I can't! Hahahahaah!
I can't! Hahahahaah!
But in more serious matter, quick reminder that the real shooter is dead as seen in this video. Being casually carried in a dufflebag by officiers while the (((shooting))) is ongoing.
Dumbo Cruz is just a patsy, there to craft a juicy narrative.
Video was captured by RSB's live feed. That same feed was shoah'd later that day.
it just gets better and better
Holy shit media are retarded.
top fucking kek what a bunch of retards
hahahaha that's such an understatement, they are so hungry for a story that they'll just believe anything as long as its corroborated by a few people and seems legit. Total normies.
Here's the archive to the LARP thread, it's still live also I think.
Nice work you magnificent bastards
I don't know about you guys but I'm seriously dying from laughter over here.
Send help.
what's in the bag tho
Another bag
ahahahaha these jews are so hungry for a win that they'll believe anything
>clearly not white
>hispanic last name
>bullshit source
>white nationalist
fucking idiots. I hope there's a bunch of jews slamming their desks in some nyc boardroom somewhere.
>these people tell us da “trufth”
>truth handpicked from mongolian fish monger bulletins
Yep... won't look good for (((them))) at all.
Wow now this is what I call out jewing the Jews.
Well done lads!
CNN got this info from trusted, verified, fact checked sources. This is why you guys are losing this way, truth will win in the end.
yeah but
the bag
They couldn't even spell his name correctly!
It's Nicolas on his democratic voter ID.
Rofl what a low energy troll.
They still fell for that shit though. ahahaa
God bless the basement dwellers who delivered us this happening
You're pretty cool guys
where does it say that the OP was larping?
I dont see OP in the archive saying "haha got em" which is what the 4channer who baited msm with fake pee russia story.
its the post right beneath the "sources say" meme picture
Here is more juicy details!
this thread is being slid into oblivion
I dont get why they do this. All they're doing is giving the kike media ammo. They dont care if its fake, they still roll with it. They still push it until people believe its true. Theres genuinely stupid motherfuckers out there who still believe in the piss tape.
Not true. They expose the kike media by feeding them bullshit
@5:30 golf cart wounded incident
@35:35 the incident of which (You) refer
@16:20 looks drugged and taken by a man with hebrew on his back. they must have a lot of jews there if they need the letters to be displayed...
Trust in the media is falling at an exponential rate. Happenings like this will help accelerate the process.
That user is right. This would be a good "gotcha" moment, if we had a grand stage to proclaim it, but when they are the ones with the stage, you cannot catch them in the act, especially when people only fucking read headlines. Even Sup Forums is guilty of only reading fucking headlines. I don't know how many threads I've been in, where people formulate an argument against a news headline, only for the article to contain entirely different information.
>hispanic last name
Hispanic full name
Literally Nicolás Cruz
How do these fucking idiots believe everything everyone says?
I wonder why Trump called them fake news when they have such good sources?
Because when you are in search of a narrative and not facts, you will find it. Sup Forums is absolutely guilty of the same sin. Idk how many times I've seen that Antifa picture posted, and it's very clearly not the same person.
The ONLY person to claim his name is nikolas not nicolas was a sheriff named israel who works for debbie wasserman schultz. You cant make this shit up! Hahaha
Funny AP is not there, considering they're source.
>As the criminal case against the suspect took shape, the leader of a white nationalist militia called the Republic of Florida said Cruz was a member of his group and participated in exercises in Tallahassee.
>Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press that did not know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf” and is “solely responsible for what he just did.”
>The group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. Jereb said his organization holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.
>He also said Cruz had “trouble with a girl” and that he believed the timing of the attack, on Valentine’s Day, was not a coincidence.
very nice vid, thanks!
Are you fucking kidding me???? WTF is wrong with the dumb motherfuckers???? If you're some journofag looking at this site for info, you should fucking fire yourself for being the most useless motherfucker who ever got a job.
Yeah, funny prank, surely the media will retract this and won't label white nationalists as terrorists.
The media is going to trash the right either way, its propaganda aimed at its core audience. We're not going to reach that core audience either way, theyre fucking mind zombies. The point is to expose how dumb the media is to people who are salvageable
Guys, has anybody realized that misleading LARPing could be our next method of activism?
Checked, but what if we started planting misleading information for these fuckos? You know, just like how the glow in the darks do it.
Top kek on r/all right now! We did it reddit!
it's deeper than that here check this one out
Original thread is here, ABC got memed on
Republic of Florida Militia
A 3-member club of fat kids in Tallahassee who work part time at local fast food franchises. They meet monthly in their parent's basements to discuss video games news and little known Dungeon's & Dragons facts. After said meeting they dress in camouflage and assist the Boy Scouts of America in walking the sidewalks and picking up litter.
with front guy using only one hand, I'm doubting that this is a 100lb+ body
It's just a theory, I find the whole scene odd, the video provided by another user puts things in perspective, see
you're welcome leaf. just a lowly pede trying to do my part. now i must go back, but check out @1:17:17 for clear image of weird letters on guy in center.
Anybody else feel like the kids that've been interviewed are lying and know full well that they are?
But whats in that bag then tho
a bag in a bag?
like russian dolls?
russian collusion confirmed.
Acceleration is good, they are on the losing side and less time they have to spin their web of lies the better
>He fell for fakeposts
Lurk moar faggot
Hmmm, can't figure out what those are...
lets ask our friends.. cap it and meme
>david fights with fat paramedic
>emt says btfo
>pointing fingers all around
>gets him out of car clearly drugged
>passes out min later
>david follows them both in car
kek thats his name until confirm
internet/twitter is finally figuring out the whole white supreme thing is a hoax. fuckin boomers.
moar sprinkles.
Hmm?... Thats probably on of the *yawn* dead students. Aren't you sleepy? I am so sleepy. Lets all just go to bed.
>carried out to a nondescript pickup
I am so awake right now! I am just energetic! Aren't you all so energetic? I am so energetic! Let's all just wake up even more!
Everyone says my sources are illegitimate, yet EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE USING THE SAME SOURCE TO ME!
The SPLC is literally retarded
bumping this thread
need a meme