Cruz was a white nationalist anti-semite CONFIRMED

Top post on Reddit right now. 13,000 upvotes and 3k comments. APOLOGIZE RIGHT FUCKING NOW Sup Forums.

>While no motive has been described by police, Jereb speculated that [shooter] may have allegedly committed the massacre out of hatred for Jews or women.

>“There’s a very real sense of feminism being a cancer. That could’ve played into what he did, but we have female members of RoF,” Jereb said, adding that “we’re not a big fan of Jews. I think there were a lot of Jews at the school that might have been messing with him.”

>He is also described as being politically extreme. I'll censor the classmate's names here even though they are in the article.

>Six classmates of [shooter] told The Daily Beast he expressed extreme political views and disturbing behavior when he attended the high school he is now accused of attacking with a high-powered rifle.

>“The one person I would expect to do it did it,” said [classmate], who said she sat next to [shooter] in English class last year. “He loved talking about his guns. He just didn’t seem right but he didn’t seem like he would do something this big.”

>[classmate], 19, and [classmate], 19, said they knew [shooter] in school and that he talked about about guns but they did not suspect he would kill.

>[classmate], a 16-year-old junior said her good friend sat next to [shooter] in biology class last year and that he would regularly show her photos of dead animals.

>“For example, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat,” [classmate] said.

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too soon...

No apologies, this needs to happen more often. The shootings are a product of "the Diversity" manifested in undesirable psychological outcomes. Get rid of the Kikes and Niggers and the problem will go away.

Somebody should push him in a pool.

Yay, we get a week of kike kvetching.

Hey man I'm only a BRAAAP and mommy milkies poster, I dindu nuffin

i like how when muslims kill people, it's "politicising a tragedy" to demand bans on mozzie immigration.
but when a native kills people, then it's a-ok to demand guns be banned the same day.

Good. Soon even more and on a larger scale.
We must convert more soldier for the riech!

>"I think there were a lot of Jews at the school that might have been messing with him."


No. Maybe those Jewish kids shouldn't have been fucking with an autistic kid so much.

Not my fault. Not my problem.