people to punch him, lmao.
Do all teenagers know how a gunshot sounds like IRL?
So he was with his schoolmates when the shooting happened, then he suddenly somehow managed to leave the school and go home while the school was on lockdown, only for the police to raid his home and arrest him?
Seems legit.
What happened in Vegas? What is the official narrative so far? Motive?
...and how do you know there a freshman with same name ? eh ? u shooll there or what ?
shill ?
are you fucking kidding me? How far away does he live from the school?
Why do I get the feeling that kid is lying and he knows he's lying?
I noticed the same thing, but its where she says "I actually was speaking with the suspect Nick Cruz." That smurk is pure narcissitic glee as if she accomplished some feat of great value or something, when in reality she just happened to be standing next someone at the right time and place.
Also why the fuck is he walking home with his friends, earphones in, not giving a fuck? Where are his parents? Why isn't he being taken home by the police or taken to the station or something?
Mate have you not noticed how all kids interviewed are all at the very least smiley and polite + unphased and at best kinda cocky and happy? To me it seems like they're lying and they know it.
Men in black moved an arsenal of guns to the floor in the hotel, and then killed a bunch of people for high ranking members of the shadow government, as part of their monthly delegitimization of gun rights campaign in american society which will one day culminate in the removal of guns from america and will effectively transform its population into obese, illiterate, mentally unfit, unresolved nigger cattle, because as we all know guns are the only thing preventing americans from becoming that.
THIS. DNA, "substances", the works. And if it turned out to be a spook and that's some kind of false flag, all agents tied to that OP would get the burn notice and "liquidated". Suffer not traitors to live.
These are clearly the only two options here
are you kidding me right nows??????? Looking back maybe I miss it, but they never really ever say where he was arrested. they just sort of "take him into custody somehow"
I'm gonna go with the latter. The more I watch the interviews the more convinced I am that the kids are lying and they know they are.
I think its just degenerate narcissistic millenials who are just excited to be on TV, oblivious to the fact that a bunch of people just died (allegedly) for them to have that opportunity.
I doubt theyre in on it because of how complex it would be to keep something like that under wraps. But who fucking knows, Im surprised these (likely) false flags dont happen on a daily basis, as the fucking goyim will never stand up against it since theyre all a bunch of feminized, emasculated cowardly narcissists themselves. Ted Gunderson said they plan on carrying these out until they eventually are able to do a gun grab.
shoots herself in the back of the head*
He was living in a trailer park with another student.
Had his ar-15 there in a safe.
He was arrested on the street away from the school an hour after the shooting.
"According to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, Cruz was arrested without incident after he was located off the school grounds in a nearby community. Cruz reportedly left the school by blending in with other students who were trying to escape."
Not his house. Sounds like he was just hanging out. I had read yesterday he was arrested at his home.
most of them probably have no idea what was going on. Sort of like early sandy hook, there were all these people they interview & they memory hole them until they have the story they want
It could be both. That part of the reasoning behind the kids' complacency in the false flag, knowing it's a false flag, is the fact that they're gonna be on TV therefore higher status and well known all over the country for a while. And they + their families were probably paid handsomly too for their part played. Lots to be happy about it.