Flat Chest Bully Thread
Flat Chest Bully Thread
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Who doesn't like laughing at disgusting washboardfags?
>flatfaggot hiding behind >muh all sizes
Chestlets are all shit, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
t. faggot
>not recognizing an ancient shitposting technique
How new are you, anyway?
Flat chests are cute. CUTE!
Better a flat chest than a flat ass
flat chests are better because you can hold them closer to your heart.
>Unironically Shit Posting in 2017
That literally has no advantage over holding a pair of boobs close to your heart.
Being born with bad genes is one of the most cruel things in life.
Cup size to girls is what height is to guys, right?
Replace high with dick size and you are on the right rack.
Flat chest > repulsive titty monsters
Women only have value in relation to how attractive they are. Men have value based on their attractiveness, wealth and position in society.
who hurt you so much man? wanna talk about it? it might make you feel better
All images on Sup Forums should be anime. Take your gay Sup Forums shit back to redit faggot.
>he can't argue against my point so he goes after my meme
>all these faggots and pedophiles settling for less
I like medium breasts!
B cup Best cup!
Bullying is wrong.
Which inazuma doujin is this?
Do girls actually get jealous of other girl's breasts, or is that just another lie anime told me?
How does Sakuya connect to the internet?
With an iPad
haglover genocide best day of my life
Triage X.
An actual manga.
WHAT A WOMAN! She's best woman for sure. Which means Cat is best girl.
Didn't know they had a ninja girl. Picked up.
Why does Sup Forums love cowtits so much?
That's just one of her part time jobs, but yes there are other real ninja girls
Wait, I think we misunderstood. This should be a thread for flat chests that are bullies.
Because large is justice, user.
What's the worst insult you can say to a flat chested girl?
Huge > Large
Why was "Sakuya wears pads" a meme again?
I can't fucking remember, it's been too long
That's fine, user. I just prefer them on the large side, not small or huge.
She was flat when she first appeared in a mainline game and then in the fighting game that came out after that, she had big tits
That was a pretty thinly-veiled newfriend post, user.
God hates hag enablers.
You hurt me for having such shit taste in anime
Is there any other flatty with more bully art out there? Chihaya seems to have it especially rough.
It comes with being a hot flat girl in a popular franchise. People WISH they could be as qt as Chihaya.
Hags knocked down the towers.
Too big?
Flat Chest Bullies are the worst.
If you massage her chest remember to massage her back
Do girls irl get jealous of others big tittied girls? Or its just an anime trope.
People in this thread like oppai because they probably had a flat chest bully pick on them before.
Lolis are the worst.
Yeah happens all the time but that'd 3DPD so I won't go into details.
I'd just say look up how other women look and act when they're around Christina Hendricks.
mind posting the source to that? Or at least the author since its cropped?
I love chestlets!
is it even possible to call a flat chested "girl" female?
thanks mate
You are THIS MAD right now.
flatties don't even have breasts
Where do you think this comes from?
Hang out with a bunch of Asian girls, and see how they react when a big breasted Asian girl walks by. They will throw so much shade and venom that you could have sworn that the big tittied girl killed their dogs and raped their brother.
Women are scary.
According to muh gf, women are super observant of others's body and breasts envy is a real thing. Though i suppose it is somewhat the same for guys when you see a ripped / monster dick guy
>Hang out with a bunch of Asian girls, and see how they react when a big breasted Asian girl walks by. They will throw so much shade and venom that you could have sworn that the big tittied girl killed their dogs and raped their brother.
Not the user you were typing at, but this might help explain the continual insecurity shown by flatfags about their washboard waifus. They apparently feel the need to white-knight for their inferior chestlets.
>i dont like this, therefore it is le reddit
cutting board
cutting board
I don't feel envy when I see a monster dick tho, I just want to suck it
Go be gay somewhere else
Not that guy but the only 3DPD pics allowed / should be on Sup Forums are cat / dog / animal pic
Only crossboarders and newfags use other shit
Make me
Animals are like 2.5d
I thought that was a hamburger bra from the thumbnail.