Aryan American

>tfw the only genuine Aryan American on pol.

Feels bad man. Why did my ancestors have to come here? I could've lived in a 99% white country and have a 9/10 virgin Aryan gf. Yet I was forced to live in a 50% white country filled with whores, low I.Q mutts and I'm a kissless virgin becuase females are too stupid to see that I'm an Aryan Chad.

Oh, hi Tyler.

Do you have a day off for teacher in-service training tomorrow?

Careful, you’re starting to sound like Elliott Rogers. We all know what happens when unbridled autism goes unchecked.

Feel you lad.
Trust me clean your hair up and you'll maximize your godliness.


..wait you dont have a gf?
>dont feel that lad

Yeah I do!

I like longer more messy hair I think it suits my Aryan aesthetic better than short hair.

sweetie no

Honestly little bro, make sure you're sociable, approachable, and respectable.
>cut back listening to music
>read more
>no porn
>force yourself to talk to people throughout the day
>work out
>fitting in is also your duty to your people, dont ostracize yourself or you wont be useful in the longrun

go long on top, shorter on the sides, it compliments a jawline well.

You don't look like a kissless/virgin to me, I've fucked hundreds of women and can sniff them out

There's some deep rooted issues like you have a mole on your cock or you have AIDS, otherwise you'd be getting laid

> hair
op is a faggot


Q Predicted this.

Your genetics don't make you any less of an unlikeable, entitled, ass

Oh my god! It’s the “Berry my dick” kid!

>t. brown eyes brown hair brown skin

Whiter than you, Muhammad

Am i white, Sup Forums?

>Q Predicted this.

Can someone explain this autistic meme to me? inb4 newfag. I've been posting on this Chinese piss bottle forum off and on since 2005. Is this some sort of 8ch or discord circlejerk?


w0w ur s0 hawt. I'm a grill btw and from reddit and 9gag le 9gag army checkinz inzzie.

>Facial hair

No. True white men would never grow facial hair that covers their strong Aryan faces. You also can't be white if you have buzzed/very short hair. Sorry not white.

you aren't European, so no you aren't white.
My Syrian Roomate in college had blonde hair and blue eyes but he could never be "white" because he wasn't European.
He's most likely a remnant of Hellenistic and perhaps even Frankish admixture during the crusades, however he isnt a European.

Q predicted this too. Q is on a role lately.

Are you some sort of Slavic Jew or something?

This sounds like 8ch autism.

I found a Syrian living in Germany on instagram that had Blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked German as fuck
His name was literally Mohammad


Go on imagefap and search for "lolita" on the first image there is a thread that explains it all as this is where the meme comes from. However, once you know the secret, you can never tell anyone else.

>mole on your cock
I'm curious. How is a mole on your cock a deep rooted issue?


Go to fucking bed, Foreman

He took me to his family's estate there.
Uironically these kind of people like him are the wealthiest in the state.
Even Assad has colored eyes, I'm not joking about this sort of thing.

>Go on imagefap and search for "lolita"

This meme is older than the Internet and you still didn't answer why this Q shit has been spammed for the last two weeks.

I know this feel, I don't want to live in this failed country anywmore

kek, prove you are whiter than me, tyrone hernandez
nope, mostly western european ancestry

Check your moms text messages. The contact listed as "Tyrone" Will explain all.

>ur mom lel

Fucking retard. Are you 12?

Because I walk like I have diamonds in my ass and I have a small dick.
>A jew telling people if they are white

I'm old enough to bang ur mom

Whiter than you, Shlomo

>nope, mostly western european ancestry

I just figured that you had Polish ancestors or some shit because I know a lot of Polish Jews emigrated to Israel after the war. You would pass as white here, by the way (Jewish memes aside).

How can you be a kissless virgin, just keep your mouth shut.

I look like la creatura and get roasties, all you need is a car and be funny.

am I white Sup Forums?

>Not paying for sex.

Am I white?

Hey, nice dick.

Wat happened to your thumb?

faggots can't be white

ur hot is what u r sexy. im a grill btw.

You have beta eyes and hair that's why you're a virgin

incredibly gay haircut

hit it with a hammer

You think hes gay because he sucks dick. Fuck outta here with all dat hate.

>the only aryan
Try again brother.

a bit snowy here, but I'm not hispanic

>shitty haircut
to the oven with you

ITT: Sup Forumstards post facebook pictures of people they don't like

omg s0 fin3 w0uld m3rry.


Get a fucking haircut.

Try to naturally boost your testosterone through diet and exercise.

Don’t act autistic.

Don’t act like the world owes you a girlfriend.

You will find a female.

>Waiting for dick pics to jerk off to.

you're soy

Why do you randomly capitalize words when you post and why is your grammar so bad? It's very autistic.

Get a Chad haircut

How's the transitioning going?

lol cunt you look more irish with that hair

>implying the Irish are not elder white

Will u SquIrt iN my mouT papI?

you watched the we wuz kang trailer and wanted to copycat the negro?

Holy shit look at that nose, if anything you're the one that don't look white

If you had stayed in Europe you'd just be surrounded by mudslimes anyways. You're better off in America where at least you can buy a gun

You are a faggot cuck. An hero.

>Aryan American
Why do Aryan Americans have to keep carrying out massacres, especially in schools.

shut up potato man

Because we've been pushed to do it.

because only them recognize the degeneracy therein for what it is

I doubt that's a real picture. I really hope that people ITT aren't dumb enough to post their stupid faces on Sup Forums.

I look like a lesbian with short hair
How can I be more alpha Pablo?

>the chad northern european eye
we are truly blessed

With eyefolds that imply fetal alcohol syndrome

You are clearly white, the only reason they are saying no is because of your flag. Of course, white =/= european. But clearly you belong to the white race. If you said you were a greek or something, or a spaniard, everyone would've agreed you are white.

>Because we've been pushed to do it.
You really think that Dylannnn was one of society's great victims and virtuous warriors?

no, you double nigger, you're thinking of epicanthal folds. the thing asians have.

Ice white blue>cornflower blue

Want me to eat a cheese burger off your dick? Will you love finally?

pete? from pete and pete

Yes, our home has been ruined by jews.

you know this answer .......

>Yes, our home has been ruined by jews.
So let's shoot up black people and poor shit on Muslims because of dah Jooz who are totally responsible for my failures in life.

You look like a slav. Get on my level.

Let's see your face in profile, Aviv.

Lemme see dat dick pic first

rauchen ist schlecht fur dich

70% white, 30% faggot

whiter than the juden


Am i white /pol?

You're an idiot for doxing yourself. Also you're an idiot for feeling sorry for yourself.

We're not much different from other redpilled whites except that it's way more important for us to pass our pedigree on to our children. You're 21. You've got plenty of time to find a suitable blonde wife.

Your haircut might make you look like a teenager, and that might hurt you.