Yeah, guns definitely aren't the problem!

>The Left bringing up crime statistics
Yeah I don't really think they want to do that

The board will pretty much be shit until at least next week.

>The EU has more mass public shootings per capita than the United States
The EU has a population of 600 million, 750 million including all of Europe and it includes Eastern Europe which - goes without saying - there's a lot of firearms there.

Put Brazil and Mexico on there, both countries with strict gun control.....

>Doesn't include Mexico

And are you including police related deaths too?

That's stupid. How about also throwing in crime rates and make a comparison then. And include more South American countries.

more guns = more gun deaths.

ducks kill people near where i live.
probably not a lot of people in the middle of the Sahara getting killed because of ducks.

Words cannot describe how much I don't care what U.S. firearm laws are, but don't be so desperate to put yourselves in the same category as Mexico. The U.S. government might be corrupt, but it isn't paid and bought for by drug dealers.

Ameri/k/ans, I'm curious.

When the media refers to "military grade" weapons, is that accurate? Are these rifles as powerful as those used by the military or are they just exaggerating?

>How many of those are suicides?
>How many of those are accidental discharges?
>How many of those are self-defense?
The amount of dishonestly in gun statistics is baffling. Always inflating the numbers as much as possible to claim a narrative. Disgusting people.

1. These include use of guns in self defense scenarios, of which there are millions per year.

1a. When was the last time you heard about someone using a gun in self defense on your local news, let alone national news?

2. Compare rates of violent crime in other "gun free" countries. Look at Australia in particular, after port Arthur.

3. Fuck you. Cold dead hands.