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I-... I can't.

Weather there are infinite genders or not doesn't matter because there are more important things to discuss. I think it's time to start talking about giving up some of our civil liberties in the name of protecting the children. Why do people need to have access to assault weapons? Why aren't people detained for mental evaluations if they're posting hate speech on social media? We live in a country that is no longer safe. Safety should be a right of everybody regardless of your race, religion, or the gender of your spouse. People shouldn't have to live in fear of another taking shots at them literally or verbally. Seriously, we need to have discussions on limits to the first and second amendment.

Fish, rodents, insects in that picture. Bad bait is bad

Holy shit we are reaching peak fucking retard

Wow. Dumbest shit ever.
>Uhhhhh-huuurrrrr. Different sexes is the same as different fucking SPECIES. Urrrrrrr-hurrrrrr.

I hope you're getting paid to post this in every thread, otherwise you're just an immense faggot.

He's correct, it would be silly to sort all animals into being either dogs or cats.

What other genders are there? Are you mislabeling your sexual fetishes as genders?

How does this soyboy justify there being male and female cats and dogs though?

This is the stupidest thing

Let me respond to you with my own copy-pasta.

$13.5 billion
Annual revenue of gun and ammunition manufacturing industry, with a ((($1.5 billion PROFIT.))) (IBIS World)

$3.1 billion
Annual revenue of gun and ammunition stores, with a ((($478.4 million PROFIT.))) (IBIS World)

Only U.S. Pharmaceutical annual sales: $450+ Billion

There are many statistics out there, all roughly grouping into the same ranges. So putting aside quibbling over the finer amounts, the questions I have are:
Which industry sells and profits the most? Guns? Pharmaceuticals?
Which industry has the most to lose?
Which industry has the most to gain?
What would happen to $450+ Billion in sales if people began to realize the often harmful side effects of prescription drugs?
Do you think Big Pharma would push a narrative that diverts attention away from harmful side effects of prescription drug use?
Surely not, right?

A few more: If you disarm a nation's citizens, how do they protect themselves? Could there be any connection to a disarmed citizenry and a medicated citizenry?

Better not worry too much; luckily I hear there is a pill for that.

I like how this should be the easiest thing in the world to discredit, but after 20 or so posts, Sup Forums's average intelligence is so low that they genuinely can't think of a good rebuttal to something this stupid.

I swear half of you are middle school or high school dropouts.

if it has benis its cats and if its female you're a dog?

Pharmaceutical companies help people and save lives. All hate speech and guns do is make people feel inferior, or create death.

Omg, it is so easy to discredit your statement.

From the DCD directly: Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids were five times higher in 2016 than 1999,1 and sales of these prescription drugs have quadrupled.3 From 1999 to 2016, more than 200,000 people have died in the U.S. from overdoses related to prescription opioids.

Check it. That is JUST PRESCRIPTION OPOIDS. Do a little research and find out what other kinds of prescription drugs are out there. The list of categories is quite long....and lethal.

I want you to go outside, find a fire hydrant and shove it so far up your ass you become a sprinkler. Maybe you'll actually make some sense then you regressive leftist fuck.

I biologist would laugh his ass off at this metaphor

*CDC.... not DCD

All human beings have either masculine or feminine features. There are no uniquely transgender, queer, agender, genderfluid, etc. features.

There are a bunch of chromosome configurations that aren't the standard XX or XY.

From Wikipedia:
Chromosomes (46,XX; 46,XY; 47,XXY ("Klinefelter's syndrome"); 45,X0 ("Turner syndrome"); 47,XYY; 47,XXX ("Triple X syndrome"); XXXX syndrome; XXXXX syndrome, 48,XXYY syndrome, 46,XX/XY mosaic, other mosaic, and others)

Guys, you grew up thinking a coin could only land on heads or tails, but there are other ways to make choices! It would be silly to make every choice between heads and tails!

I'm one. It makes me angry. Don't find it funny.

fake news


Im not going to wast brain cells trying to turn a lefty regressive right. Actions speak louder than words. Just wait they'll have to learn from real life how stupid they are.

Those are chromosomal abnormalities.

Klinefelter's causes sterility and shrunken testies
Turner is usually diagnosed because they never start menses and their hearts are fucked up
Triple X causes retardation
Quad X causes profound retardation
Mosaics get cancer super quickly and are sterile.

Great dude.

Unfunny copypasta. Doesn't have any place here. Keep it to the gun threads faggot.

>genetic freaks justify our mental delusions

>There is no part of the human anatomy body that you could observe and determine wether something is X or Y
>There are no genetical studies to prove this either, in case an abnormal condition could cause confusion
I want to bash whatever is left of these people's brains into the pavement


>t. college faggot that also didn't post a rebuttal

Yeah, those are fucking "syndromes" aka abnormalities. Just because someone can be born with fucked up characteristics doesn't mean we change society for 0.001% of the population.

People with Klinefelter's can live a basically normal life and not even realize they are affected, but yes, many of the other conditions have serious negatives.

But my point is there are actual biological variations besides male and female. (ignoring people who feel that they were born the wrong gender)

To properly understand I need you to do the same but with a food analogy now


You're yelling at me and calling me a troll, but you haven't even put up an argument as to why any of the things I mentioned are wrong.

Those defects are only tangentially related to "gender non-conforming" silliness.

"basically normal" except for the shrunken testies and androgen deficiencies and sterility....

They're not biological variations, that requires viability. They're fuck ups. Cystic fibrosis isn't a variation, it's a genetic abnormality caused by a deletion of an amino acid. Same thing.

Brown eyes is a variation. It's a phenotype that doesn't impact reproduction. Testicular agensis is not a variation, it's a failure of normal embryogenesis, causing a defunct line that will self-terminate with that individual.

Oh the mystery of the eunuch

>lists a bunch of ABNORMALITIES and SYNDROMES to prove point

hahahahhaha.... oh man. rich.

There are two kind of people: normal and mentally ill.

They're not really different genders though are they? Plus most of those die before, during, or extremely shortly after childbirth.

Male = makes smaller gametes
Female = makes larger gametes
There are only two sexes.

This user is right.

His question is based on the assumption that there are more than two genders and you have to label each transqueerasexualfreak "gender" either male or female.

Literally a loaded question.


there are many ways for you legs bones to fit together, they don't necessarily need to be in that order, or unbroken, there are actual biological variations between leg bone configurations
nobody is saying there aren't genetic abnormalities, they're saying that because they are DEVIANT FAILURES IN RECOMBINATION, we aren't going to act like it's this brand new subgenre of humanity
do you understand how stupid it is to, when somebody says, "X is the undeniable biological norm & correct formation", to parrot your stupid half dozen genetic abnormalities & act like you've got a point to make?

It's fucking obvious to anyone why this post is stupid. What's the point in writing a rebuttal that everyone has already piece together?

Something about apples and oranges

Except those different species of animals actually do exist unlike "genders" so it wouldn't make sense to classify them as either A or B. What the fuck is this bullshit OP?

... well that's retarded.
We know there is Male and Female, it's biological.
The rest of the newly released genders are mental.
To make his image correct, the "rest of the animals" would be classified as different figments of imagination that may or may not be related to cat or dog.

assume there was just all the animals that exist on earth and NOT flying unicorns.

you do the math.

>Hey lets talk about gender binary
>By using my own arbitrary disingenuous system in a manner that is talking down to you

Really? So how do the genders work for dogs and cats? Can a catsexual reproduce with a dogsexual?

Someone do a version but with races

i dont know what rock the author lived under but i grew up with knowledge of many different animals and if something has a dick its a male and if it has a vagina then its a female

Race is a bullshit concept not backed by any hard science. It's a blurry line created by arbitrary associations of clusters of features. Without a viable metric to classify by (species for example requires fertile offspring as a defining feature), it's a worthless attribute that only the insecure care about.

Some fool will now inevitably post the HLA subtype spread, but that has a bunch of flaws to its methodology.



Yeah? I like how you just popped into the thread to assert your superior intellect over both the artist and everybody poking fun at him, you unloveable tumor.
There's no value in rebutting something so stupid. What, you imagine that a progressive is going to see some random fucking post on Sup Forums picking apart an analogy and start rethinking their entire belief system?

I have a writing prompt for you.
The sky is actually an elaborate painting, meant to hide the existence of the alien race who rotates it from us. Prove me wrong.

Tell that to niggers with sicklecell

Sex chromosomes abnormalities aren't usuaully that lethal, but yeah, they cause many health issues and in most cases sterility. Furthermore, phenotype is still distinctly male/female which is dependant on chromosome Y.
They are other conditions affecting sexual traits development (androgen insensitivity syndrome is pretty interesting, patients affected are female looking, but with dead-end vagina, no uterus, and testis in place of ovaries), but its besides the point. There are two genders, which can in some cases be mixed together, but it doesn't make it some distinct new quality, it is just an unfortunate error in the development process.

>he can't understand genetics
Sickle cell occurs spontaneously in whites as well, retard. It's a single amino acid substitution. It got selected for in some isolated African communities due to malaria resistance association, that doesn't make it a black trait. It's like pretending CF is a defining factor for whites or SLE is defining for Blacks. Frequency of allelic distribution /=/ race, fool.

>False equivalency
Getting mighty tired of these faggots.

My argument is the term gender is being abused.

Gender means male or female, and that's determined by chromosomes.

I know lately feminists have redefined gender as behavior, but that's not the real original meaning.

Feminists are correct in their own right. But that doesn't count for much. They could have said that people are different and we'd all have to just agree.

Feminists could have just said some men like to pretend they are women and it would be true.

>Suppose we grew up "knowing" there were only two human gametes:
>...we'd have to sort completely different gametes into two camps!
>gonorrhea [SPERM]
>syphillis [SPERM]
>herpes virus [EGG]
>genital warts [EGG]
>crabs [EGG]

Two genders. Many mental illnesses.

>disease affects one race more then another
>race does not exist
Last time I checked malaria wasn't a problem in america but sickle for blacks is real

Growing up I knew there were various animals because I wasn't a sheltered little retard. I got picture of me feeding deer by hand with my grandma and riding on the back of one of our cows.

Through education I learned that the differences in these animals came from differences in their genetic code and that in order to be a cow an animal must have the genetic coding of cows. I also seem to remember something about there being an x and a y determining male from female come to think of it, but it's probably just out dated and disproven information right?

>I'm one. It makes me angry. Don't find it funny.
you study why thing have bepinpises

Gender /=/ chromosomes, but gender is certainly directly influenced by chromosomes. I'm not going to spell it out because it's a lot, but look up androgen impact on the brain.

My personal belief is there is an enzymatic hyper/hypo activity in individuals causing incorrect expression of hormonal balance during gestation, causing a desynchronization between gonads and brain sexual identity.

Sickle isn't a serious issue, retard. Many live their whole life not knowing they're heterozygotic for sickle.

Effect on one group more than another doesn't equate to race. It's clear you don't know shit about genomics, but there are more factors than simply "lelelel this trait is for this race!!!!"

Binomial nomenclature is a common way of dividing up living things by separating them into two groups based on the presence or absence of a trait, and then doing so with smaller and smaller sub-groups. For male/female, it would be the presence or absence of the Y chromosome. Even if you accept the idea of more than 2 genders, if you are going to sort them how you would sort species, then the top level division is still male/female, no matter how many sub-divisions you go.

What the fuck is this dumb tranny talking about? No retard grows up thinking that there are only two animals -- not even literal goddamned mental retards.

But that happens in like 0.000001% cases.

Should we also make a new gender for that twoheaded twin that got fused together? Multikin? You'd think she'd like tha

Are you the same nigger posting the black supremacy threads?

You're not very good at this.

Still, there are geographically isolated for a long time populations of people with very distinctive phenotypes; you can randomly select a person with subsaharan african ancestry and other with east asian and northeuropean and it would be easy to tell them apart. Why isn't "race" term applicable for this phenomenon? I' am genuinely curious.

do you not understand the concept of taxonomy?

Very minor differences between populations of the same species are called subspecies. They can all interbreed just fine.


Because while you notice trends, yes, there is no clear cut definition for a "race." The cutoffs are arbitrarily assigned by people in positions to enforce said cutoffs. A great example would be what defines "white." While today this equates to European, a mere 50 years ago section of Europe were not grouped into this zone.

Now the isolation aspect is also important. Let's pretend we managed to isolate a chunk of blacks away from the rest of humanity and fast-forward 20,000 years or something. Can they still mate with humans and produce viable offspring? If no, they no longer are the same species. There is a direct line, a cutoff, for this classification. How many "interbreedings" would be required for someone to no longer be X race? There's no value. No cutoff. People created arbitrary ones "one drop" or "50/50" etc, but there's no scientific value for these cutoffs. It's not a science. Make sense?

Provide for me a cutoff and we can speak. Do you not understand the concept of metrics?

>ignoring people who feel that they were born the wrong gender
It's like music to my ears.

>Gender is same thing as species
Why bother when he just disproved himself? Sage

>claims race isn't real
>goes on to discuss how different races are affected genetically differently

Are breeds of dogs real?


Fuck I cant fault this

I guess I am a HILL-DAWG NOW!

XY or XX

Few genetic fuckups constituting

more like ashleighthehippo

So what's the problem then? By your own admission, the genders should be called
>Klinefelter's syndrome
>Turner Syndome
Personally, I wouldn't be so rude as to insist that someone with say, Klinefelter's is no longer able to call themselves male or female, but if you insist.

Ah the good ol' dog breed argument. Sure, they're real. But there's no distinct cutoff for those breeds either. How much "Husky" can my dog lose before they're not a Husky anymore? Hence why dog breeders created pedigrees. They now can show "hey, I can show this dog has these phenotypic traits because of these dogs in this dog's lineage. But the cutoff isn't a value. It's an arbitrary one. Made to assert a specific subsect of dog and why it has those traits. Can you assert these with humans? Of course! But is it based on a science? Nope. It's arbitrary. It's an artificial selection process with a classification system not based on genomics.

>Grew up knowing there were only two animals
Leftish censorship does that to your kids?

that face when you Sexualy identify as a fish

>cats category gets far cooler animals

It kind of does, and I know how convoluted and arbitrary taxonomy is in general, but I think thats too important of an issue to just shrug at it. There is a variety among human beings, it has clear biological basis, and is relevant to the society. It must be a way to integrate it into proper scientific framework.

What's more relevant is morals and values. These can be formed and molded. Shaped by generations of tradition, and removed by integration. I'm gonna try use what little knowledge I have of Poland to say this: if a black man spoke your language, followed your faith, ate your food, and called your town his home, why is he not your countryman?

Rare genetic abnormalities should not be treated as if they're a norm.

People separate subspecies all the time based on tiny repeated genes in a population. Polar bears, grizzly bears, etc.

Hey guys, why not just pretend that neanderthals and cro-magnons were the same and disregard measurable differences between them!

because he has a lesser gene pool and will actually lower the quality of genes


>>>>>food analogy

Provide for me the cutoff, child. Then we can speak. Until then, enjoy bio 101. Don't forget what a ribosome is!

But we do divide animals into two, very distinct groups with no gray area. Vertebrates and Invertebrates

so are you telling me that there were about as many deaths between 1999 and 2016 due to opoid OD than there were firearm related murders? (best figure i could find was 1999-2105 - 198,760 -)

this one is actually true, jews are aliens