Guy on the left is 56% mutt

>guy on the left is 56% mutt
>guy no the right is 100% aryan

This is what Sup Forums actually believes.

>defending kike enoch
I think you are looking for trs

We are just trying to distance ourselves from a school shooter, it's bad publicity, K, thanks.

>and OP is 200% Ultra faggot

No need to distance when he was never ours to begin with.


so you literally put up a JEW TO COMPARE....
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST you guys are retarded
you didnt even think to put richard spencer but a guy who had a jewish wife and a half black brother who is also a jew.

goto the hardware store and get some rope now to hang yourself

is this kid from the x-files? where have I seen his rato face before

I believe Mike Enoch is a self-hating Jew. But that's okay.

>mutt of the left killed 17 jews

Kikebook is full of people going in on him being "white"


Ive never met a white man with last name Cruz