When did pol start to get so easily baited by shills?
>pol actually taking the time to respond to these anti-gun threads
Other urls found in this thread:
>when did pol get so (x)?
>why is pol so shit?
>how did pol become so easily baited?
answer is always t_cuckold
>inb4 d&c shill
it's true and you know it. they helped win an election, but their presence has lingered and fucking boomers and their cryptic Q bullshit followed.
t_D are cub nat cucks. half of them are former or even current liberals. go look at their threads about women and blacks. virtually indistinguishable from the rest of (((reddit)))
this is exactly why memeflags were mistake. harder to track shills. ironically they act as a juden star for my eyes
>just let us post our propaganda unopposed
>how are we going to get gun control if you keep tearing apart our easily debunk-able arguments?
It's been a while since the last decent shooting (Vegas last year) so it's nice to stretch the 'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED' legs.
>implying it doesnt take 10 seconds to reply "Shall not be infringed" and leave a sage
The average age here has dropped dramatically over the last few years.
Guns were a mistake.
A lot of it seems to be other shills bumping
Just use the catalog
she'll be rite
I'm newish here...using about a month. Are there no mods that can just delete the wave of leftists threads? Those sad cunts think they're going to change our minds over a fuking hoax. Fucking clowns.
>shills: guns are a problem in the USA
Harris was put on psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Northern Illinois University had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Virginia Tech had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Stockton had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Navy Yard had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Ft. Hood had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Isla Vista had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Paducah had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at UCC had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Aurora had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Tucson had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Tallahassee had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Kauhajoki had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Fresno had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Jokela had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Red Lion had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at Ikeda had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The killer at El Cajon had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
Nikolas de Jesus Crux had been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
There was a case where a woman drowned her 5 children and went to jail for life. She was on psychiatric drugs and the effect was that it cut out REM states, so the patient, this woman, didn't have dreams, but would, as happens on these drugs, have her dreams in her waking hours - but in her case she had a nightmare of killing her children, only to be arrested for it and it be real. Those drugs are an open door to abuse by the deep state on patsies.
seriously faggots, these threads are going to keep popping up by the dozens. IGNORE THEM, IF YOU RESPOND THEY WIN
It's the day after a school shooting. Of course it's time to argue gun control.
Though I see your point. Everyone on this board is either against gun control or a troll.
>the effect was that it cut out REM states
Who in the fuck would prescribe that? That's a fucking SCP ability.
What drug was she on and why was it a medical treatment for anything? I'm guessing this was a nigger that mixed PCP with her medication.
Many more cases....Jeff Dahmer's mom was on a number of psychiatric drugs during her pregnancy...and today it is normal for doctors to tell mom's that being pregnant/breastfeeding kids whilst on these meds is completely safe.
I know a woman that donates her breast milk to mother's that have issues producing milk...she is on a shitload of meds.
SSRIs mostly, selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors.
side effects include: violent rage and suicide, especially in adolescents.
1. Correlation does not equal causation
2. "Psychiatric drugs" is way too broad a term, especially since they've been over-prescribed for decades now
How do SSRIs stop REM sleep? Was it something biological with her? I'm specifically asking about the REM sleep thing.
It's only US posters circlejerking. Other countries don't have Somalia-tier problems like mass shootings.
No, sadly it was a white woman. It is a famous case, she is called Andrea Yates, but the media don't go into what really happened. They just say she was insane/ psychotic, not drug induced psychosis.
The known side effects of SSRIs = violent rage and suicide, especially in teens, look it up.
All on the manufacturer's insert...every single maker of SSRIs
I amnot the one that posted about REm, I am looking into it now.
mods have been comped for months