/IBS/ general

/IBS/ general
Penalty tax Tesco/Walmart and all other companies that are causing such pain and suffering? It's not only 'don't buy their cheap stuff you moron', how the fuck would I know that fish n chips is using tesco potatoes? Or fish? Or both? McDonalds should cover the NHS costs of diarrhea and vomit suffered by all, just like tesco/walmart you name it

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You could call it abuse, I guess, our rights to shit right are definitely abused

I would not use that word, but hey, at least it's something

Or you can eat high fiber & low carb and fix it, you whale.

There is no direct evidence that diet causes IBS. For all we know, it's water treatment, lack of epidemic disease, metal poisoning. FFS, the leading theory is that it's caused by a low fiber diet based on mere correlation of fiber content in traditional diets and low IBS rates. There are other correlating factors mentioned above. Not to mention IBS has increasingly become the diagnosis of first resort by overloaded doctors with minimal GI training/education even though it's formally a diagnosis of exclusion.

The sad thing is that IBS, as a chronic condition that is not life threatening, is a disease that doctors intentionally sweep under the rug. No one thinks they'll be hailed as a savior if they cure IBS. No one thinks they'll be a hero if they discover what causes IBS. No one thinks they'll get rich if they find an actual medical treatment. Just as an eye opener, the idea that there might be a scientific basis for dietary guidelines for IBS patients dates back to 2005. That's 13 years ago. Research is still only being conducted by a single lab in Australia. Before that, the recommendation was "bland diet", with no specific instructions except to avoid added spices (many of which have proven to be harmless).

Oh sure, ate a ton of popcorn, super high fiber, still shit, fiber is a myth

Doesn't work for a majority of patients. Some patients improve on low fiber diets. FODMAP diet only appears to work because it eliminates every single carbohydrate that is difficult to digest in any way and still only reduces symptoms.

>high fiber & low carb
Sounds like you've got a lot of experience. Where does one find fiber in protein and fats? PROTIP: You don't. Fibers are just indigestible carbohydrates. Plus, many people with IBS/GI diseases have symptoms get much worse on high fat diets. Lrn2notbebrainlet.

>Where does one find fiber in protein and fats?
Nuts, avocados, broccoli...

Again with fiber mything, I don't buy it, or to put it differently, even when I bought it and forced myself into ton of popcorn it did nothing, maybe like with cancers, 5% of x cancer is because of fiber, so giving fiber to everyone is like giving xrays of chest to melanoma patient