Italians pls

Okay, Sup Forums, so I have the Italian citizenship and just received this. I think I have to choose three guys of one list.

Who do I vote?


Ez. Lega.

Lega Nord/Forza Italia/Fratelli d'Italia

Second from left.

Lega Nord/Forza Italia/Fratelli d'Italia


Break down the parties plz. I don't speak any romance languages.

>former separatist party known as Lega Nord
>turned nationalist
>against migrants
>against Euro
>against EU bullshit
>pro flat tax (lower than what we have)
>pro self defence
>economic nationalism

>even more right wing than lega
>born out of old fascist party
>even more anti EU
>has good policies especially when it comes to fixing birth rates

>Fratelli d'Italia
>Berlusconi's party
>more right wing moderate
>still against migrants
>ambiguous on EU
>has very good banter

hmm Lega sounds like a more sane choice then. The other two sound like they are trying to capture days of ole.

>Partito democratico
>the equivalente of your Dems
>leftist liberals
>cucks to the EU
>pro migrant now larping as wanting to reduce immigration just because they lost 50% of their electorate in a single legislation
>taxes on everything
>except for foreign investors buying up our industries
>turbocucks on self defence
>old people's favourite party

>Movimento 5 stelle
>used to larp as Lega 2.0 (anti migrant/euro)
>now cucked to the max
>pirate party tier
>led by a private company that controls them

>(((Liberi e Uguali))) / (((+ Europa)))
>turbo cucked leftists that accuse PD of being fascists because they went back on migrants and easy citizenship
>luckly very low in numbers
>+ Europa is literally founded by an openly Soros (Open Society) member

>old as fuck post war christian party
>pretty much irrelevant

The rest are meme parties not even worth mentioning

Yea, Lega is the most realistic choice

Well fuck what ever Soros touches. I dunno what crawled up that dudes ass but he obviously doesn't really care about the present members of the European and American ppl and immigrants as well. So the liberi is no go. Is Itatly really disapproving the mass immigration coming in or is it some Sup Forums meme

>Is Itatly really disapproving the mass immigration coming in or is it some Sup Forums meme
It probably depends on where you go. In my region and in particular in the province where I live people are extremely against it mostly because we got fucked very hard and very fast.

But I would say that on a national level people are overall against it, at least in the current form, probably 70% against/15% in favor/15% don't care that much

Best choice

What else is on the agenda on the election besides immigration?

The two big themes are immigration and our relationship with the EU. That's all you hear on the news. Other big themes are jobs, taxes, pensions, the usual stuff

Seems to be a theme among the other European Nations. Good intentions gone bad or some dumb political maneuver seems to really has taken its toll.

They went too fast with the migrant and EU integration stuff. It backfired on their asses (I'm glad it did)

Sorta whats going on here. 11 million illegals with combination of anchor babies put some strain on this nation. The so call "Jobs that no one wanted" was something that some people actually did. Top of added fact that its all putting little bit of burden on our government social programs, and social care, (Healthcare schools etc), I can imagine same thing for you guys as well. With added part of 3rd world violence as well I assume.

Thanks user, that helps a lot.