Its on mainstream news now.
Has there every been a more blatant flase flag?
Its on mainstream news now.
Has there every been a more blatant flase flag?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did it become a false flag when you realized it wasn't ISIS or Antifa, but a White Nationalist Trumpkin?
They suck at this shit now
>brown guy kills people
>white supremacist did it
>*jumping through literally a thousand hoops to try and prove it's a false flag*
>Need for safer schools and "tackle the difficult issue of mental...
does this imply white supremacists are mentally ill?
Jig is up, shariablue
bad shill bad, you are not supposed to be so obvious with your social shame tactics. Also false flag has been said before the Clinton News Network started running with this.
They are getting desperate. They know Trump has been effectively neutered since the tax plan. Now they try to shill their own psycho creations as their perceived enemy.
The #1 tactic of republicans is to falsely blame the other side of exactly what they do. This is true for literally all crime and every negative thing said about Democrats since at least the 90s.
How can anyone watch this and think it's legitimate and not someone trying to get attention?
yeah, like I'm going to believe those faglords
How can he be a white supremacist if he is clearly not white? Look at his name and photo.
Is this some next level shilling going on?
>Has there every been a more blatant flase flag?
Las Vegas
all that matters is who is first, face it guys you lost this one.
Well having the ADL say it, is pretty biased, the ADL is a lobby, a powerful Jewish lobby. They like the SPLC are Left wing groups calling anyone at any opportune time a White supremacist for political gain. To my understanding they operate in other nations aswell and they basically bully politicians with muh Holohoax to get them to concede and submit under muh RAYCIS pressure.
hahahaha white people BTFO once again by CNN
no "alt-right" as it were, who is genuinely at that ideological position would think shooting a school would help their cause
this is what most people see, they won't see the eventual retraction.
The 2nd American Civil War cannot be prevented at this point.
We tried to get you to listen, but you wouldn't pull the bananas out of your ears and use your eyes.
Blame the Baby Boomers.
Blame Generation X for following in the steps of Baby Boomers.
Now Millennials and Generation Z will fix our problems however they see fit, and most of them hate each other.
We tried to warn you.
We tried to warn you.
We tried to warn you...
there is too much inertia at this point and all sides are dug in to their heels. we are balkanized and nothing short of a war with russia will stop this.
war will not happen
no point in trying to fight against the jew,he basically control the entire media and social media who is mostly used by your average people who turns out are the ones we should convince about immigration problems and differences in race,as long the jew has control over these companies nothing will change and the message will never spread out but on Sup Forums and other sites,and the average guy is scared to enter said sites anyway.