FUN is not Degeneracy

Why does Society have to be Straight to be Conservative? Ever thought about how stupid that sounds? If abstaining from fun were really that important for society, muslim countries would be super powers.

This last Carnaval, I:
>had sex with women
>had sex with traps
>had sex with men
>had sex with all of them together

I am not more or less conservative because of that. What we do in closed doors is our problem, only. My wife is still my wife, my kid is still my kid; the fact that I sometimes have sex to unwind from the miserable life of a brazilian has nothing to do with politics.

Why is 'what we do with our intimate parts' so important for conservatives?

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>FUN is not Degeneracy
but what most consider fun is actually called "debauchery".
debauchery begets degeneracy.

you should only find fun in good things.
fucking randoms is not a good thing.

check yourself for STDs man

Repent from sin or go to hell, forever

enjoy your aids also UMA DELCIA

Go away, jew.

It's not worth checking yourself for STDs.

I heard they re-use the test equipment, so the chances of getting STDs from testing yourself as high.

Don't believe what Sup Forums tells you. Some bubbles on your dick are worth it and not everyone has STDs.


I live in the most christian continent in the world and we are a murderous hellhole. If religion mattered, we should be the prosperous ones, not you.

every civilization of the past was degenerate right before it fell. a degenerate society cannot last for long,the system will fall apart

Brazil has fallen apart a long time ago.