If stricter gun laws isn't the solution to end mass shootings, then what is?

If stricter gun laws isn't the solution to end mass shootings, then what is?

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metal detectors everywhere

teachers CCW

>teachers are the ones who start doing the mass shootings


A change in the way entertainment media portrays guns and violence as being a means to an end might help.

This digital war has nothing to do with it right. Foxes going down rabbit holes app is making people paranoid.

we put police in schools or we require schools to hold arms.

You don't need no education

How do you fight technology? Im guessing with technology.

Read all five essays: peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/canaries-in-a-coal-mine/

who says they're a problem?

Ban public schools
(Communist race mixing indoctrination centers)

I know my way round a book

I can see teachers doing this.

Stop glorifying killers. But the (((media))) won't do that because they make profit and push their disarmament agenda. We could also bring to light in normies eyes the anti psychotic meds that are almost always involved.

Nigga, mufuckers be shootin' at you you bess shoot back.

The genie was out of the bottle as soon as fire arms were invented. Anyone with basic tool skills and a rudimentary understanding of chemistry can make a firearm, being able to buy one is just convenient. Crazy peoppe do criminal things and it's impossible to legislate against that. What gun laws do is make people more MENTALLY dependant on the state. It instills the idea that only the militant arm of your Government can offer you protection from evil people despite this being a patently rediculous idea unless they provide everyone with their own police officer that follows them 24/7.

Shooting anything that isn't white except for japs

Women cannot in2guns and there would be a huge clscreamfest if only make teachers and admins got to have guns

Turn the fucking schools into jails
Teach the prisoners
They have nothing but time
And a jail cell

The family structure is crumbling, real support for mental patients is crumbling (drugging them is not real support, it's kicking the can down the road at best), violence and specifically gun violence is glorified in (((Hollywood))), the sanctity of life is being abandoned by more and more people, there is a message in the mainstream liberal view that merely owning a firearm is taboo.

Let's deal with these and other underlying actual issues as opposed to blaming an inanimate object that we have a right to, yeah?

Give out psychological evaluations for people who seem like they could fucking kill everyone. If they score to high they will be removed from public school.

Abolish this zero tolerance, anti-bullying bullshit. Allow children to fight each other with no repercussions.

Reopen the asylums and stop producing so many single mothers.

Shoot back, obviously.

>gun free zone laws stop teachers from shooting people, but not students

We legitimately need to start looking for an answer to the liberal question.

That Pepe looks forced as Shit ya fuckin leaf