pick one
Why do you still have a spy phone and volunteer to bug yourselves? How do I unleash?
pick one
Why do you still have a spy phone and volunteer to bug yourselves? How do I unleash?
Stop browsing the internet on a computer you faggot NEET. You might as well be playing video games.
And stop being so paranoid about people tracking your internet history, you fucking schizo. It's for targeted ads. God forbid you see shit you actually want to buy. Fucking retard.
I post the same stuff I say here on fb
Ya sure, let me take my PC and set it up everywhere I go.
Fuck smartphones, but not just because they’re habit & conversation spy devices,
But because they late literally turning your brains into mush, making you autistic impulsive detached unconscious creatures
When will pol realise this begin a no-phone movements. Anyone who speaks out against smartphones is labeled techno-phobic & regressive
And still (((they))) have created the perfect device to disconnect and divide us into little islands of easily controllable entities
Our entire hormonal systems have been hooked up to their algorithms and our social hierarchy replaced with a Marxist classless system that doesn’t recognise real word achievement, skill or dominance but gives the scum a megaphone and reduces the great among us to a whisper
>Implying you fucks have anything you need to hide.
this is facebook tier garbage and i hate handslabs