>multiple threads at the exact same time posting the exact same thing
>endless Sup Forums BTFO threads
>memeflags and shills everywhere
its all so tiresome
>multiple threads at the exact same time posting the exact same thing
>endless Sup Forums BTFO threads
>memeflags and shills everywhere
its all so tiresome
Sup Forums should raid /mlp/ so the ponies come on our aid.
The jews fear the pony fags.
Apparently around 10 shills just making threads believing they are doing the epic raid. Now fuck off with your meta thread shit
just gonna dump some Sup Forums art here
>intentionaly reboot /mlpol/
What the fuck is wrong with you
Demoted DOJ Anti-Trump Prosecutor Bruce Ohr Hid Wife’s Fusion GPS Cash From Ethics Filings & Officials
Sup Forums is dead now
you can thank memeflags for that
Go to Chan/pol/ if you want to discuss actual politics, they actually moderate threads and posts there. I personally come to Sup Forums Sup Forums exclusively for shitposting.