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Buyfag thread
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Catch up on the previous WonFes threads if you missed any.
It's okay once the JP version comes out it'll be fine. The hilarious thing is that all the gunsluts are voiced by Japanese seiyuu.
Stop buying with your dick.
No, they know it's getting localized in Nipponland.
Their issue with it is that the IP originated in China.
So if they want to stick with their current rules, that means not adding even then.
Didn't know they got Japanese seiyuu though.
Do you mean they got Jap seiyuus to speak in horrible Chinese, or that they just spoke Japanese lines from the start?
The dialogue is Japanese with Chinese subs.
Do the Chinese bootleg their own countryman?
Left is WA2000, right is Springfield. There are much better skins for these characters and I don't know why they picked the worst ones to make figures for. I doubt the case will even be able to open.
I'm not sure if this is smart or bad marketing ploy.
Probably smart since it's working.
I usually don't go for tanlines but I might have to make an exception for this
Collage when?
Hopefully never again.
It targets otaku, so I think its a good idea.
No, as it turns out.
Do you never get included in them or something?
Chinese bootlegs exist because the China justice system is heavily biased against foreign companies. Things are different when both sides are based in China.
They shit up the threads with a bunch of pictures of brown boxes and shit pictures with bad lighting.
Not to mention the amount of retards answering him just to say "ohh I got to the collage yaay ^.^" or "why my pics aren't in the collage? :^("
It's pure cancer.
Even the Chinese know their own voice acting is shit. OELVN creators need to take note.
Last one had less pictures, with shitty ones removed in favor of quality. It's certainly more interesting and fun to see what people bought throughout the month and took pictures of than reposting the same shit and the same cancerous DUDE DICKBUYING shitposts.
you bitch about everything though so why should we care
Chinese VAs won't be able to get better if companies aren't giving them work by hiring Japane ones instead.
Those bootlegs that killed the last thread were g8, amirite?
What's better use of space your opinion? People asking questions already answered in the guide? Blogposts? Crossboarders coming in and posting the same dumb crap about other people setting your figures? At least the collages are focusing on what the thread is about in the first place.
Please stop posting blank pics you're using up the thread's picture limit.
I'm really new to buyfagging as far as anime figures go, only having bought a single nendoroid, an old one, off amazon before and other than that being more of a /toy/ guy. I'm really interesting pic related from the recent Wonder Festival, and I was hoping you could help me find a good place to preorder these from, if such things are even possible yet, that'd ship tot he UK?
It doesnt matter if the chinese VAs are any good, Chinese sounds awful, I'd rather watch anime dubbed in wookie.
Anime dubbed in wookie would be fucking hilarious, actually.
The part of OP is a link that leads to a guide. Check the shops part of it.
Typically it will take a couple of months for the unpainted prototypes to be painted and actually go up for pre-order. The Satania one that doesn't even have a prototype yet may take up to a year even.
When they're finished you can find them at pretty much any retailer in the guide, most people use AmiAmi here for pre-orders.
do you ever buy t shirts? Do you think they make you look like a sperg?
Alright, thanks anons, I'll keep a look for them in shops from the guide
I'd watch it. Especially if the material itself is B movie grade.
Graphic t-shirts are shit, doesn't matter if they're anime related or not.
how feasible is it to make your animu figures?
I'd be more interested in artists that would take commissions.
Post preorders
Know anyone?
Will Canadian customs still seize my lewd as heck H dojinshi if the girl has massive tits and is not a loli but gets half-strangled during sex at one point
We talked about this topic a couple of threads ago, and it seemed like the consensus was that it's far too expensive.
No user, this isn't the UK. I doubt they even do that in the UK
I'm having to hold off on any anime figures and preorders because this son of a gun came out, and I just can't not own it. This preorder makes my balls tingle just thinking about ti arriving.
Someone save me from this bikini hell, I want more clothed figures.
they make the best tapestries
Which figures from this wonfes are you most interested/hyped/pleased about?
No, although maybe a kind user could help us out. This guy does some amazing work, but I don't know if he takes commissions. Check out his facebook too.
I would like to think more artists would do this kind of stuff. What with all the waifus who only end up getting keychains, at most.
I have high hopes since it's Alter.
There wasn't many things but I'm curious on how this will turn out, but considering it's UC i'll keep my hopes down.
Disgusting. Nothing wrong with dickbuying, but all of them look like shit.
At least fap a bit before buying stuff, holy fuck.
Who is the girl with the glasses?
Wouldn't be surprised if the mother country did it
Fuck off.
I think it only applies to real pornography.
>WF is over
Glad these threads quieted down, again. It was making me anxious. Now, back to dickbuying.
Is that wine on her collarbone?
>lewd joints
Be sure to post pics when it comes in.
What is the posable lewd on the right?
i was looking at the GSC stream when they showed the artwork, trying to figure out if it was an awkwardly laid necklace. now that i dug up the art, i think its wine
Nep is already on the way.
How much money in total have you guys spent on figurines, do you figure?
Also, post wishlists, because why not.
About half of those are instant pre-orders. Really excited about the Hifumi Nendo specially.
I gotta say guys, every time I fap my desire for figurines goes from 100 to 0 so fast. Thank god for that one piece of advice.
2 to 3k USD
Will be interesting how they pull that off without it looking like a weird birthmark.
user is right. Those are just grotesque. Pushing the border from fetish to legitimate mental disease imo
if they want something spilled down her cleavage, they can just leave it up to the buyers
How cluttered is your house?
Damn I didn't even know it was wonfes. Buyfagging is over, I should sell my entire collection.
I got just about everything I could realistically expect from wonfes. Ai-chan looks great and my dick loved everything at the Q-six booth.
That's not a lot of stuff it that's what you're implying. I have about 40 figures, half of those being pre-painted scales and the other half smaller Nendoroids and figma, so it's not like I need massive space.
There are plenty of people here with 100+ figures and well over 10k spent on them.
Kinda wish it didn't have moe eyes
One is a GK that isn't a pre-order.
its my shipfu's year!
or more precisely, 2018 will be her year.
Which one should I get?
Do you actually look at them? How much time per week do you spend viewing them? Do they just sit in your office or room collecting dust for the most part? What's the point of having a large hodgepodge of random characters sitting around your house? I can maybe see the appeal of setting up some kind of diorama from one story or something, but a bunch of random, disjointed shit? It seems like it'd just be an inconvenience that would make family and friends look down on you.
Small breasts
Wide hips
Belly with a soft curve
Mons pubis
The inner thigh detail
Long legs
Gracious thighs
That navel
This figure was made for me.
Oh, you're just another one of those newfag crossboarders.
>family and friends
expect at LEAST 3k USD for a decent one. unless you're ballin its not viable.
>parody holes
Get a real hole like Temptation witch or Venus real
Dont reply to the trolls ive noticed over the last week or so the entire site is being raided by angry man hating lol virgins posters.
>the last week or so
you mean last year or so
they're all mobile posters who found the website after gamergate and Sup Forums exploded, and now they wander around other boards shitposting, thinking they belong here
Still waiting for Shuten. The Ques Q prototype looked good too
You've got me curious now. Do you know an artist that would do this?
Cute banana oni, are you painting her yourself?
Mixed feelings towards the Griffon/Pulchra Kurumis. I'll decide later whether i actually want them or not.
Do you have a legs/feet fetish?, that Nico's pose is really weird.
Only going to post protos/paints since I don't want to keep spending time making a giant collage, but there are probably 10 other announcements I'm highly interested in.
Worried as hell for Shiki's price going by recent imas alters though. It's fucking weird their imas Love Laika Ranko price is normal, and big base Laura + Charl was a steal for what is two 1/7s, but their recent imases have been a bit questionable even with the outstanding paint.
>still no Nemesis despite a plethora of TLRs this wf