What's a gender?

what's a gender?

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El monstruo americano!


Idk about you lads but I would smash Scout so hard

What's the music in the video?

A fucking

Penis = Man
Vagina= Woman
That's all there is to know, anything else is mental illness, degeneracy, and destroys social cohesion and decency.

Sorry, I dunno.

this advert made me so mad the first time i saw it

also, what is a man?

What's the holocaust ?

Saw one of these creatures walking down the sidewalk the other day. It stared me down as it crossed the sidewalk in front of my car. There was no humanity behind those opticals.
Kind of wish I accelerated a little bit. Not to hit it hard or hurt it badly, but just a tap. It couldn’t have been more than 10 years old and looked almost exactly like OP’s pic, just with less hair.

'gender' is a grammatical term with very little relevance to the english language
lately co-opted by certain ill-intentioned malcontents in an attempt to redefine biological reality, which is of course impossible
tldr, it's a factor in the death of civilization


Think of it like trading cards. Except for faggots.

AI is goood. Just let it happen bae

Gender - a lie made up by a pedophile in an experiment that utterly failed but has continued to be propagated by the Left because mental illness is their thing.

Sex - Real, and is either Male or Female.

nigger dont hurt me