Redpill me on assault weapons Sup Forums, why would common people need rifles? A simple pistol would be enough for 99.99% of life threatening situations r-right?
> but muh totalitarian government
they have F-35s, you can’t do shit against the army
Assault Rifles
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because they are fucking cool and fun to shoot
same reason people buy fast cars when a toyota camry is more logical for a daily driver
gotta love retards who think their pea shooter is gonna save them from a 2AM drone strike.
>they have F-35s, you can’t do shit against the army
Because they're fun, and in United States of Zionist America, that's reason enough to own one.
Assault rifles are fully automatic.
gotta love retards who think the US government has the funds to or the personnel that would drone strike US citizens
F-35 is literally the worst example you could have used.
The plane is trash.
It would knock itself out of the sky.
>you can’t do shit against the army
I’m a fucking badass in PUBG, check yourself
> funds
more than enough to wipe out every single american soul
>Kent State- our army has opened fire on its own citizens
>Operation Northwoods- our government planned to kill citizens for political reasons
>Japanese internment in WW2- with enough popular support the government can round up any group of people they want
Fuck grabbers.
What good is f35 on your own land? bomb everyone, including liberals? it would turn the entire population against the government.
militia is not gonna be waiting at home for a drone strike, they will be waiting in your home using you and your liberal family as human shields. retarded faggot
> The plane is trash.
the absolute state of ameribrainlets
Please go away.
They're fun and therapeutic to shoot. Stop being a pussy and go to a range.
Yes Americans no gun can stop our superior weapons and military.
Okay crypto Anglo.
The Tianmen square massacre was perpetrated by Chinese troops who were bussed in from hundreds of kilometers away because troops stationed in the immediate area would never fire on their friends/families.
If the US was to ever decline into chaos, the exact same thing would happen. Troops would be moved from Texas to North Virginia, and troops from North Virginia would be moved to Texas to enforce Government rule/kill people if need be,
Americans who think they could ever beat the US military in a war are delusional and mentally ill.
They're extremely reliable.
Beyond that, the point of the 2nd Amendment is insurgency. There is no reason to willingly disarm or believe you should be disarmed. Will you be a one man army with an AR? Fuck no. But it's better to have something more than a single shot shotgun or some peashooter or your limp dick.
You forget that chinks have no feelings towards their fellow countrymen.
30-06 master race
Daily reminder that assault rifles are illegal in the US without a class 3 license.
Assault = fully automatic
AR stands for Armalite Rifle.
>99.99% of life threatening situations
Where did you get that number from?
> muh boots on the ground are necessary in a police state
until it isn’t
> a pack of pic related knocks on your door
> they have machine guns attached on their heads
> what do you do?
You think that the average G.I. Joe gives a shit about you and your family?
You are mistaken
Shoot them
Shoot them?
>robot operator drives his bots and kills a bunch of "rebels"
>comes home to find his entire family has been murdered
>A simple pistol
Millenial banners seem to not realize that boomer banners went after the pistol back in the day. The handgun was the easily concealed weapon of the criminal and drug dealer. The rifle was the righteous arm of the free world.
This is how you know all these fools are full of shit. Their message is all over the fucking place with no rhyme or reason.
Shill slide thread
I think I'm against the ar15 assault rifle if any could change my mind please do
Someone's operating that robot. Someone's servicing it. Some factory is churning them out. Same limitation as any drone.
You're very naive.
I don't know op, ask the rice niggers and dune coons that fought in the last 3 conflicts how effective they are.
>protip: muh drones and f35s is a meme.
In the real world a take over would be done door to door like we've seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. It takes soldiers on the ground to effectively control anything.
Well, first of all you think you’re against something that doesn’t exist.
Get educated and you might change your mind.
what are you going to do about it, prefer to be defenseless? fag.
>Chai Ling: What we actually are hoping for is bloodshed, the moment when the government is ready to brazenly butcher the people. Only when the Square is awash with blood will the people of China open their eyes. Only then will they really be united. But how can I explain any of this to my fellow students?
>Chai Ling: "And what is truly sad is that some students, and famous well-connected people, are working hard to help the government, to prevent it from taking such measures. For the sake of their selfish interests and their private dealings they are trying to cause our movement to disintegrate and get us out of the Square before the government becomes so desperate that it takes action....
>Interviewer: "Are you going to stay in the Square yourself?
>Chai Ling: "No."
>Interviewer: "Why?"
>Chai Ling: "Because my situation is different. My name is on the government's blacklist. I'm not going to be destroyed by this government. I want to live. Anyway, that's how I feel about it. I don't know if people will say I'm selfish. I believe that people have to continue the work I have started. A democracy movement can't succeed with only one person. I hope you don't report what I've just said for the time being, okay?"
Chai Ling, Tiananmen Square Protest Leader and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
>A simple pistol would be enough for 99.99% of life threatening situations r-right?
And 99% of shooting are done with handguns. Canada is chucked full of rifles but has few handguns, our last school shooting was in 1989 (Marc Lépine just shot women in an anti-chick rage)
> robot operator
you meant AI?
Fixed that for ya
>Assault rife
People still think they are the same thing.
Okay then what would you classify the ar 15 as
why belgians produce the best lookings rifles ?
how do they do it ?
Isn't the that the all point of "Muh Guns" ?
Defend yourself from Tyrranic Gov
Did you forget that China has liberalized massively since the late 80's? Tianmen square is the exact opposite of showing how government crackdown is effective.
You don't need that
A modern sporting rifle.
I didn't know we had that yet. Regardless
>google engineer goes to work designing military AIs
>comes home to find that robo-waifu has been smashed
a home cooked HERF gun would fuck those bots up. Amazing what the magnetron out of a microwave oven can do with the right antenna.
t. electrical engineer.
a mid-caliber semi-auto sporting gun.
>the Tiananmen square massacre actually happened.
How blue pill are you?
No one needs an AR-15. Anyone who sells them should be immediately thrown in jail. All the rest should be confiscated, and if they refuse throw them in jail or shoot them.
How many innocent kids have to die before we wake up?
these days we keep them around for niggers, if we need to put down large numbers of commies, its also useful.
I love Based nips
What a sporting rifle for kids
>Ban rifles
>keep pistols
Literally like 95% of gun homicides are with handguns.
You've solved nothing.
good luck with that plan. You personally willing to try a confiscation? Or are you going to attempt it with force of government behind you?
I smell a tyrant -- precisely what the 2nd was intended for.
Don't know much about AI hein ?
>they have f35s
they use shit planes now
What about every mass shooting
Wtf that image scared the shit out of me
I fucking hate you.
You don't need to be here.
>assault weapons
Don't exist
>Why would common people need rifles?
To kill government officials
>they have F-35s, you can’t do shit against the army
Yes we can, cringe meme argument
This. Anyone who tried ordering a attack on their own civilians would get a bullet to their brain within five 5 minutes. It would take a completely detached and brainwashed unit to do aything like that. Soldiers are just normal people who couldn't get a scholarship.
Yo I'm saying change my mind on ar15's
> You've solved nothing
> school shootings are nothing
they would become much less lethal with handguns
Number of death by gun violence under the US captilism since the 20's ?
Hey OP!
I have no clue why White heterosexual men would need a gun.
knock it over and laugh
>why would common people need rifles?
To defend themselves and their property from multiple assailants.
>A simple pistol would be enough for 99.99% of life threatening situations r-right?
Wrong, pistol ammunition doesn't reach the same velocity as rifle ammunition and is therefore less effective, and besides you want to take our pistols too.
So fuck off.
Then come and take it commie
d-delet this
A pistol is accurate for maybe 20-25 feet. You can aim well a little further but you need barrel length to shoot distance accurately. I would need barrel length for shooting at that F-35.
>handguns are for killing and used far more often. what kind of reverse approach is this?
Cho killed twice as many people with pistols.
If some group of people are trying and wanting to kill me over a metal tube I want to own that gives me some level of power against direct and overwhelming brutality, because they're scared and cowardly and want power over me, how in the everloving hell do they think that I'm going to view them when they start killing other people that are like me, and they support it?
You're damn right in this post. I'd hate that sniveling leftist son of a whore and every last one with his garbage last name residing in my neighborhood that's jacking his pigfucking cock, more than I would a whole platoon following behind a tank on a metal tube hunt.
Those dumb saps wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for the said trembling smug leftist pigfucker. He's the one making such a thing happen. He's the cause. So logic follows... what do?
> To kill government officials
can’t you do that with handguns? You would still massively outnumber the army
>what is a bucket of water
>You personally willing to try a confiscation?
No, you idiot. That's why we have police.
>I smell a tyrant -- precisely what the 2nd was intended for
The only tyrants are the ones who willingly sit by while innocent children die because they are paranoid about "muh gubmint teerknee"
you forgot the soundtrack to go with that pic user
Okay the government isn't composed on tyrants
Rights weren't meant only for needs. You don't "need" something to have a right to it.
No it wouldn't.
most gun deaths are suicides. They are important for culling the weak from our ranks. Everyone should have a gun, this way the millions of jobless losers would have an easy way to rid us of their burden on society.
A robot is much easier to take out than a person, Shoot one connection out and that entire circuit is broken, which can lead to the entire machine not functioning properly. The reason autonomous ground vehicles and etc used in war are covered in armour is because they are incredibly easy to deactivate with one round.
So what would I do? Cum on it and let the moisture damage take its hold
Does anyone here know why a white guy would need a gun?
Knockout the power grid, it's public info.
You mean the armalite rifle? Yeah that thing isn’t an assault rifle as it’s not fully automatic.
You are misunderstang. It is A RIGHT which cannot be taken away. Re-read some constitutional review on the topic. The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
No one needs a Television, cable, internet or even a vehicle. The preamble, the constitution and the bill of rights make it abundantly clear that you have the right to pursue happiness.
Gonna buy more ammo today, just to trigger the shitlibs
And because I need more ammo
>f35 is trash
20-1 kill/death ratio at Red Flag 17-1
before i enlisted they took me into a backroom and told me "yeah this sworn oath to uphold the constitution youre about to recite doesn't mean shit. we just say that stuff to look good for the cameras. in all actuality youre here to kill americans. " fuck off leaf.
Assault weapons are next to impossible to get from how expensive they are and 80% of gun death is caused by pistols.
Also assault rifles only make up 5% of gun deaths.
>Redpill me on assault weapons Sup Forums, why would common people need rifles?
It's our right. We don't have to justify it.
>A simple pistol would be enough for 99.99% of life threatening situations r-right?
Our rights aren't subject to specific firearms.
>they have F-35s, you can’t do shit against the army
Is the pilot of that F-35 bulletproof?
>more than enough to wipe out every single american soul
And yet you believe the government should be the only ones with weapons?