The Florida shooter was a white supremacist just like you all, and a member of a white terrorist group in Florida. But the white supremacists here want to deny his whiteness to save face. Pathetic.
The Florida shooter was a white supremacist just like you all, and a member of a white terrorist group in Florida...
meme flag, every time
kek, the white supremacist angle was started by us to bait the media
thanks for the lulz m8
SOURCE IS Sup Forums
You really don't have the sway 2016 fag. Meme harder.
>Was incel
>Was bullied
>Praised Elliot Rodgers
>Shot up his old school on Valentine Day
This is all /r9k/'s fault
Surname: Cruz
What's wrong with killing people? You make no sense at all.
they got their information from Sup Forums from shills yesterday
El atrocidad...
The fire is rising
So that's why the victims were all minorities?
>Latino "white" "nationalist" killing jews
Wow, jews you're doing great!
The highly credible hacker named Sup Forums was also the source of the Steele Dossier. What a hero, this Sup Forums guy is!
My school shooter loves butter. In fact, the first words he said after he killed were “I like butter.”
It wasnt the media. The guy is a white Hispanic. Stop pretending.
He mostly killed Jews and other brown skins.
Cruz is a Jewish surname. Jacob, his middle name, is definitely Jew. Conclusion, Nick Yacob Cruz, the Florida shooter, is a JEW.
ADL doesnt want you 2 know Cruz is a TRIBE member.
sorry op, pic related
shooter was not only a communist sympathizer but also a registered democrat
your ideology is dying. as soon as normal americans got a good look at you fucking troglodytes, your fate was sealed. the alt right is over. fuck off.
>"white supremacist"
>"white terrorist group"
After you're done eating this nice corn filled turd I'd like you to send a message to that fat lisping nigger boss of yours
"Are you in the rage room, willith?"
Yes. He was a white extremist who prided himself on creating a white ethnostate. It only makes sense that other white supremacists such as yourself would support his actions.
Yes. He was a rabid white extremist.
no one believed your jew divide and conquer meme with gay tricky jew dicky as the leader.
Stop deflecting. The man was a white supremacist, and you clearly share his white extremist views.
Ahahahh WINNING!
>This is all /r9k/'s fault
Pretty much, just be yourself bro, are you white?
>Shoots up school.
He is a white hispanic male. Many Hispanics identify as white, but the moment they do something reprehensible, you revoke their white privileges.
La monstera...
That colored isn't White, regardless of what it thinks.
>shills are trying to label a democrat as a white supremacist
Literally mutt incarnate
Yes. He was a white Hispanic.
adopted by hispanics
raised in their ideology
la creatura 1%
Just like the Pee Tape.
No. He was a mixed mutt. Following proper immigration policy would have never seen him in.
It's not about race.
It's virgin vs chad
This is a typical white supremacist deflection tactic. He is as white as snow. Just admit that someone like you had the potential to commit a massive crime in the name of white supremacy.
Source is AP actually.
>As the criminal case against the suspect took shape, the leader of a white nationalist militia called the Republic of Florida said Cruz was a member of his group and participated in exercises in Tallahassee.
>Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press that did not know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf” and is “solely responsible for what he just did.”
>The group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. Jereb said his organization holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.
>He also said Cruz had “trouble with a girl” and that he believed the timing of the attack, on Valentine’s Day, was not a coincidence.
Not even the shooter.
Fail harder, pleb.
see img:
if you want to call that self proclaimed shitstain group a white supremacy group, then i guess you might be right.
That group is a laughing stock, looking like /k/ and Sup Forums rejects meetup
But is that an ideal ethnostate?
He was considered white. He was part of a white extremist group. Dont deflect.
Fuck off CIA nigger we can all see you glowing in the fucking dark you retards.
and yet how many niggers did he kill
stop spamming the same thing or you'll be reported
They themselves have stated that they're a white supremacist group. I'm not the one saying it.
If this kid was the one on the other end of the gun, liberals would have considered him a minority.
la creatura...
He is considered a mutt. Him being a part of a Florida group doesn't change. Don't spam the same comment over and over again.
yes, that is what self proclaimed means, you meme fag mong
The main tactic of white supremacy is to deflect and deny its existence.
Confirmed: he was white supremacist
last time i checked he was a commie.
He's a registered dem
Some dubious, likley fake Sup Forums post and everybody is taking that at face value, what a joke.
Then you admit that he's a white supremacist just like the majority of this board.
Actually it's this thread
America actually helped wash the remaining nigger and sandnigger out of my European grandfather. America whitened me up, lol. Keep forcing shitty memes
>self described members of the self proclaimed white nationalist group, sources say
wearing a joke shirt that makes a play on words of "communist party" does not make someone a commie.
wow, a mass shooter has more sense than a trump voter.
i admit that that these faggots would be a laughing stock of true white supremacists, yes
The original source for the WN involvement is still Sup Forums dude. They took the word of internet trolls at facevalue.
just adding your name to the sedition list and you will be dealt with accordingly
End of Transmission
He killed whites (???)
He was a mutt with ties to islam you shill.
WN LARPers are toxic fucking waste. They've been driving wedges on this board for months since Trump finished up his campaign. They are bad news for good and decent right wing movements across the world.
Laughing stock my ass. They're dangerous either way.
>ROF would respond to the Jew-central ADL and give them any info
more bs from the (((adl)))
the militia group is known to be comped and the leader is a (((rat)))
Stop trolling.
just gets better and better
things in the world are dangerous, yeah
>Mystery Hispanic mudmeat
>white supremacist
False narrative being pushed by the Jewish media and Jewish ADL is so obvious.
Typical Mossad tactics.
Yeah it's crazy the amount of mental gymnastics this board does on a regular basis whenever something disagrees with their preferred narrative. They're almost as bad as the MSM, especially this past year. But of course, if you point out the flaws, discrepancies and hypocrisy of Sup Forums, you get called a shill, a kike, or fake news.
How dense can you possibly be to think that if someone disagrees with you - they have to be on the Left?
White supremacist detected.
the dallas shooter was a blm fag.
Stop shilling with a memeflag and tell the truth faggot.
Especially white supremacy.
fuck off kike and your promotion of the false narrative this is a white nationalist.
Lügenpresse halt die Fresse!
Shit, pol really is a Jewish psyop
>people actually bash others for voting for trump over clinton
I honestly dont understand. I would understand if the other option wasnt a corrupt hawk with a proven record of corruption, but they weren't. How can anyone be mad that someone didnt vote for hillary? I just dont fucking get it
yeah many people here are white nationalists, we believe in segregation
I personally believe that nigs and spics should have their own ethnostates too, far away from each other, with perhaps limited trading
>not the shooter
Apparently you are blind
Pick one.
Idgaf about the whole thing honestly. The little queer didn't even an hero. Not /ourguy/ just some stupid kid who fell for the CIA nigger meme. I'm not even sure how this is politically related aside from "muh guns" debate. Which has been talked to fucking death. Sage
the whole internet is a psyop
Tribe of Dan got around and too powerful
He didn't commit the killings in the name of white anything. He was a dangerous loser. Do we have to get into equivalences here? Do we have to talk about psychotic Hispanic crimes?
Like the KKK?
You are mentally ill.
This person didn't act with the motive of white supremacy regardless of affiliation of this so called "group"
Do you have proof he targeted non whites specifically?
He killed at random because of mental trouble
Lol, no he wasn't.
Bullshit. White supremacists will never let non-whites have their own separate states. If that were the case, white supremacists would find a way to undermine it, or just realize that they have nobody left to victimize.