Good idea or bad idea?
Trump wants to tax gas by 25 cents
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bad idea, gas taxes are already insane. At least 50% of what you pay for gas goes to the Government via tax.
Where does the money go?
taxes is theft
something something
white power
something something
invisible hand of the "free" market
The republican party pockets the money.
Gas taxes go towards highway maintenance. Our gas tax hasn't been raised in forever so a lot of our highways are shit.
Good if it's used to Gas the Jews.
Bad if not.
So, not.
>millions of murifats crying out because they can't fill up their ridiculously oversized SUVs and pickups now and they actually have to WALK somewhere for the first time since they were born
Do it, based Donald!
Good idea! Haha get fucked normies.
>more people pay into system than before
>system still needs greater contributions per capita for reasons
Wow, sounds like a great return on investment
oh boy, yet another Eurofag who can't grasp how large the United States are, people have to drive, there's no way around it, 90% of the country has no reliable public transportation
They should just double the cost of gas, gas in the US is dirt cheap. That way the God Emperor can increase the aid given to our Greatest Ally.
Boomers are talking about selling their "extra cars" if taxes are hiked.
You mean the large cities are so spread out the only feasible way for many people to travel is highway and rail isnt feasible to that far out.
Plane is too expensive and bus is pointless when you can drive yourself.
I mean unless you live in a large city most cities in the US don't even have a bus system
The funds are going to the south to rebuild black neighborhoods and rural redneck schools and roads.
Most use bikes or electric charged scooters/mopeds in those small towns. Or you could use a small engine vehicle like a motorcycle.
25 cents per gas?
Per gallon.
if trump wants to do it then its ok
Terrible fucking idea
Fuck off kike
Its a great idea as america is crumbling due to you tight wads.
Dumb idea. Trump needs to start arresting the criminals in our government. Everything else is meaningless garbage that will disappear with him.
>woman impaled on highway barrier.webm
I ride a bicycle
And NEO? Whatever, damn, I will buy a shitton of it
>Our gas tax hasn't been raised in forever so a lot of our highways are shit.
Fake news. The libs are pushing this meme since last week.
Yeah but libertarians are mentally ill when it comes to running the government. They scream free market for everything when the damn infrastructure isnt even privatized...
Yeah, just like Social Security payments fund Social Security and that E911 fee you pay on your fucking phone bill every month goes to fund the 911 system.
Giving the government money now for later never works. Giving them money now to build now works.
>has mileage had increased dramatically since gas tax last raised. Increasing average number of miles driven on roads per gallon of gas used.
>Inflation eats away at the actual value of the flat tax being collected
How could these things together possibly require raising the gas tax to maintain the same amount of maintenance allowed by the gas tax?
Roads should be 100% funded by gas tax and tolls. That will encourage people to drive more efficient cars, carpool, take the bus, etc. by giving them a tax break.
Good idea. Tax it more. Gets companies to offer more work from home opportunites. Forces communities to become more centralised snd therefore more inclusive to their in-group. Conversely, spurns improvments in mass transit like light rail which the US needs ... lets be honest, there's empty space in the US begging for a chance to be developed. Also, less wear and tear on roads and bridges. Truck freight goes down, rail and canal frieght goes up. Local stores become competitive again. What's not to like?
fucking commie tier shit. he probably saw that when he visited Davos.
That only works with the political will to increase the gas tax, or tie it to the average national fleet's mpg.
There is also the issue of electric cars. Which are currently parasites, wearing down the road, but paying nothing in.
Infrastructure isnt private.
Giving the government money never works. PERIOD.
You mean gasoline for automobile fuel on highway use or the shit the atmosphere is made of?
The problem with mass transit, is having to be in the presence of the subhuman scum that use mass transit. I'd use mass transit every day, if it was a touch more convenient(more buses running to keep waiting at a stop to a minimum), and black people had to use their own buses.
Seems how Rex used Exxon to collude with Russia for oil/gas.
China placed the FB adds.
Better yet treason for cheeto
>Not posting based Samantha in the Cupola
Why do you even have a brain? I have been in love with her for a long time!
What do you think taxes are for? Certain government programs work like building roads, or financing the military while others dont like healthcare or energy.
Yeah. That is true. Suburbs around Atlanta spring to mind.
is this a photo from nasa? because the green screen is showing.
The problem with rail,bus is america is too spread out. You know small Europe is? Tiny compared to america. They can get away with all these trains and shit, we cant.
The gas tax hasn't been raised since the early 90s leading to chronic deficits in the Highway Trust Fund (which pays for roads, bridges, mass transit, and grants money to states).
While the gas tax needs to be raised, it'd be more intelligent to levy a tire tax of 20-30% and gradually shift towards the ladder to better deal with fuel efficiency and electric cars which are currently free-riding.
How about increase the goddamn age for SOCIAL SECURITY. These old fucks with SS and Medicare take up the large majority of our budget. Yet, the issue is toxic since old people vote to keep their Gibsmedats.
Reducing spending and using it for infrastructure is a better solution.
Do you guys think they have space sex?
That's a lot of months huddled up together with alpha males, and I doubt anyone would pass of the chance to have space sex, even if it is for science.
I'd have space sex, but I'd have to remember to cum inside.
inb4 libs shout poor tax
Heh thats already happening due to tax cuts. Debt slaves in america will be working until they are 70 now.
Basically for corruption n politicians pokets n lifestyle
Fine, lets fuckin do it and make America great again. This will cost me an extra $20 a month but fuck it. #maga #buildthatwall #trumpinfrastructureplan #makehighwaysgreatagain
duh? Elon musk also plans to privatize and monetize space travel in that dragon sex pod.
who needs roads if you can buy tanks. fucking commies.
>already happening due to tax cuts.
King nigger still added more to our national debt than any other President combined over the past eight years. Yeah, the spending bill passed was bullshit. Because it took Dem votes to pass, which means spending more money.
The problem with a straight wheel tax is that it's cheap for people who use the highway a lot, and expensive for people like me that put maybe 20 miles of wear on the road each week.
A better solution is a hybrid of wheel and gas tax. Your yearly registration gets more expensive, while a gas tax catches primarily the ones using the roads a /lot/.
dragon sex pod?
it would suck ass, even if you got an erection, with every thrust you will basically fly away from your partner.
Also, sweat would grow thicker and thicker because it sticks to your body.
I'd argue that we could make it work, at least for the vast majority of our population. The people out in the boonies don't go anywhere anyways.
Trump is looking to raise the debt to 30 trillion before his term is over. The difference is he plans to pay for it by taxes,boosting economy and cutting social programs.
People are going to hate or love Trump but understand at least hes moving america forward while Obama just gave everyone loans now with out any forethought to pay for them.
>The problem with a straight wheel tax is that it's cheap for people who use the highway a lot, and expensive for people like me that put maybe 20 miles of wear on the road each week.
*Tire, and not really. You only need to replace your tires once the tread wears down to a certain point. If you practically never drive, you'd only need to replace your tires once every 6-7 years or so. Someone who drives a considerable amount may have to replace their tires annually and even have multiple sets for winter/summer.
>t. virgin never had a girl lock her legs around him
I wouldn't pass on space sex because of sweat, dude.
How can it work when politicians refuse to fund hyperloops? Only a isolated underground high speed rail would work.
Are you mentally retarded? He means wear on the ROAD not the tires...
>tfw Californian
>Already pay nearly a dollar per gallon in taxes
>Roads are still shit
>Commute about 400miles a week to school and work
Fuck my life.
Highway Trust Fund. It's earmarked for the Department of Transportation's highway and mass transit spending.
>Are you mentally retarded?
Are you?
>someone who barely drives will contribute less to the degradation of roads and will also wear down the tread on their tires less quickly.
>the obvious and rudimentary logical deduction being that such a person will be less affected and pay less in tire taxes on an annualized basis than someone who drives a lot
European intellectuals, not even once.
The same way we made the highway system, get the will to do it.
It would be outrageously expensive to run buried maglev infrastructure to every town and city in America, and could be made right to begin with(an eye toward minimizing maintenance costs). We are in desperate need for new power/telecomms infrastructure as well, the 3 could be combined.
The expense would be insane, but the gains would be as well. Imagine transportation costs from one side of the US to any town becomes ultra cheap, and fast. The ability to commute to cities within a 200+ mile radius instead of a 15-30 with ease. The highway system, and our investment in power plants gave us an edge in the 20th, we'd gain an insurmountable advantage for a century or more with the above.
An additional $0.25 will put the fuel tax at close to $0.70 or $0.80 cents.
So, if you're paying $2.00 to $2.50 a gallon it'll go up to maybe $2.35 to $2.85 a gallon.
Damn, I was getting no ethanol unleaded for $1.85 here in OK this summer.
Oh well.
It's because the democrats decided fuel tax is gen pop funds and they can spend it on whatever they want, and not on roads. We basically fund illegals with our fuel tax now. While they push more for electric vehicles and those people pay zero fuel tax. Now they want to do a pay-per-mile tax to fix it all and as road funds. Which then just screws us double instead of doing this just for electric vehicles. It's all fucked.
I assumed you meant wheel tax. A tire tax only works if you force some sort of standard tire on everyone. Otherwise you'll have an endless game of whack a mole, trying to tie the tax to some hypothetical average miles available on a tire.
The other enormous flaw with this idea: it encourages people to use their tires way way past where they have a safe level of tread. People already do this, but this would make the problem even more severe.
You forgot the worst part. Moonbeam Brown and his commie buddies are making commuting unbearable on purpose. They want to force people to leave the suburbs and their cars and live in the city and ride bikes and shit.
Really wish I were kidding.
I have a commute of 250 miles a week through the worst traffic in the world. Already. And they're making it worse with unnecessary construction delays, bike paths, and lane closures.
California is going to be one huge Detroit soon.
Its a good idea but he might also be able to either raise a federal tax elsewhere or move taxes from another, depending on legality. Is it 50 cents total or per gallon?
your medal is in the mail.
Lol california.
>Dumb idea. Trump needs to start arresting the criminals in our government. Everything else is meaningless garbage that will disappear with him.
I’m not sure the president has the power to arrest himself. Anyone want to check the Constitution?
>A tire tax only works if you force some sort of standard tire on everyone
Tires are already pretty damn standardized. You can already estimate the mileage you'd get on them.
>The other enormous flaw with this idea
Not really though.
> it encourages people to use their tires way way past where they have a safe level of tread
Which is why you'd task and train police to scrutinize the tread on peoples' tires and issue tickets for non-compliance. Like anything, you won't catch everyone but you'll catch enough and scare most into replacing their tires when they're supposed to once they know it's being strictly enforced.
It's not as if the ins and outs of a tire tax haven't been considered.
>inb4 but it would raise costs!!!111
Bummer. It's just the cost of owning a car. Cant afford it? Use public transportation.
Yeah such a system would populate new frontiers as travel would be fast and cheap.
This is why we need walkable cities and towns as well as a high quality public transit system and a renewed national rail. Fuck it we need to tear down the suburbs and rebuild them as proper villages with mixed purpose buildings and office space actually in walking distance.
Its a friggin quarter a gallon. Thats not going to change the world. People will butch about it, then carry on as before. Im all for it if it keeps me from paying a massive toll to drive to work in the slow lane of the privatised Comcast turnpike.
That brown is working for the globalism/ agenda 21 crowd. His vision of america is a condensed welfare state under vassalship of china.
Come on, we can't justify every step in the wrong direction just because it's Trump. You'd be red in the face if kingnigger had done this
My state has one of the highest gas taxes in the country. Our roads are still shit. Our schools are shit too. Funny, most of the proceeds from the lotto were earmarked for education...
But I hate those areas and never drive in them. So I actually think the tax should be lowered. Let those areas burn.
>Gets companies to offer more work from home opportunites.
If you can do it remotely it's not going to be a job for long
The thing about Trump is you know the money is going to be spent where it belongs. He just wants to build a wall, build up the inner cities and our crumbling buildings.
Hes a businessman first, politician second.
>t. virgin never had a girl lock her legs around him
fuck you stop reminding me
>make tax cuts that are hugely beneficial to the upper class
>add a tax on gas to return what little everyone else had to spare
You're assuming an awful lot. I'm not happy paying more taxes so Mexicans and niggers can keep stealing building materials
It's a serious problem. Construction in this country is retardedly slow, and in my city, they just leave materials unsecured during the night and over weekends. Unsavory types will steal anything of value
These perpetual construction projects for roadways do not work. And the funding is only allocated to states based on how much money they can waste, not on actual productivity
Dont worry bro
can help you :D
Stop being a keyboard warrior!
Won't happen, rent is too high. I save $8,000 a year by commuting. As housing prices increase more people will live inland and the number of commuters will increase. They're just make life miserable for everyone.
Public transport sucks. As it is now there simply isn't enough of it. Trains and Busses don't happen frequently enough. I was impressed by how clean the trains and busses in California are though, they could be a lot worse. Most cities are 'walkable' it's just that if you want to live in walking distance the house is 1million dollars or rent is $2000 a month. Low wage workers can't afford to live their so they commute.
Great more security jobs and ICE deportations.
You can't throw tax payer money at every problem. There needs to be accountability. It's a fat cow now and everyone wants their cut. Instead there needs to be a focus on efficiency
I got my first car from a boomer selling extra car. 6 years ago and talked them down from 3,000 to 1,500. Just make up some sob story and you can scam them.