like Mexico did. Mexico adopted gun-control, and we can too, this level of safety and security awaits us, but only when we grow up and accept full gun-control like Mexico did.
enough is enough you fucking rednecks.
like Mexico did. Mexico adopted gun-control, and we can too, this level of safety and security awaits us, but only when we grow up and accept full gun-control like Mexico did.
enough is enough you fucking rednecks.
Mexico doesn't actually have gun control
>not having guns
No the real problem is that Mexico's government isn't strong enough to enforce their laws.
Mexico has total gun control you liar. same with Brazil. Why don't you move there if you hate 'dangerous armed america?'
i think there's a tinge of irony in OP's statement guise..
>EUSSR flag
>Wants to get rid of the second amendment
>Doesn't think that the black market will get richer as a result
>Thinks there aren't other ways to kill people
>it's all because of the non-whites
>but with gun control we would become just like them
It speaks volumes that you chose to compare yourself with México instead of Japan. This is why you'll become a Mexican ethnostate soon.
I thought Mexico and Brazil were totally safe bro? They both adopted strict gun control, and the Liberals always told me that gun control means safety and security?
You can get guns in Mexico, the only issue is the bullshit regulations...
Want to buy a gun? Need a permit
Want to buy ammo? Need a permit
Want to transport a gun? Need a permit
Want to transport ammo? Need a permit
Want to transport gun and ammo? Need a permit
Want to shoot recreationally? Need permit
Want to hunt? Need permit
Want to transport hunted animal? Need permit
Kinda sucks
>This is why you'll become a Mexican ethnostate soon.
Not if the Muslims conquer us first lol.
Yes, he's implying that those guys could have lived if they had had guns, when in reality they were all Zeta narcos, precisely the people with most guns. Unless there's an extra layer of irony.
Third thread today. Report shitpost threads.
What happened in picture user ?
That is just a normal scene in a gun control paradise called "Mexico"
Very strict gun laws, you can see the residents relaxing hanging aroundliterally without a care in the world lol!!
They are safe because they have been disarmed.
Liberals want to bring this level of safety to the USA as well and I say YES!!
>only one place in the whole country to buy guns legally
>no don't actually have gun control
No. OP is a fag that's all.
Thanks user, i get it now.
sounds like a majority of US states
Give the police some more power to actually carry out the fucking law, put more resources into busting crime and illegal weapon sales (hell, maybe ask the USA for help on this, using the reasoning that it'll help both countries become more safe, hopefully slowing the influx of murderer illegal immigrants that has been an issue for a while. Might as well try to fix the problem at it's source rather than just put a wall between yourself and the problem as it gradually becomes more and more dire until it literally can't be ignored anymore, and by that point it'll be too late)
To a country with more guns than we have, (and better guns, full auto Aks lol) I say, anytime bro!!
Just the bad states bro, California, New Jersey hawaii etc etc. (in my opinion)
Yas, Queen!
Let’s live like Mexico!
We did it, Radditz!!!
Gun control doesnt work in mexico when the narcos can just hop the border and buy used weapons.
But if america also banned guns, then there would be NO COUNTRY left in the americas to buy guns from.
Yes, because the Chinese & Russians won’t traffic guns into Mexico via boats, right?
Right, retard?
>Professional world class smugglers,
>Whose job is smuggling drugs easily and effortlessely all over the world
>Would not be able to get guns.
Nigger they could make guns better than most companies if they wanted to.
source on this pic?
dont take the bait retards
From the Damaso cartel of Sinaloa. Poor things, if only they had guns.
and then they say spics don't work hard
he was being sarcastic you dumb spic
BRAP! (staccato)
Unknown. Many such blogs post horror scenes from gun control utopia (Mexico)
Ciudad Juarez, young females kidnapped and disappeared off the street. students young people massacred in mexico. All narcos I'm sure.
Detroit is doing really awesome too. Strictest laws in the nation.
I am with you bro but protip--- Detroit now has based gun laws, you can move to detroit and buy pistols, get a permit to carry a pistol (you will need it to stay alive there lol_)
Oh shit, I feel like a brainlet, my bad. Good shitpost
lol see my sarcasm is like a fine wine, it has to age before you can fully appreciate it!!
A group of beaners just hanging out. Lazy bastards.
Yeah cant wait for this kind of security!!!!
RIP Amigo.
Man some of these photos are so horrible I cannot save them on my computer or even post them. They should put them up as posters on the gun-grabbers group office.
America should ban all leftards. So do Europe and UK too. GTFO, disgusting kike. Also sage
I know it's late lads, but please, re-read my post, the image, the thread etc etc. And Molon Labe
It's a shame, but death squads is not what mexico (or any CA/SA country needs) It also needs a dna/memes complete change. Making people value shit like honor duty etc. Been lost in the past few years. Sounds like a meme but a lot of reasons because if jewish influence, or niggers acting like jews
the man in the photo was a serial child rapist they only arrest him after killing a toddler whit his dick the people of that community had enough and lynched him
NOTICE, immediately, that shills will cease engaging in threads where NIGGER CRIME STATISTICS are posted.
What about the other 35,000 murders a year amigo?
Justice was served with cutlery.
Mexico isn't the best comparison, user...
But you're a faggot who hides behind fake flags so sage.
Wait what?
most of them are narco on narco murder there is a lot of them since is the easy way to get money there is not a lot of innocent murder there but again there is noot a lot of inocent people in mexico just like nigger on nigger murder they are all useless criminals
Clearly their population is outpacing their murders. at a population of 127.5 million, we are looking at far less than .003% of their population. These guys gotta step it the fuck up.
Can't wait for native blooded Mexicans to ethnic cleanse the Anglo-saxons. And in the future when they say "these native Mexicans outnumbered us and killed us" we can tell them "Hey, if you didn't want to be replaced by us, you should have fought harder.
in reference to my post, i am talking about narco on narco. Or it would just be nice if the US was handed a targeted list of housholds provided by the local community to vaporize. corrupt officials included. In a single evening, we could probably end almost all of mexico's crime problems that way.
Ah look European nigger flag ban all guns what a surprise saged and hidden
Look at those happy citizens!
I get your point and agree with you, but that is not a brazilian license plate.
those guys buddies with our government, that shit aint happening. too much money to be made between eachother
pretty sure it would still be a violent shithole with or without guns