Be Mexican

>Be Mexican
>One shooting in 1995
>Consequently ban hand guns b&
>No violence no shooting since

Sorry, are you asking for a Mexican gore thread?

>No violence no shooting since
Are we thinking of the same Mexico?

I think he means Mexico in the alternate world where The US annexed Mexico and banned all guns when Hillary Became President.

No, lets post images which prove the Amerimuts are wrong, and that gun control really does work (in places like Mexico, Brazil, England etc)

some time ago there was on the news that a group of mexicans in a small town were tired of drug cartels raping a killing whenever they want so they just armed themselves and formed something like a civilian militia, when the government noticed it they just disarmed the militia and left those civilians at the cartels will.


Mexico banned guns and look how safe the people are! Give up your weapons, Americunts!

won't you take me to


Reminder to report shitpost threads. This is at least the second one today.

>be mexican
>ban guns
>get face peeled and hands chopped off while a gang of men with guns stand over you
>"a-at least we banned muh guns .. *gargle*"

>No shooting and no violence in mexico

Nigger what planet are you on?

the planet where sarcasm and trolling the left are alive!

>No violence


>be OP
>pick gayest flag you can
>post faggiest shit possible

Well they banned guns like the Liberals told them, so now they are safe!! The left wants to bring the same level of safety and security to the USA and I say YES!!!!

>23,000+ killed in 2017
>No violence no shooting since

Safe and sound. Thanks Liberals.

This used to be a person


Are you fucking stupid?

Mexico is one of the most crime-ridden shitholes in the world

yes, gun control nations like brazil have a lot to thank the Liberals for, peace safety and security for one.

He'll be okay. It's just a flesh wound.



Are you trying to tell me gun control doesnt' work?

>when Hillary Became President.
I know not of any such worlds.

Fuck off, faggot. I wish I could legally own a gun.

>Found on road dead

Are you sure he's dead user? He looks pretty comfy to me.

Link to the 1995 story?

,000+ killed in 2017

The wonders of gun-control. I can't wait for gun control in my country USA.


>The Aguas Blancas Massacre was a massacre that took place on 28 June 1995, in Aguas Blancas, Guerrero, Mexico, in which, according to the official version, 17 farmers were killed and 21 injured.
>According to survivors, they were ambushed by the motorized police and several were shot point blank. Some of the events were captured on film, by the police themselves. Weapons were subsequently placed in the dead farmers' hands[1] and the police said they acted in self-defense.

meant to replying to this

This is a very elaborate troll. This is for shills not for /ourguys/

A wonder of gun-control. Thank God those evil famers were disarmed for their safety. Also I praise God for the effective use of gun control policies in Germany circa 1930's.

Very very few jews died in horrible gun accidents/

Thanks bro, I'm trying to teach the young Sup Forumstards how to win any gun control argument or debate IRL.

Gun control means safety. The jews were much safer, once they were disarmed by the modern civilized government policies of Germany (OK a little crude, but this meme works)

Gun control means do not miss.

uma delicia!

I didn't know the US made a live action version of the Teletubbies.

>>No violence no shooting since

>No violence
fucking kek

>>Be Mexican
>>One shooting in 1995
>>Consequently ban hand guns b&
>>No violence no shooting since

Are you in complete denial about the drug cartel violence in spic land or just full-retard?

>no violence since '95
dumb faggot, I hope you think about how disappointed your parents are of you when you're fucking another guy