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>While no motive has been described by police, Jereb speculated that [shooter] may have allegedly committed the massacre out of hatred for Jews or women.
>“There’s a very real sense of feminism being a cancer. That could’ve played into what he did, but we have female members of RoF,” Jereb said, adding that “we’re not a big fan of Jews. I think there were a lot of Jews at the school that might have been messing with him.”
>He is also described as being politically extreme. I'll censor the classmate's names here even though they are in the article.
>Six classmates of [shooter] told The Daily Beast he expressed extreme political views and disturbing behavior when he attended the high school he is now accused of attacking with a high-powered rifle.
>“The one person I would expect to do it did it,” said [classmate], who said she sat next to [shooter] in English class last year. “He loved talking about his guns. He just didn’t seem right but he didn’t seem like he would do something this big.”
>[classmate], 19, and [classmate], 19, said they knew [shooter] in school and that he talked about about guns but they did not suspect he would kill.
>[classmate], a 16-year-old junior said her good friend sat next to [shooter] in biology class last year and that he would regularly show her photos of dead animals.
>“For example, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat,” [classmate] said.