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Sup Forums BTFO
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BTFO Sup Forums will never recover
The left can’t meme
domestic violence convictions can't pass an nics check
Even a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction will cause you to fail a background check though.
Legally obtaining an "assault" weapon is already impossible for anyone whose record is not clean enough to eat off of.
>refugees are white children with teddy bears
top zozzle
>the left can't unironically act like bigger faggots than the right even though many of them are literally gayfags
Trump voting republicans have now killed more Americans in terrorist attacks than foreign terrorists.
I don't understand the meme. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, or a refugee.
>statistics beginning Sept. 12, 2001
Did I make it better?
>trying this hard
Yeah. Why just have domestic criminals when you can be the thrashcan of mankind and welcome garbage from the whole planet ? Kys. Like unironically. Now.
The right can't compromise.
>child with teddy bear
yeah, no.
Some of them are white
So is extreme vetting good or bad? The artist seems conflicted
Hide all btfo threads sage all btfo threads. Literally the nigger of threads.
Could you turn the brown one into a “16 year old” man who’s actually 38 and the other one into a guy with no criminal record?
There is nothing compromise over. Also, they're not "refugees", they're criminal scum.
The left can't think. Also, tolerance and apathy are the symptoms of a dying civilisation. Kys faggot.
It's already illegal for someone with a history of domestic abuse and/or mental health issues to own a gun.
Another talking point debunked.
Niggah do you know the amount of BULLSHIT you need to do to buy a gun from a gunstore? Especially in places like Cali and NJ?
That's a deliberate misrepresentation of the average "refugee" and gun owner.
>Don't defend yourself just let yourself be invaded
Ignoring the fact that if you're on crazy pills or a wife beater you'll fail a background check, at least you know a little bit about the guy buying the gun (name/age/address/priors/etc.), with the refugees you don't know a damn thing. They could be anyone. How many of them aren't from war zones and just want a free ride? Of course you'd like to vet them a little bit.
Someone switch the text and make the man darker
>literally thinks this shitty political cartoon represents reality
A guy with a criminal record can’t just go buy a gun and pic related is representative of the “refugees” you guys care so much about but never volunteer to give your home for. Why the fuck would I compromise with someone as retarded and/or willfully ignorant as yourself?
Weird how with our current laws, he still managed to buy a gun in a gun store. It's almost as if they aren't working or something.
>man buys an assault rifle DESPITE the fact that gun control prevents anyone with a history of mental illness, and a criminal background
Gun Control fags btfo
this is why we teach our kids to bully rednecks
if a domestic abuse charge comes up on your background check you get refused
>"if there's no guns nobody can shoot anybody"
Wow, we've got a mensa candidate on CNN tonight!
(((you))) obviously know fuckall about 4473 and NCIC
what about muh loopholes
(((you))) have absolutely no idea where he sourced the firearm, so unless you have a citation you are just a shill cunt.
You don't compromise with evil
Reevaluate your life, haplophobe.
then they're a criminal
That's not an assault rifle.
That guy who shot up the Texas Church a few months ago bought a gun even with domestic abuse charges.
Also, don't forget, it's not counted as domestic abuse if you do it to family members other than kids (like elder abuse, a-okay for gun buying) and it doesn't count if you abuse a girlfriend or live-in partner.
And of course, people with undiagnosed mental issues can have all the guns they want, as long as they DON'T go to a doctor. Isn't it a great system?
>i hate spiders so i wanna fuck spiders
>"Assault rifle"
wops meant 4op is fag
Nice to see France isn't completely fucked.
>washington post
Really I don't need to go any farther, but I will.
>assault rifle
Those pretty much never come up in any violent crimes. FBI is constantly watching you if you've paid the thousands of dollars required to buy one.
>domestic abuse
Means you won't pass the 4473 background check
>mental health issues
That's on the background check, too, but needs a shit-ton of work.
>refugees are chilluns
oh, fucking kill yourself.
Didn’t that happen because of a clerical error or something? Yea, a government bureaucrat doesn’t do his job properly, a real shock.
> 1 post by this ID
What are they hiding this time?
Keep an eye on your ISPs.
Pick one
>Hey mum I found one.
Pretty sure the Air Force doesn't bother with NICS.
We're about to see a bunch from South Africa, I think.
What compromise. You want guns banned or impossible to obtain. It is the left who can't compromise. Sage
If you have any criminal records involving assault or some kind of violence. You won't be able to buy an assault rifle, hand gun, any gun they check you for.
Stupid niggers...
>history of mental health issues and domestic violence
Nice try retard
And if you really wanted a gun.
Tyrone can hook you up. In most stores, you don't need a BG check to buy ammo. Do guns are easy to come by.
And even if Shaquees dosnt have a glock for you, what's stopping you from buying a smuggled gun from Mexico.
You can make your own if you had the craftsmanship. I've all ready made 4 single shots, and a double barrel .22 derrenger looking pistol.
BTFO of anti gun niggers easily.
>being this stupid
is this why you us tinfoil for your weed instead of bags like the rest of the world?
you don't belong in this country lefty faggot.
why not both
He was investigated and people were warned about him.
It's the FBIs fault he bought a gun. If he would have been diagnosed with crazy when he was investigated. Yesterday wouldn't have happend. And if it did, there probably wouldn't be any deaths.
NOTICE that shills will cease engaging in threads where NIGGER CRIME STATISTICS are posted. I suspect that the office workers and interns being paid to shill are not allowed to engage with posters posting 9/11 redpills or racial crime statistics out of fear of ideological conversion.
WHITE America- even when the calculation includes SPICS, is SAFER than EUROPE as a while! I'm 100% serious- the population of whites in America, even when counted with mestizos and castizos, is more peaceful than the entire continent of Europe!
Today and yesterday I have killed no less than SIX GORILLION threads by simply posting these images. Annudah Shoah. Crazy, right?
Where the dark skin and towel
Is there a bomb, butcher knife, or assault truck in the teddy bear?
>refugees are children
>as a 56%
Neck yourself
One that encourages people to not seek treatment for mental illness because a constitutional right will be robbed from them and, if they're poor and have to live near subhumans, their ability to defend themselves will be taken away from them? Totally.