Really odd shooting timeline...

Really odd shooting timeline. Who shoots up a school and kills 17 people than goes to a local subway and McDonald’s to eat

I mean he probably worked up quite the appetite. However, I do question his choice of restaurants. You are always still hungry after eating Subway

Someone expecting to get caught

Have you ever killed a man? It makes you hungry as fuck.

how did he get caught? seems it would mighty difficult to catch him like that in the chaotic aftermath. you'd figure he would have been home free for at least a day.

wait a second I never saw this Uber stuff. Where that from? Walmart? MCDONALDS?

He wanted that footlong for valentines

Who shoots up a school? Why are you surprised the irrational psychopath didn't act normally?

oh it's one of those retarded britbongos

He probably thought people wouldn't be looking for him in a McDonalds.